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Combination of cost systems by processes and activities


This System is a combination of Cost Systems: Cost per Process and Cost per Activity. It is applied in continuous production companies, and where products of different lines present different degrees of complexity in the processes that generate them.

The processes or departments is the main functional division in a continuous production factory, the operations carried out in one department are the continuation of the previous one. ABC Costing shows the set of activities that come from the administration, which influence the processes.


Each department is a cost center, each one having objectives, material, financial and human resources. ABC Costing considers all costs and expenses as resources. Resources are consumed by activities and these in turn are consumed by cost objects (Products). This is a methodology that assigns costs to products or services based on the consumption of activities.

When from one process, certain units are transferred to the next, the completion will be to a greater degree, taking with them the costs corresponding to the process and to the previous ones. In the following process, the costs incurred for the period will be added to the transferred cost. The processes act simultaneously, using the period time.

This system is also an Inventory Cost, but with greater accuracy thanks to the better distribution of the Indirect Cost of manufacturing (ABC).

A Cost System can be used for two purposes:

1.- Strategic planning

2.- Operational control

In the first, the cost estimates do not need to be very exact, even with a 10% error there is no problem.

In the second, it is necessary to closely monitor the resource requirements of the activities, the smallest improvement in an activity must be reflected in the cost.

Objectives of the Process Cost System - ABC

  • Calculate the undistorted unit cost of the products, in a given production period. Make a Production Cost Report, which separately presents the elements: MD, MOD, CIF. The journal entries for the period will be summarized from this report.


  • Unit movement report Equivalent unit production Costs to be accounted for Unit costs Costs accounted for

These steps will show how the units produced by the different Departments or processes transit.

ABC Costing will determine what the real value of manufacturing Indirect Costs will be, these being assigned to the processes and then to the products resulting from each process.

This «comprehensive» Management System allows to know the flow of the activities carried out in the organization, which are consuming the available resources and therefore incorporating or imputing costs to the processes.

Characteristics of a Process Cost System - ABC

  • During a production period certain units will be started, but not all will be concluded. The production of each Department is classified into :
    • Units in inventory at the beginning of the period Units completed and transferred to the next Dept. Units completed but not transferred Units in process at the end of the period
    The finished production of the last Dept. is transferred to the finished products inventory. The cost accumulation procedure has the same sequence of the production flow. In each Department it is established, what part of the Dept. Costs are assigned to Units in Process and what part to the finished ones of the department, since mostly the two types of product finish are given, at the end of the period. The Cost is transferred from Process to Process and becomes cumulative and the addition of the costs of the last Dept. determines the Total Cost. Product Unit Costs are the sum of average unit costs of each process, and in each process by type of cost.

Accounting equation for each Department that will be reflected in a specific account :

Initial units in process


Units that start the process, which are received from the previous apartment. or comes from an input warehouse, such as inputs


Units finished and transferred


Units completed and not transferred


Units in process at the end of the period

For each process, the Cost of the units participating in a given production process must be recorded, both those that enter and those that leave.

The following must be recorded in each departmental account of products in process :

In the MUST:

Previous department cost i -1 = CT i -1

Cost of previous period balance = CSPA i

Direct material incurred from the process i = MD i

Direct labor incurred from process i = MOD i

Indirect manufacturing costs assigned to process i = CIF i


Costs of units completed and transferred from the process i = CTT i

Costs of units completed and not transferred from the process i = CTNT i

Cost balance of units in process of process i = CEP i

Application example

The aluminum chair factory "La Factoría SAC" works by processes and consists of two departments, in which it produces a product.

We are on the date 10-08-09 and the diagram is as follows:

There are balances of products in process at the beginning of the period between 03-08-09 and 08-08-09. This period already concluded we will consider "current".

Initial balance of units in process of each process at the beginning of the current period.

PEP = Product in process

PP = Put ​​into production

PT i = finished product of process i

RDA = Received from the previous department

CC = Conversion Costs = MOD + CIF

Data is obtained as follows :

What was the ending inventory for the previous period?

