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How to sell a unique product or service through the internet?


This article is dedicated to all those who want to sell a unique product or service using the Internet.

First I clarify that when we say a unique product or service we are referring to is the case in which you want to sell a specific product or service without relating it to other products and / or services that your company or institution can market. As an example of what can be unique products / services are: Specific events (eg a Congress), an Electronic Book (eBook), subscription to a magazine or any subscription service, an online or face-to-face course or workshop, an electronic product downloadable from the internet, software, etc.

The magic formula for selling your unique product / service over the Internet is made up of three fundamental ingredients:

• A Landing Web Page

• An Email Autoresponder System

• A search engine and social media positioning campaign

In internet marketing, a landing page is called a web page that a person reaches, after having clicked on the link of a banner or text ad located on another web page, portal or search engine on the internet. In most cases this website is an extension of the promotion advertisement, where the offer of the product or service that is being promoted is explained in more detail through a direct marketing technique called “Sales Letter”.

The landing page usually does not have a navigation menu since what is desired is that the visitor only concentrates on the offer that is being presented to him and is not confused with other services. This page only provides information relevant to the unique product / service to be sold. The primary function of the landing page is to achieve the immediate purchase or contracting or at least to obtain the data (E-mails and Names) of the prospective clients on a voluntary basis in order to generate a list of subscribers and immediately initiate communication with they.

A well-designed Landing Page allows you to receive the traffic of the advertising that you manage from any point in the network (email, social networks, search engine positioning).

If you want to sell a unique product / service on the Internet, you will need to attract attention, generate interest, desire and call your prospective clients to action (AIDA technique), which is why it is very important to correctly design all your texts sales to achieve something impressive.

The landing page must be designed using the "Sales Letters" model, basically it is a structured script with an order of ideas in which the most important thing is to highlight the attributes and characteristics of the promotion, focusing your ads or sales texts in a logical writing guideline in your marketing messages, in such a way that they move your prospects to take a buying action.

For the landing page structure to be effective it must contain: Excellent Headline, Clear call to action with the possibility of online payment, Guarantees and security, Price (after maximizing the benefits of the promotion), Testimonials, Application form for more information, among other aspects.

The second ingredient is an Email Autoresponder system. This is a tool that will help you promote your unique product / service fully automatically. Basically what it does is take the data of the people who requested more information through the contact form and it will automatically send them a sequence of emails issued every X days (eg every day or every other day), where it will provide the prospective customer added value information about the product / service in a way that increases their confidence and desire to acquire it. This type of information should include some gifts related to the service you want to sell (eg, the first chapter of a book, if the product is an ebook, a video with an extract from a previous conference, if what is you want to sell is the space for a Congress, etc.). This sequence of emails is limited,that is, emails should not be issued in an uncontrolled way (eg, send between five and seven emails maximum) and each of them should spin the message under marketing techniques to ensure increased interest and desire to buy or contract.

The third and no less important ingredient is to create a Search Engine and Social Media Positioning Campaign. What it is about is promoting your product through advertisements on social networks and through sponsored links in the main search engines, which are shown on the screen when the user is looking for words related to the unique product / service that you want. to sell. In turn, a well-managed campaign must be adjusted to focus on its target audience, segmented based on the selection criteria associated with the niche that your product / service is targeting.This campaign will generate well targeted visitor traffic to your landing page, where thanks to the techniques explained above they will go through the process of converting visitors to prospects and prospects to buyers.

Please note that this magic formula requires the support of online marketing experts to provide you with the necessary services so that everything is accomplished according to the proper techniques. In this way your investment will obtain the desired return through sales.

Having a Landing Page will allow you to save costs in the diffusion and marketing of your product / service since it is the means of communication with the greatest geographical reach and exposure time worldwide with a minimum cost compared to traditional means of communication.

It is very important that all of these ingredients work together. Creating a Landing Page that is not managed by the autoresponder system or that is not supported by an online marketing campaign will not produce the results you want, regardless of the investment you have made to create such a landing page.

Success for all…

How to sell a unique product or service through the internet?