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How to be more efficient in one week


Sometimes a single sentence is used to turn things around or to prove something that you had previously rejected. That has happened to me reading one of the chapters of a book that I highly recommend (I think it is only in English): “Time Warrior” by Steve Chandler.

Like many people I am one of the so-called "multitasking", I always do several things at once. First, because I get bored if I am only involved in one project, but also because I have always thought that I am very efficient and make good use of the time when I do several things at once (they are two different things, in any case, getting involved in several projects and doing several things at the same time). In fact, I am efficient and fast doing several things at the same time, for example, I take advantage of the time a web loads to open a file; the time when I update networks to listen to teleclasses, etc. I am always doing several things at the same time, until now without stress and with good results because I am very clear about my limits.

Of course, although I consider myself an efficient and productive person, I am always reading about new techniques or ways of thinking to continue learning and improving and to help my clients more. In this case it is a simple technique but it has meant a substantial change in my productivity and I recommend that you read the entire chapter of the book where it is very well reasoned.

The technique consists "simply" (because it is easy to do little) of focusing 100% on one thing at a time, however small it may be. This is applicable on a personal and professional level. In other words, if you are watching a video, you only see the video. If you are writing a message, you only write the message; If you drink water, you drink water and until you finish you do not go on to anything else. Just the opposite of drinking water with one hand while typing the message with the other and looking askance at parts of the video…

The point is that reading this chapter a great tranquility came over me when I thought about focusing on just that, on one thing at a time. Just reading it disappeared that feeling of internal rush that many of us have and that prevents us from focusing on what we are doing without thinking or doing other things at the same time. Does it ring a bell? Inner rush feeling that contributes a lot to your stress if you don't have it under control, everything has to be said (and even if you think you have it under control).

This is nothing new and I am sure you have read it before, like myself, but at that time perhaps because of the way the book is written or because it was the right time, although at first it seemed half impossible and a waste of time (Why should I wait to "drink water" if I can do three things at once and overtake), I decided to give it a try. And the result has surprised me a lot. I finished in one day what would have taken several, I'm just saying that.

I simply forced myself to do what I was doing and nothing else and, when finished, move on to the next, whatever it was (the priorities were already established). Of course, I had to control myself not to do other things at the same time, but it was very worth it. For example, when I decide to answer emails, I go one by one and do what I have to do (schedule a session, answer it, delete it, whatever), and until I'm done with one I don't go to the next or the next task. That something comes to mind that I could post on Twitter, instead of doing it immediately and leaving the other half, I hope.

And look how hard it is to wait! But it is essential to re-accustom ourselves to calm and patience. That a whatsapp arrives in the process, I do not watch it until it has finished, although I think it will be only a moment. You don't really know, because you can lose focus, remember other things, and productivity is over. When you are fully concentrated you finish things earlier and, although like me, you think that you would actually finish them earlier if you do three at once, you are wrong, because doing several things at once you are not as concentrated as when you only do one and that you don't have to waste time concentrating when you are distracted.

Also, when you focus on something 100% you get ideas that you might have lost if you are thinking about other things (for example when you listen to lessons while writing…). I assure you that the result is impressive. Stay with this:

"An hour of uninterrupted time is worth more than three with interruptions"

So here is the technique that has helped me the most this week. My recommendation: don't underestimate it or ignore it, that's one of the biggest mistakes we make, that we don't try and we don't improve. I am not saying that it will work for you, but if I am already efficient and a “multitasking” cream has helped me, I think it is worth trying:)

Take the test for a day at least, even if it costs you (you will have to force yourself because you are used to doing a thousand things at once), it is worth it, you finish more things and completing tasks generates an immense feeling of well-being and accomplishment, you will be more relaxed, calm and more focused. Who gives more?

How to be more efficient in one week