It must be added in the PiP Registry, the Income before the first date of the current period (08/03/09 - 08/08/09) which is the date 08/01/09, which is also the balance Initial of Current Period = 12,000

Product Warehouse in Process (From process 1)

Income Expenses
Code Date Hour Minute Product Quantity Code Date Hour Minute Product Quantity
Pro-01 08/01/09 xxxx xxxx 12,000
Pro-01 08/07/09 xxxx xxxx 44,000
Pro-01 08/07/09 xxxx xxxx 44,000
Pro-01 08/07/09 20 h 0 min 1,750
Pro-01 08/08/09 19 h 19 min 3,615

How many units were left in process in Dept. 1, at the end of this period (08/03/09 - 08/08/09)?

The Income must be added to the PEP Registry before the first date of the following period, which is the date of 08/07/09 and 08/08/09 which is = 1750 + 3615 = 5.365

How many units were completed in Dept. 1, at the end of this period (08/03/09 - 08/08/09)?

Finished Product Warehouse (From process 1)
Income Expenses
Code Date Hour Minute Product Quantity Code Date Hour Minute Product Quantity
Pro-01 08/07/09 17h 48m 44,000
Pro-01 08/07/09 xxxx xxxx 44,000

How many units were put into production in the current period?

Units put into production are obtained by difference:

Unit PP = PTy T. + Current PEP - Previous PEP

= 44,000 + 5365 - 12,000

Unit PP = 37,365

Initial data:

Initial Costs (From a previous cost)

(S /.)


Dept I Dept II
Cost of the Previous Dept. 0 25,320
Material 16,000 10,000
Salary 7,114 3,483
Indirect expenses 2,048 1,720

Rest of Data:

(S /.)

Costs incurred in the current period:

Data record Origin Detail Dept I Dept II
Consumptions Material 84,000 62,800
Payroll Salary 54,720 22,385
Record of Expenses Indirect expenses ? ? ABC costing

I eport Production Cost - Apartment 1

1) REPORT ON THE MOVEMENT OF UNITS of the period (03/08/09 - 08/08/09) of Process 1

1- Amount to account

to. Units in process at the beginning of the period 12,000
b. Units put into production 37,365
Total available 49,365
2- Distributed as follows

to. Units finished and transferred 44,000
b. Units in process at the end of the period 5,365
Total available 49,365


Obtaining equivalent production

From 5:48 p.m. on 08/07/09 to 19:19 p.m. on 08/08/09 there have been 5,365 units whose completion in labor is at 80%, (Example: Chairs, which are missing putty and sand, this last work being proper to the same Dept.)

The hours used in these 5,365 units are 80% of those used for its total preparation, in this Dept.

The total hh required in making 5,365 units is 1,123 man-hours.

The hh used are calculated as follows:

Record of hours worked (With two hours of rest- From 12 to 2 pm)

HI = 8, HS = 18

Worker's Code Date Hour Marked by Clock


Hour Marked by Clock


Differences with end time:

17h 48 min

Differences with decimals

a = 141.13 hh

CP-001 08/07/09 8: 0 19: 0 1 : 12 1.2 17 h 48m are subtracted from each departure time

Add the differences and assign them to a

CP-002 08/07/09 8: 0 19: 0 1 : 12 1.2
CP-003 08/07/09 8: 0 19:15 1 : 27 1.45
CP-004 08/07/09 8: 0 19:15 1 : 27 1.45
………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
CP-087 08/07/09 8: 0 19: 0 1 : 12 1.2
CP-088 08/07/09 8: 0 20: 06 2 : 18 2.3
CP-089 08/07/09 8: 0 20: 06 2 : 18 2.3

Record of hours worked (With two hours of rest - From 12 to 2 pm)

HI = 8, HS = 18

Worker's Code Date Hour Marked by Clock


Hour Marked by Clock


Differences with end time:

19h 19 min

Differences with decimals

b = 757.35 hh

CP-001 08/08/09 8: 0 18: 0 8 : 0 8.0 If the Departure time is less than 19h : 19m the time used will be the one linked to the departure time.

