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How to overcome your fears? identify them and live in spite of them

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How long have you been putting off something because you are afraid?

Maybe you don't like your job and you would like a position of greater responsibility or change your career path, or start your own business. You may want to change another type of situation not related to your work, but you don't dare, it's scary, right? So you make all kinds of excuses to postpone what you want or simply not to.

We all have excuses and fears that we sometimes allow to play an important role in our lives.

The acquaintances "Yes, but… I am very young, very old, I do not have enough experience, it is too late, how am I going to change my mind now, I am not going to throw overboard all the years of study…" You can find all the excuses you want. Excuses that make it easier for you not to have to abandon what is known, not to have to try something new, but which are an obstacle when it comes to achieving your goals and dreams.

If the work you do is not what you want, that means you spend at least eight hours a day doing something you don't like, in a place you don't like and feeling guilty because you would like to be doing something else and you don't do your best of yourself. And if we talk about other aspects of your life as well, you spend suffering most of the time. Don't you think that's enough?

If you really want to do something about it, it's time to stop complaining and get down to business. Of course it is easier said than done, but your challenge is knowing how to find the opportunity in these circumstances. In the end, excuses are nothing but fear, and the first step to take is to identify what really scares you. These are the most common fears:

  • Fear of change. Hardly anyone likes change and many people prefer to forget what they really want rather than face any kind of change. However, changes do not have to be for bad, on the contrary, they can bring you many good things (surely you remember a time when a change was for good). On the other hand, human beings adapt to practically everything and it is something to always keep in mind, that we adapt to new things and begin to consider them normal in a short time (and someone who has changed cities, countries tells you so), and career). Fear of the unknown.Sometimes it is difficult to face the unknown, with the result that you prefer to stay as you are, even if you are not happy. It is what you are used to, what you know, what you can handle and that is easier than daring to make the leap into the unknown. But think, is it going to take you somewhere to just stand there and do nothing? Fear of making mistakes. We all make mistakes, we are human beings. Mistakes teach us many things and contrary to what you think, the bad thing is not to make a mistake, but what you do to remedy it (if it is necessary to remedy it). So do not worry so much about making mistakes, that for almost everything there is a solution and that based on mistakes you learn; not to mention things that have been discovered by mistake (for example penicillin). Fear of success.Many people fear the supposed negative consequences of success, the sacrifices that in theory will bring you. You will become someone selfish, materialistic, snobby… You will not have time for your loved ones, much less for yourself. But you know what, you have much more control over your life than you want to admit. You can decide what your priorities are and put them first. Also, success and money will not make you a bad person if you never have been. I once heard that money makes you more than you already are. So if you are a good person and you like to help others, having more money will make you help even more. Fear of making the wrong decision.For many of you, making decisions is a punishment. You want to be sure that it is the right decision, the best one. You don't want to make a mistake that you regret your whole life, do you? You are wrong, you do not need the perfect decision, but a good enough one that fits your values ​​and needs. Furthermore, most decisions (especially those related to your professional career) are not for life; in most cases you can change your mind. And as I mentioned before, what really matters is what you do with the consequences of your decisions. Fear to fail. And what happens if you fail? You will learn the lesson and you will not make the same mistakes the next time. Even the most successful people have ever failed. This is life. So just keep in mind that failure is not bad, it is one more step towards success. Fear of not being up to par. You are scared of high responsibility, expectations, not being able to do as well as you should, not succeeding in everything you do. If you have been chosen for a position of responsibility it is because you deserve it, because you are worth it. Or do you think they would have offered it to you if you weren't able to?

Everyone has been afraid at one time or another in their life and it is normal. What is important is to clearly identify what your main fear is, so you can rationalize it and discover how you can feel better. For example, if you are afraid of failure having a plan b will make you feel more secure.

On the other hand, what is the worst that can happen? Consider these questions: "What if…?" And then what?… And what? For example, what's the worst that could happen if you weren't good enough for the job? They would fire me. And what if you were fired? I would feel terrible, but I suppose I would find another job. And that? I guess nothing would happen, I would survive.

In most cases, that dreaded ending would not be as bad as you expect and you would certainly survive. If you are clear about what you want to achieve and you have a strategy with realistic objectives, you will be able to, step by step, move forward despite fear. You don't even have to overcome fears, you don't have to overcome them; you just have to keep going despite them.

Don't let your excuses and fear make you settle for less than you want or, worse, something you don't even want. You have the right to enjoy your work and all areas of your life.

And what are you afraid of? .

How to overcome your fears? identify them and live in spite of them