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Human capital for sustainable development. test

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When we talk about knowledge, values, competence, experience, attitudes and aptitudes we can think of the human being, man or woman, child or adult that a school, company, institution, community has, but he forgets to mention with what type of capital The planet we live in is human, a model of interdisciplinary sustainable development is achieved when those who participate in it are aware that it is for the benefit of those who are present on this planet and of those who will one day inhabit it with values ​​and attitudes responsible, to speak of interdisciplinary integration is to have or make the different areas, institutions, communities participate for the same purpose, education in sustainable development is a real need on our planet.


Human capital is part of the antecedent that has in the affectation to the ecosystems of planet earth, natural resources and their own habitat "planet earth", educating the human being in this discipline of life is a responsibility of authorities, institutions, community and personal, since the effects will be in these times and in future generations, to develop a model of sustainable development in the different systems, educational, industrial, agrarian, social, community, is to improve the background and quality of life of humanity.

Organizations such as UNESCO (the organization of the united nations for education, science and culture), through PENUMA (united nations program for the environment) have been concerned that educational systems include in their educational programs The teaching of environmental education as an interdisciplinary model of all learning units with a sustainable approach, has underlined the importance of making available to those responsible for educational activities at different levels, a series of guidelines and pedagogical instruments that stimulate development. of a pedagogy with an interdisciplinary approach and oriented towards solving specific environmental problems1.

Living beings, water, air and soil are being polluted day by day is a reality that has a name and degree of importance worldwide, and based on realism, human beings will soon be in extinction or affected severe in our health, in this essay I will develop the importance of education in human capital when interacting in the model of sustainable development.

Sustainable development

Sustainable development as a model of life for current and future generations is the basis for supporting the physiological and material consumption needs, guaranteeing a quality of life over time for each human being.

The Models of life of human beings have marked the current conditions in which the planet earth is, collecting real images in our minds of the behavior and way of life of our ancestors we could mention the way they lived, applying the realistic perspective:

  1. The human being at first lacked education, clothing, transportation, luxuries, housing, laws, mass production, etc. In these times it did not pollute the waters, air and land, it coexisted with nature without affecting natural resources and thus it satisfied its needs and survived. Later it implemented tools that helped it improve its deficiencies, obtaining as a result greater comfort and personal satisfaction, although This started an affectation to nature and some of its natural resources were affected. When the industrial era arrived and the increase in population is where the indices of affectation to nature and its ecosystems were collected by organizations and institutions as a reference of what in those moments were beginning to identify.In the 21st century, we can see that the rates of pollution and environmental impact have impacted on a climate change that could devour human beings and their creation on planet earth, if they do not develop a model of sustainable development in their daily, work life industrial, could lose everything it has built and affect future generations by not facing their reality with responsibility. Organizations, institutions, industry, agribusiness, transport and in general human beings have raised the rates of affectation to nature.You could lose everything you have built and affect future generations by not facing your reality responsibly. Organizations, institutions, industry, agribusiness, transport and in general human beings have raised the rates of affectation to nature.You could lose everything you have built and affect future generations by not facing your reality responsibly. Organizations, institutions, industry, agribusiness, transport and in general human beings have raised the rates of affectation to nature.

These events in a time chain allow us to identify the effects that we have on planet earth today and that as citizens or humans we must face it with different life models, models that allow us to develop, satisfying the needs of our generation and future, this is what sustainable development contemplates in its concept, based on the reality of our reality.

Human capital

The human resource converted into human capital or what a person contributes to the environment that surrounds him in the company, family, society and environment is a factor of great importance so that you dare of his knowledge obtain results not only of quantity, but also of Quality, people can compete with each other to improve their environment, process or result, and they can sustain their contributions of knowledge in the different roles that concern them, they will be able to obtain for these achievements a reward of well-being, economic or satisfaction.

The degree of training and productivity of people involved in a production process can transform production processes for the benefit of the company, the community and the environment, the reality in terms of training, education and awareness of the effects on the environment today It is considerable, although the results do not favor present and future generations.

