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Five strategies to have the best year of your life

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The great difference that exists between people who are successful and those who are not, is that the former are dedicated to creating and planning the lifestyle they want to live, and act on it; while the latter are dedicated to living what life brings them each day. Do you notice the difference?

I ask you: Do you already have a list of everything you want to experience during this new year? If your answer is Yes, I congratulate you! Now dedicate yourself to act on it. But if on the contrary you do not have it, you are still on time. This is a good time to create 2016 that you want to live.

And how I do it? you will ask yourself. Here are some tips:

1.- Take stock of the previous year.

It is important that you sit down, take a few minutes with you and review everything you experienced in 2015.

Take a sheet of paper and write down all the achievements you made in the previous year. That which you are proud of. Write down at least 3 and then reflect:

  • What did you do to make it possible? What was the most fruitful action or activity during the year that ended? What was the activity that made you lose more time and resources (energy, money) during the past year?

On another sheet write down all the obstacles you went through the previous year.

  • What did you do to overcome them? What positive aspects can you get from them? What did you learn?

Remember that we can always find positive things even in the most difficult moments of our lives and it is precisely these that make us stronger.

Finally, thank all the good and positive things that I leave you in 2015. Take another sheet of paper and make a list of all those physical, material and spiritual blessings that today you can enjoy, do and have. Feel deep appreciation for each of them.

2.- Divide your life into areas and write down each of the things you want to live this year.

For you to achieve your goals it is important to be clear about what you really want. Although it seems obvious, there are many people who do not have a clear and concrete idea of ​​their true wishes.

To find out exactly what you want:

  1. Divide your life into areas: health, money, partner, work, entertainment, studies, spirituality, etc. Next to each of them write down what you want. Do not think about the HOW you are going to achieve it, just think about the WHAT.Take another sheet of paper, write down each area of ​​your life again and based on what you wrote in each one, go deeper now:
  • For when do you want to see that goal achieved? Give it a date. How will you know that what you want has been accomplished? What things will show you that you have achieved it? Is that goal yours or is it someone else's? For you to achieve it it has to be yours, otherwise you will continue trying to conquer it without positive results.

It is not the same to say, "this year I want to lose weight" than to say "by March 13 of this year 2016 I have managed to lose 5 pounds", the first does not tell you anything concrete, real, or specific, instead the Second gives you an exact date with clear and specific facts.

3.- What reasons do you have to achieve what you want?

Knowing what are the reasons that motivate you to achieve what you want is as important as knowing what you want. If you are clear on why, it will be easier for you to continue when obstacles arise.

From your previous list, choose two goals, the ones that excite you the most and that you think once accomplished will facilitate the achievement of the others. And write down at least 10 reasons why you want each of them to be true.

Following the example above, the goal would be:

"On March 13 of this year 2016 I have lost 5 pounds "

The reasons:

  • I want to improve my health. I want to look more beautiful. I want to put on that dress that I like so much. I want to go to the beach and put on bathing suits. Etc…

4.- Create your action plan for the next 12 months.

Now that you know exactly what you want for each area of ​​your life, it's time for you to put together your action plan.

What are the steps you have to take in the coming days, weeks, months, and even years to achieve what you really want?

Based on the goals you chose in the previous exercise, set yourself shorter short-term goals with a deadline so you can take responsibility and not stray from your path. Then take a calendar and write down the actions you will do each day to achieve that goal.

If you do not know what actions to take, search the internet, there you can find infinity of things. You can also ask other people who have already achieved what you want.

5.- Commit yourself and act

It will be useless for you to have planned each one of the actions that you will take, if later you put them aside and do not do them. You need to commit to yourself and act until you see your goal accomplished.

Even when the action is small, it is important that you do it because that is what will lead you to achieve your result.

To help you stay focused, write down on a large sheet of paper and post the reasons why you want to achieve what you want.

Another thing you can do is create a dream map with images of everything you want and place it in the places in your house where you go most.

If necessary, hire a Coach or Mentor to help you get quickly to where you want.

For you will make it easier to work on creating your year, I have prepared a special guide where you will find more strategies and lists templates to create a spectacular 2016.

à You can find your guide here.

I invite you to share with me, what are the things you want most with all your heart that materialize this year. What actions are you taking to make them come true?

I look forward to reading your comments and responses.

Five strategies to have the best year of your life