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How to optimize my website for good SEO?

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The way in which we interact has changed, now the solution of possible questions and research is done digitally, that is why your company must appear in the first positions of search engines. How is it achieved? With an SEO strategy for your website.

Having a website is as important today as when 15 years ago it was so necessary to have a business card for your potential clients, everything is a matter of adapting to changes and taking advantage of it.

The job is not only to have a web page, what is really interesting is to achieve a web positioning in Google in a natural and organic way, all with the aim that our services and products are present where the audience is looking.

What does SEO do to my website?

Although it seems like a complicated technique, SEO can be very simple when done in a relevant way; analysis and creation of a strategy to measure again is something that is needed for your web page to appear at least on the first page of Google.

And it is that without a positioning work that is part of the links of a digital marketing strategy, it is simply to declare that your company does not exist. It is there when we ask you in what position do you want to place your company?

How to carry out an SEO strategy on my website?

What is from César to César, it would be advisable that you leave this work to a professional strategist in web positioning.

In general, SEO strategists to optimize your web page should focus on two types of actions, the first of which are Off Pages, those that are not carried out directly on the web portal but are related to them and the On Page that are totally directed to the aspects of improvement for your page or website.

You must also take concrete actions to achieve position within the first places of search engines:

Choose your keywords correctly

To do this in a relevant way, you must be very clear to whom you want to address and based on this choose the keywords.

Keep in mind that the search volume, for this you can use SEO tools, this tool will give you a very clear vision, something like a compass.

Know your competition

This action will be so that you can know what your competitors are doing, it is not necessary to copy or equal their strategies, simply know where they move to evaluate what strategy you will carry out.

Optimize the page

When we refer to optimization it means that you must follow a strategy in an optimal way if you cover the following elements you will cover in a basic way the basic optimization of the website.

  • Optimize the Title and Title SEO, include the keywords and do not exceed the characters. Choose a permalink or URL that does not repeat itself or include numbers such as mistio.com/1 Check the density of the keywords of all the content, including the aesthetic content that is present in all the pages Use only categories, avoid Tags Yes you will use images or videos optimize them in terms of weight and include a keyword. Avoid names like: IMG14, foto1, mypic Write a meta description that includes the keywords Constantly publish on your blog, the idea is that the writing is optimized for the internet and that it contains the keywords Measure and analyze again, if something cannot be measured there is no point in doing it

These are just a few points that you can focus on, but they easily highlight the importance of developing good SEO on your website.

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How to optimize my website for good SEO?