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Quality of life. what a degree cannot achieve for you

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It doesn't matter if you graduated with honors, if you finished your degree or not.

The sad reality is that if you are not living the life you dreamed, all the titles you accumulate will be useless.

That is the pure and sad reality.

I am not saying that studying is useless, on the contrary, they are very helpful, but if you do not trust yourself, your abilities, your full potential to make your dreams come true, it will be useless to accumulate knowledge.

In fact, I know very valuable women, who have studied one or two careers and even master's degrees, however they are trapped in jobs that they like, feeling unappreciated, living a life that is not how they wanted, with income that does not pay so much effort and sacrifice.

And of course that frustrates.

Because after all you study to have a better quality of life and realize that this is not the case, you are disappointed.

Then you start to fall into the comparison game, to notice how a person does well and that was not so smart, or well prepared, leading to resentment and envy, without you even realizing it.

You have to know that the problem is not in the titles, but in how much you trust you, in whether you recognize yourself as that confident and valuable woman that you are, that you have great potential only that right now you are not using it.

And if you do not solve this now, another 5 years will pass and you will continue to be trapped living the same situation, studying and studying without obtaining the results you were looking for, feeling more unsatisfied and unhappy.

However, this does not have to continue.

To start trusting you and make use of the great potential you have, beyond a title, do these three things:

1. Start by valuing yourself.

The serious mistake you make is waiting for others to value you, to tell you how good your work is, but since they don't, you resent or convince yourself that this is not the case. How do I know? I have lived it in my own flesh and I have heard it in several women, especially friends and clients.

But don't worry, this has a solution…

And it is starting with yourself. If you are not able to value your own work, everything you do and are, how do you expect others to do it?

It all starts with you.

To help you recognize how valuable you are, I invite you to take a notebook and every day, at the end of the day, complete with the following:

  • Something I did very well today… Today I was proud when… Today I have achieved (it does not matter if it is something big or small)…

Doing this on a daily basis will increase confidence in you and make you aware of the good things you do.

2. Recognize your qualities.

What qualities, aspects of your physique or your way of being do you have that attracts people's attention?

Take a pencil and paper and make a list of them. Read them aloud every day and thank them for having them.

Keep in mind that a quality is a characteristic that distinguishes and defines you from other people.

Also, every time one of your qualities shines, you will tell yourself:

  • Bravo Your Name. Bravo for… (what you did) ”

If before you had the habit of saying to yourself "silly…" for some mistake you made, now you are going to congratulate yourself for every good thing you do.

3. Make a list of your achievements.

Make a list of everything you have accomplished so far, be it on a personal or professional level.

It happens to women that we tend to easily forget our achievements, or simply ignore it because we believe that it is not so bad.

From now on it will not be like this.

Every time you achieve something, celebrate it. Give yourself a pat, a hug, a flower, a gift, something that says "yes, we have done it"

To help you create your list of achievements, answer the following:

  • In your current job, or in your previous jobs, what things have you achieved that were positive for you?
  • What are the personal experiences that have given you the most satisfaction?
  • What things have you achieved or achieved in your life until today? Remember the times when you have received recognition or congratulations.

And here you have 3 strategies that, although they seem simple, help you to awaken the potential that is in you, make good use of what you know and are, beyond your title, leading you to act with confidence in the activities you carry out, decisions take and every step you take to make your dreams come true.

Remember that the most important thing is who you are and what you are worth as a person.


About the author:

Vicky Villa - [email protected]

Vicky Villa helps women with an entrepreneurial spirit and professionals who are tired and dissatisfied with the life they have, and want to drive a great change.

Through his experience and powerful strategies he has applied in his own life, he helps them regain confidence and security in them, while teaching them to discover and maximize the potential that exists within them to create the life they have always had. wanted.

Visit http://www.vickyvilla.com and download their free report: "The 5 Mistakes That Keep You Away From Your Dreams and How To Fix Them Once And For All".

Quality of life. what a degree cannot achieve for you