Human beings have impacted ecosystems and natural resources thanks to their knowledge and wishes to have a better standard of living, thus neglecting their behavior with the environment, confusing the terms better standard of living with quality of life, and in reality we can see that we are making our lives worse

Taking human capital into account in models of sustainable development is of great importance since they will be the ones who dare your knowledge, values ​​and attitudes to transform the rates of environmental impact of present and future generations.

The theory of human capital is based on a double first interpretation of an economistic nature: worker productivity depends on the education received. Greater specialization (via formal education system), via work (non-formal) increases productivity and is offset by higher wages. The second is of an allocationist nature: education basically has "allocation" functions. School grades provide a "personal selection" criterion for employers. Education has "non-cognitive" effects: it influences the attitude and behavior of workers.

Interdisciplinary application in models of sustainable development

Interdisciplinary is the integration of the different groups that participate in a system or process in order to obtain results, it can facilitate communication, the development of activities, but above all it facilitates the understanding and study of the procedures of the system or process. The interdisciplinarity developed in the processes that require the participation of the different departments that make up the company, organization or institution, in order to develop an idea, project or improvement model, aims to integrate, contribute to, and involve all the actors who lead the organization. Interdisciplinary models are proposed for the benefit of the company, community, or environment.

Interdisciplinarity is an instrumental necessity, it facilitates direct and indirect learning and it allows to deal with complex activities and problems that cannot depend, given its conception, on a disciplinary course. Points of interest raised by the environment, such as pollution, noise, urbanization of land, etc., are inaccessible to strict disciplinary exploitation. An interdisciplinary approach can be based on the acquisition of useful knowledge in the concerns of the students (Giordan, 1979).

In the reality of our times, organizations require in their projects the interdisciplinary structure to involve staff, as often as possible, to facilitate learning, giving them the opportunity to deduce about environmental problems. They must establish a primary relationship between environmental awareness, the acquisition of knowledge, the ability to solve problems, the clarification of values ​​and direct participation in actions to protect and improve the environment within the community. In sustainable development models, interdisciplinarity can be assumed by integrating educational institutions, government, municipal, community, industries and organizations that regulate environmental standards,The disciplines can be any organization or institution that is related to the environment, the participation of each one must be an equal reciprocal of exchanges, none is more important than the other, but all are necessary. This interaction and crossing is not only located in the objects of knowledge, but presupposes an interaction at the level of concepts and methods. In this way, the institutions or organizations support each other in order to solve the problems among all.rather, it presupposes an interaction at the level of concepts and methods. In this way, the institutions or organizations support each other in order to solve the problems among all.rather, it presupposes an interaction at the level of concepts and methods. In this way, the institutions or organizations support each other in order to solve the problems among all.


The world in which we live is different from the nature of planet earth, day by day it grows thanks to the resources that the planet already provides, and those of us who live on this planet continue to be mired by economic growth and since not all of us know the needs that the environment has to continue supplying us with breathable oxygen for humans, we continue to exploit it without measure, the most industrialized countries want to continue to be the best at whatever cost and those that follow them want to tire them out and be better is unfair economic competition for the planet and those with the least will continue to look for ways to be competitive, that is the world in which we all live against everyone in search of economic wealth,the realistic approach is not difficult to understand since in every hundred square meters of territory in most communities we can find a pollutant known as garbage or waste, companies produce, achieve their sales targets and forget about their packaging or material that protects its products that is one of many realities that affect our planet.

Sustainable development seeks to rescue our planet and those who inhabit it from this economic war and from pollution, respecting ecosystems to meet the needs of present and future generations, guaranteeing a better quality of life for human beings and the means that surrounds them, Human Capital in industries is of great value since it contributes knowledge and skills to develop its results as a worker, human resources must commit to the community and the environment so that in the course of acquiring their knowledge, they take into account that conserving the environment is part of the results it must bring to an industry or organization.

The Interdisciplinary Application in the models of sustainable development is a good method to solve problems or achieve good results since all those who affect or develop a system or process participate, integrate and allow the participation of different groups giving them the same importance, that is to say nobody is more important than others, in the economic world it is the part that governments have not wanted to accept for not losing its supposed importance.

Human capital for sustainable development. test