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How to overcome irritability


In a world like today, changing and full of pressures and demands, it is common for many people to become sensitive and irritable. Everything bothers them and it is difficult for them to calm down and regain their joy. What to do to overcome it? Keep reading.

As much as we like the peaceful life, living in large and modern cities imposes on us a way of working in which the opportunities to achieve objectives are contrasted, and the few moments of personal tranquility.

The pursuit of higher goals and more prominent professional development spaces do not come without demanding a price. Thus, we have to deal with great pressures and daily demands; with challenges that sometimes overwhelm us and demand cunning, malice and a willingness to compete. All this generates stress responses and one of its most defining traits: irritability.

I define irritability as a psychological disposition to react automatically, quickly and excessively to a given stimulus or type of stimulus. This style of oversized, automatic and hasty response often gets us into many problems, as it leads us to “shoot first and find out later”, to respond at times and in inappropriate ways, in which resentment, frustration and anger are evident. Resentment involves retained discomfort that suddenly emerges; frustration refers to discomfort for not achieving what was expected, and anger translates here as an intense and defensive response to the idea that some injustice is being committed with us or that our private space is being invaded without our authorization.

Irritability has negative effects: It damages health, affects relationships and limits productivity. It affects health, since the person is susceptible to many stimuli that she perceives as "threatening". The reactive side of irritability prevents the sufferer from experiencing calm or relaxing, which in the medium and long term tends to promote frequent alterations of the nervous system, which can lead to anxiety disorders and depression.

As for relationships, it is not very attractive to share with people who are too susceptible and predisposed, who are easily upset, since they have high expectations that few can satisfy. This mental and emotional possession affects the ability to enjoy life and relationships, and extends to practically all ties.

The relationship between irritability and productivity does not seem obvious, but it exists and can be evidenced. While it is true that irritable people can be detail-oriented and perfectionists, it is also the fact that the permanent predisposition blocks their creativity, mental rigidity makes them lose sight of other angles, and the conflict that they generate in their path, reduces them the support of others. About its causes, irritability can be due to an innate biological tendency of temperament, or it can be learned by imitation, or as a conditioned response (acquired) by experiences of frustration that make the person act hyper-vigilant, sensitive and cautious, and they induce mistrust and negative ("it won't work"), defensive ("they won't do this to me") interpretations,generalizing (“the same thing always happens”), etc. Limiting thoughts, then, that impede or block well-being and success.

This behavioral style is very negative, although fortunately it can be overcome, as long as it is accepted that there is an irritable tendency, that produces limiting effects, and that one wishes to change positively.

The next steps include observing yourself, detecting reaction patterns, that is, what we are irritable at, and then determining the type of thinking to replace it. It is also required to accept that there are different points of view in each situation, so the world will not always behave as we wish. Therefore, it is smart and necessary to develop tolerance, acceptance, understanding. And the most important thing is to realize the harmful effects of irritability, and its ineffectiveness in generating well-being and achievement. It is not realistic to think that by getting upset, upset, irritated by anything, we are going to change the results and get what we want.

Finally, it must be said that although this change may meet resistance, with patience and perseverance we will achieve a more pleasant and prosperous life, because our behavior will be increasingly adapted and in line with the demands of the environment. Thanks for reading me. www.laexcelencia.com.

How to overcome irritability