If the departure time is greater than 19h: 19m the time used will be the one linked to 19h : 19m

Add decimal differences and assign them to b

CP-002 08/08/09 8: 0 18:10 8 : 10 8,167
CP-003 08/08/09 8: 0 18: 0 8 : 0 8.0
CP-004 08/08/09 8: 0 19: 0 9 : 0 9.0
………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
CP-087 08/08/09 8: 0 18: 0 8 : 0 8.0
CP-088 08/08/09 8: 0 19: 05 9 : 05 9,083
CP-089 08/08/09 8: 0 19: 26 9 : 19 9,317

The hh used are: a + b = 898.48 hh

The hours spent in X units will be compared with the hours necessary to complete those X units:

then 898.48 / 1,123 = 0.8 (Comparison of hours spent with required hours)

Q = Equivalent production

Q = 0.8 x 5.365

Q = 4,292 equivalent units

Equivalent production
Detail Regarding the Material (at the beginning) Regarding the conversion cost

Finished and Transferred Units 44,000 44,000
In process at the end of the period 5,365 4,292 Equivalent Production
Equivalent Production Sum 49,365 48,292

ABC costing

Activity List, Cost-Driver, Ratios

Activities Monthly salary


Monthly amount

Weekly salary


Weekly amount

Cost Driver Amount During 6-Day Week Cost Driver Ratio

S /.

Cost-Driver number in the


Cost-Driver number in the


Valorization of

Process 1

Valorization of

Process 2

one Sell ​​product 5,000 1,250 fifteen 83.33 8 7 666.64 583.31
two Buy supplies 3,500 875 8 109.38 6 two 656.25 218.76
3 Monitor production 4,000 1,000 4 x 6d =


41.67 fifteen 9 625 375
4 Monitor packaging 2,700 675 4 x 6d =


28.13 - 24 0 675
5 Control quality 6,300 1,575 3 x 6d =


87.5 14 4 1225 350
6 Plan production 15,000 3,750 one 3,750 0.5 0.5 1,875 1,875
7 Cost production 1,900 475 1 x 6d =


79.17 3.5 2.5 277,083 197.92
8 Store supplies 0.3 (1,500) 450 6 x 6d =


12.5 24 12 300 150
9 Issue inputs to plant 0.7 (1,500) 1,050 14 x 6d =


12.5 56 28 700 350
10 Monitor plant 2,000 500 one 500 0.5 0.5 250 250
eleven Electrical consumtion 3,000 750 one 750 0.4 0.6 300 450
12 Water consumption 2,500 625 one 625 0.7 0.3 437.50 187.5
13 Depreciation of machinery 2,000 500 one 500 0.4 0.6 200 300
7,512.47 5,962.49


  • Since process 1 includes more material than process 2, when the product is sold, the result of process 1 is sold, it costs more to sell a product with a certain higher value (materials) The inputs that are purchased, are mainly directed to the process 1, which requires more inputs. Process 1 requires more supervision (MD + MOD) Only process 2 generates product for packaging. Process 1 needs more control by Material and MOD. It is homogeneous. Process 1 requires more cost time. 1 needs more time to store supplies Process 1 requires more time to deliver supplies It is homogeneous Process 2 has more equipment that uses electricity Process 1 uses more water Depreciation is greater in process 2

Rest of Data (with ABC Costing)

Costs incurred in the current period:

Data record Origin Detail Dept I Dept II
Consumptions Material 84,000 62,800
Payroll Salary 54,720 22,385
Record of Expenses Indirect expenses 7,512.47 5,962.49 ABC costing


Detail Material (at start) Conversion Costs CTA
Initial balance 16,000 9,162 25,162
Costs incurred 84,000 62,232.47 146,232,473
CTA 100,000 71,394.47 171,394,473


Detail Material (at start) Conversion Costs Average unit cost of Process 1 units
Accumulated cost: 100,000 71,394.47
Equiv Production: Units 49,365 48,292
Unit cost 2.0257 1.4784 3,5041


Accounted costs


In final process
Material (MI) 10,867.9
Conversion costs 6,345.3
Cumulative total cost 171,393.6

Units involved in production (both entering and leaving) must be accounted for.

