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Behavioral changes. another manifestation of depression


Having depression is not the same as being sad, grieving, or grieving. Depression is a differentiated clinical entity, where there are alterations not only in the mood, but in many areas of the individual; It is considered a disease, and affects personal, family, couple, academic, work and social life. It is much more than just being sorry for some circumstance, and it does not happen when doing things to feel better.

Among the most frequent manifestations of depression is sad mood most of the time, almost all or every day, loss of enjoyment of things that used to be exciting, slowed movements, changes in appetite, sleep disturbance, tiredness or fatigue, persistent ideas of low self-esteem, of being a burden, or of handicap, ideas of guilt and in serious cases, the desire to die.

But these are not the only manifestations, although they are those that describe academic books. Depression is experienced differently between each person. The causes are as varied as there are individuals, and include hereditary factors, childhood trauma, stressful events, internal conflicts, personality factors, dysfunctional coping strategies, paradigms about life, among many other things. For this reason, the demonstrations are also often more varied than what is said in books and articles on the internet.

In many people, depression manifests with behavioral changes. There are certain behaviors that are different, that change, that are visible by family, friends or colleagues. They are the behavioral disturbances of depression.

A frequent behavioral disturbance is social isolation. When the person suffers from depression, he usually stops talking to friends and family, prefers not to go out, likes solitude, does not accept invitations, and his loved ones feel that they did not know about him or her a long time ago. Another frequent behavior change is irritability, the person becomes more irascible, answers badly, looks "bitter", speaks with blows, gets angry easily; This symptom can occur in all groups of people, but it is more frequent in adolescents and men.

When suffering from depression, the person may have changes in their routines. Most of us have some habits that we do every day, and when there is depression, you can see a change in these habits, or forget some, or even not interested. Associated with this, another change in behavior is that the person leaves some of her hobbies, partly because she no longer enjoys them, but also because she has no energy; things that previously fascinated and amused her, she no longer does, which strange her close ones.

These are just a few behavioral manifestations of depression. There are many more, and as I mentioned, everyone experiences depression differently. The point is that we cannot be guided only by sad emotions to say that someone has depression, most of the time there are associated behavioral changes; moreover, in many cases, as in boys and in the male population, they are the only obvious symptoms, the others are not as clear or hide them.

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If you want to know more about strategies to manage depression, or if you want to work on you in a more personalized way through face-to-face psychotherapeutic consultations or by Skype, click here.

Guillermo Mendoza Vélez www.SaludMentalyEmocional.com

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Behavioral changes. another manifestation of depression