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Five obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goals

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Have you ever wondered why others achieve their goals, while you only see time go by? In this article I explain why this is happening to you, what obstacles are holding you back and what you need to do to change this situation.

You find it frustrating to see how other people do have what they want: a better salary, an excellent job, a successful business, they easily sell their products or services, they have an excellent relationship with their partner; Meanwhile, you only see how your dreams fade in time.

So you start to ask yourself, but well, what am I doing wrong? Or do you justify yourself by saying: she is smarter, she has more money, more studies, she is more beautiful, taller, skinnier and thousands of other excuses.

Here it is not about what other people have or are. It's about you, what you do have and are capable of, only now you're not seeing it, and this is one of the first things you need to work on, after being clear about what you want.

Obstacle 1.- Your way of thinking

The thoughts you have internally are those that prevent you from moving forward and achieving what you want. That is why it is necessary to silence your inner voice, that little voice that, when you think about your goal, tells you: "it is impossible", "you are not going to be able", "it is very difficult", "why are you going to do it", "there is no time ”,“ well you're fine ”,“ what if he says no? ”, and gives you all the reasons why you shouldn't even bother trying.

Therefore, you need to work on your beliefs and thoughts , because they will be your greatest support to get what you want, in addition to your emotions.

When you have a positive thought , you immediately feel a positive emotion because you are thinking positively and the same in reverse; This happens because your mind is connected with your body, your heart and your emotions.

The more positive thoughts and emotions you have, the easier it will be to reach your goal. Start training your mind to work for you.

Obstacle 2.- People

It is possible that you are surrounded by negative people, who influence you so much that instead of supporting you they sink you more and more. You are easily carried away by their negative and demotivating comments.

Analyze who are these people? , What area of your life belong: work, friends, family, couples ?, how ?, you influence what you feel needs to be done with them?

Start setting limits in your life, surround yourself with people who support you, motivate you, who are positive, enterprising, who have your same interests.

Obstacle 3.- Behaviors and habits

What behaviors or habits do you continue to maintain that no longer serve you? What do you need to change?

Watch yourself for a week, and respond:

  • What time do you get up, what time do you go to bed?
  • How is your way of working?
  • What is your way of resting?
  • What is your way of having fun?

Here you can realize, what things you do daily are not supporting your goal, change them for others that if they help you, or eliminate them from your life.

Obstacle 4.-Disorder in your home or office

When you have a mountain of things scattered everywhere, all you do is make your mind more confused, heavy, because as it is your exterior is your interior.

So it is important that you keep order. Just by ordering your things you will take a weight off yourself, you will feel lighter, your mind will be clearer and you will be able to think better, even if you don't believe it.

Obstacle 5.- Remaining tied to the past

When a person stops living in the present and remains submerged in the past , remembering what was and will not be, what was and is no longer, how much he was happy or unhappy, all he does is not move forward, hinder his happiness, not appreciate how good it is now.

You need to leave the past behind, what was there before will never come back, today you have the present to rebuild, if in the past they hurt you, forgive and move on, learn from that experience and be thankful, because today that will have made you more strong and prepared you for all the good that is to come.

In short , to achieve your goals you need to discover the reason for what is holding you back: subconscious beliefs, thoughts, fears, habits, disorder. If you do not remove those beliefs or change those habits, then you will not achieve your goal.

I ask you: Have you managed to identify which of these obstacles are preventing you from achieving what you want? I would like you to share your opinion at the end of this article. I will be happy to read you.

Five obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goals