Accounts and Details Should To have
Inventory of Production in Process, Dept. 1 146,232.5
Materials inventory 84,000.0
Payroll payable 54,720.0
Indirect manufacturing costs applied 7,512.5
Recording the costs incorporated by Dept. 1
Inventory of Production in Process, Dept. 2 154,180.4
Inventory of Production in Process, Dept. 1 154,180.4
Recording the transfer of costs to Dept. 2

Production Cost Report - Department 2

The steps to carry out to prepare the production and cost report are similar to those of process 1, except that in this the units that are transferred from the previous process must be taken into account with their respective costs.

Mostly during a production process, the first dept. is the one that adds direct material, the sgtes. departments only add conversion cost (MOD and CIF). But in certain productions the addition of MD in departments is necessary. later than the first.

This addition may cause sgtes. effects on units and costs:

- Units are not increased, but costs are.

- Units are increased without cost increase.

- Increase in units and cost.


The units transferred from the department must be included in the first part of this report. above and the units that are added to the process

Using the exposed example we prepare the infore sgte :

1- Amount to account
to. Units in process at the beginning of the period 8,000 pcs
b. Received from the previous department (RDA) 44,000
c. Units added 10,000
Total available 62,000 pcs
2- Distributed as follows
to. Units finished and transferred 44,000 pcs
b. In final process 8,000
c. Losses 10,000
Total available 62,000 pcs


Units in process are multiplied by their level of completion, becoming equivalent. The result includes the units received from the department. previous :

Equivalent production status
Detail RDA Material (MI) Conversion costs
Finished 44,000 pcs 44,000 pcs 44,000 pcs
In final process 8,000 8,000 4,000
Equivalent units 52,000 pcs 52,000 pcs 48 000 pcs

The finished and transferred units with respect to the Material have all the required material, with respect to the Conversion cost as well, with respect to the department. above has all its required cost.

The units in process with respect to the Material have what is necessary, with respect to the cost of Conversion it has 50%, with respect to the previous Dept. it has all the required cost.


I also test the units received from the department. above, complying with the sum of dept costs. x dept. :

Accounting costs (S /.)
Detail RDA Material (MI) C. Costs CTA
Initial balance 25,320.0 10,000.0 5,203.0 40,523.0
Costs incurred 154,180.4 62,800.0 28,347.49 245,327.89
Cumulative total cost 179,500.4 72,800.0 33,550.49 285,850.89


The accumulated cost of each type is divided by the equivalent produced units :

Unit costs (S /.)
Detail RDA Material (MI) C. Costs CTA
Cumulative total cost 179,500.4 72,800.0 33,550.49
Equivalent production 52,000 pcs 52,000 pcs 48 000 pcs
Unit cost 3.4519 1.40 0.699 5.5509


This report is similar to that of process 1, the costs corresponding to the department must be taken into account. above applied to products in process :

Accounted Costs
Finished and transferred S /. 244,239.6
In final process S /. 41,611.2
RDA 27,615.2
Material (MI) 11,200
Conversion costs 2,796
Cumulative total cost S /. 285,850.8

Then the units involved in the production process will be counted in journal entries.

Accounts and Details Should To have
Production in process inventory, Dept. 2 S /. 154,180.4
Production in process inventory, Dept. 1 S /. 154,180.4
Recording the cost of the units received

from the previous department

Inventory of Production in Process, Dept. 2 S /. 91,147.49
Materials inventory S /. 62,800.0
Payroll payable S /. 22,385.0
Indirect manufacturing costs applied S /. 5,962.49
Recording the costs incorporated by Dept. 2
Finished production inventory S /. 244,239.6
Production in process inventory, Dept. 2 S /. 244,239.6
Recording the transfer of finished production
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Combination of cost systems by processes and activities