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Keys to improve self-confidence

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Improving self-confidence is one of the most powerful ways to build self-esteem. In a previous article I mentioned that self-confidence is one of the fundamental pillars of self-esteem, and one of the things that define it the most. Self-confidence acts directly on the concept that we have of ourselves, it increases the functioning, the performance and the results, and it is one of the things that will most generate a positive impact on the life project and on the service to humanity.

Low self-confidence is one of the causes for not achieving the achievements you expect, it makes you not exploit your potential and you run away from challenges. When confidence is low, there are avoidance behaviors, you let yourself be overcome by fear, and it makes personal goals poor. I could assure you that low self-confidence is the main obstacle to your personal growth and your life project. When you don't believe in yourself, you give up before any difficulty; and your obstacle is not the difficulty, but the conviction that you cannot deal with it or overcome it.

But when your self-confidence is solid, you have the conviction that you will be able to achieve what you set out to do, you feel capable of reaching your goals, and you are aware of your limitations and weaknesses, but always with the certainty that you can work on them to achieve your goals. objectives; Even if you can't work on your weaknesses, you find alternative ways, such as using other talent, having other information, or finding people who have the skills you need.

There are countless ways to boost self-confidence, lots of strategies, tips, and recommendations. Some of them are: having a learning attitude, improving your coping strategies in the face of the events of daily life, trying new things, doing what you fear, never comparing yourself to anyone, obtaining small achievements first, using positive self-affirmations, among many other things. They are recommendations that have an impact on the confidence you have in yourself.

However, I could say that there are 3 fundamental elements for a solid self-confidence:

1. Self-knowledge:

We trust the things we know. Unknown things generate mistrust. Likewise, when you know yourself very well, you trust yourself more. Therefore, it is necessary that you know very well what your temperament, your personality, your particular interests are like, what your talents, skills and abilities are, how you react to daily situations, what your fears are, what paradigms you have of yourself (to), What have been the experiences that have left you the most learning, what things do you know how to do well and what things are difficult for you, among other things. I would say that this is the main component of self-confidence.

2. Stability and predictability:

It is another fundamental component. The more predictable something is, the more confidence we will have. We tend to be suspicious of things that are scattered, unpredictable, and messy, those that we don't know how are going to work, or people that we don't know how they are going to think or react. So the more predictable you are, the more confidence you will have in yourself. I am not referring here to being routine or static, stability is different from being paralyzed without progress or improvement. It is important to face the unknown and try new things; When I speak of being unpredictable, I mean that you are not an erratic, dispersed person, who at every moment changes his goals and his opinions. When you are more stable in a philosophy, a life project, goals and behaviors, the more you will trust yourself.

3. Self-control:

The third fundamental element that supports self-confidence is self-control. We tend to trust things that are controlled more, than things that get out of control, that we cannot handle. In the same way, the more you have control of yourself, the more confidence you will have. If you are a person who does not control himself much, who cannot define where your life is going, who does not dominate your emotional or mental states, and who changes his mind all the time, this prevents you from trusting yourself. Adequate self-control focuses your life on an important project, makes you own yourself and is not driven by emotional or mental states that do not help you at all.

As I mentioned, there are many other recommendations, but if you strengthen these 3 fundamental pillars, you will have an enormous advantage to achieve solid self-confidence.


I invite you to take a look at the virtual book "Effective Strategies to Strengthen Self-esteem", where you will find many ways and considerations in the task of working for your self-esteem. Your life will not be the same after reading and applying what this book says.

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If you want to know more about strategies to improve self-esteem, or if you want to work on you in a more personalized way through face-to-face psychotherapeutic consultations or by Skype, click here.

I wish you the greatest blessings.

Keys to improve self-confidence