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How to live from what you are passionate about

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Therapists, coaches and personal development professionals have a tendency to make a few mistakes when starting to become active in finding clients. These mistakes limit their successes and results to the point where it is almost impossible to live on what they are passionate about.

How can I live from what I am passionate about?

This is the question that many professionals in the world of therapies or coaches ask ourselves when the income is not good enough to allow us to live on our passion.

Today there is fierce competition in these areas, and unless you live in a town where you are the only therapist, what I advise you is to learn to have a more entrepreneurial mindset, and balance / integrate your professional knowledge of your sector with others. more technicians like marketing and business management.

There is a widely held belief among personal wellness professionals that selling is wrong, and especially if you offer help to people.

Perhaps this is a belief that comes from the Judeo-Christian world, where it seems that therapists and coaches do nothing more than listen to their clients, as in fact priests or nuns do, and the latter without charge!

So if you are a coach, therapist or professional in the world of personal development, and feel oppressed by the lack of income, it is necessary, before blaming the crisis, ask yourself: what are the beliefs that in this Now are they limiting your success as a professional?

There are mistakes that therapists, coaches, and personal growth professionals often make.

If you belong to this world, I invite you to identify what error you are making, so you can review it and correct it.

To make your job easier, I list some of the most frequent ones:

  • Thinking that you are not good enough to start Inventing excuses when clients do not arrive Believing that marketing actions are not needed to make themselves known (the “magic” of brochures and the Law of Attraction) Wanting to offer therapy / coaching to everyone world not having an action plan

Do you recognize yourself in some of them?

We are going to see them briefly so that it becomes clearer what happens with each of them, and I will start with the following:

1. Thinking you're not good enough to start

Many Coaches and Therapists don't feel good enough yet, or ready enough to start having sessions and having clients.

What do they do then? They continue to train to get more degrees, without ever feeling really ready to start, so they continue to postpone their “release to the market”.

Another very common mistake is,

2. Make excuses when customers don't show up

It is perhaps "the greatest of all," to find an excuse for the "Why?" clients do not reach you "clients do not arrive because…"

… because there is a crisis, because people do not have money, because I am too young, or too old, because I am not good enough, I am not sufficiently prepared, because the time is not right…

Every time you find a reason, you are taking away your power leaving it in the hands of "destiny", chance and bad luck…

Ask yourself, what if the theme was that you are not investing enough (in time, money, enthusiasm) for your project to succeed?

What belief is hindering your success?

And this error connects with the next one,

3. Believe that you don't need marketing actions to make yourself known (the "magic" of brochures and the Law of Attraction).

The biggest mistake of the professional coach or therapist in personal development is thinking that advertising is going to do the job for them. And what do they do? For example they print triptychs, advertising brochures or business cards, and then wait.

That's fine, however keep in mind that there are hundreds of people doing things similar to what you propose. What makes you special and different is your personality, your history, your way of being and relating, so apart from printing the informative material that you choose, try first to put your essence in what you print and in the way through of which you present it to the world.

This will make you different from the rest and also dealing with people will make you unique and special. What do you like best about yourself? Well, use it!

In this type of job, the most important thing is trust. Why should people trust you?

4. Want to offer therapy / coaching to everyone

My marketing teachers, including Bettina Langerfeltd (international expert in online business) told me that the most important thing, first of all, is to determine the market segment or niche in which you want to start. It is the specialization that will make you different and successful @. Specialization will make you a reference, a Leader that people want to follow because they know a lot about themselves.

Think about it for a moment: If you have a problem with a pipe in your house, are you going to call a plumber or an electrician?

5. Not having an action plan

It means moving without being clear about what you want to achieve, without an inspiring vision, or a medium and short-term objective that guides the way, and especially without knowing how to act.

In other words, guaranteed failure!

Tip: Have an inspiring vision, build a goal, plan strategic actions, and stick with it, stick with it.

You will arrive!

Finally, it is advisable to become a little more entrepreneurial and strike a balance between who you are, the services you offer, and your marketing skills that allow you to reach your customers.

Think that without marketing actions, all your knowledge and training would be wasted, because nobody would know that your services exist. No one would know that you exist, and everything you can offer will not be given and will be spoiled. What a pity!

Do you identify with some of these errors?

How to live from what you are passionate about