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How to achieve success in any activity


Kim Woo - Choong affirms that people, nations, countries seek him to realize his dreams to become heroes of world history. Since these are the force capable of transforming the world.

This is the case of the history that the United States has forged today; thanks to the hopes and dreams that his former pioneers had in youth.

In the same way, people are the product of their dreams. These are the rudder of the ship that goes to sea. A life devoid of dreams is like a ship without a rudder. Starting from the dream of contributing to social progress through entrepreneurial activity, a group of friends started the Daewoo Industrial Company. For 10 years the dream grew and came true. But the dream doesn't just stop there, now he's thinking about achieving the best quality product in the world. It has already set world records with the world's largest Daewoo shipyard in Okpo and the world's largest garment factory.

When these dreams are visualized and achieved, the conclusion is reached that the world can only be seen in two ways that are contrary to each other, optimistically and pessimistically. It is the case of Kim Woo - Choong who throughout his life has not mistakenly looked around him pessimistically. Furthermore, he says that critical situations are only moments of danger. Being an entrepreneur and carrying out this activity is what he calls it a bloody fight, where the bigger the business, the more fighting you have to fight. And it is here where his optimistic attitude takes him to the end of his expectations. In the business world, it is characterized by acquiring bankrupt companies and recovering them. He has the expertise to analyze opportunities that others have seen as impossible in possible.

Kim Woo-Choong says that when doing business you will always find yourself in different situations that will make you make a decision. Sometimes these decisions can become minor and other times they involve affecting the destination of the activity as such. You can have opinions from different people to reach a conclusion, but in itself the decisions were always made individually and in the case of the Daewoo company he has always made the decisions of the fate of it. Making decisions is not only so important in business but throughout our lives. Since a series of good or bad decisions are those that mark the success or failure of it.

People, societies and countries that make decisions constantly worry about doing their best in their jobs where they do not waste time from their activities and do not manifest the "strictly necessary syndrome". They are simply striving to do "good enough" to achieve goals. It is the example of the economies that are in the north of France, which have decided to strive to do their best to be very solid economies. For this reason, every activity that is undertaken should be completed as best as possible, that is why we have the key to success. This has been one of the principles that the Daewoo Industry has been instilling in its employees, and not only must it be applied in a work activity, it must be useful to carry it out in all things,doing your best from start to finish is not just important but essential.

When you begin to make efforts to achieve this type of objective, you begin to give a very important role to innovation.

Innovation is an essential change in life and it is not as difficult as you might get to see. The difficulty is not in the innovation itself, but in whether or not you want to innovate or carry out the change of something. Innovation has played a very important role in the history of humanity, this is given by the determination of a creative person which leads to change history, helping with the progress of the world. Then it also plays a very important role in Business Administration. When Kim Woo-Choong first worked for a company called Hansong Industrial where he was in charge of dealing with banks, I innovate the traditional way in which they carried out this financial management. It was here where he developed the success of his entrepreneurial initiation since he managed to hone his ability to solve problems,perceiving difficulties and improving situations.

When you are young you always find yourself in the situation of giving your life meaning or wanting to change or innovate something, this is when, according to the people who make up your environment, your family, your friends, your teachers, etc. They can definitely help and give direction to your life. They are this group of people who, despite the circumstances of the moment, sow in you a series of values ​​and principles that allow you to mature the character that begins to define your conception of life. This is the case of the mother of Kim Woo - Choong who instilled a deep teaching of sacrifice and service that resulted in her business principles, her teacher of the secondary school, Rhee Seok - Hee, who is currently president of the council and President of the Daewoo Foundation.And finally one of his best classmates at the Lee Woo - Book school, to which his class teacher suggested that he stand next to him so that he could learn much more. Today he is the vice president of Daewoo.

Life has many valuable things. Family, friends, possessions, work, general activities; but nothing as important and precious as time is. When one is young one has the disposition of time completely and many times it is wasted and when one is old one appreciates very much to have been able to have this lost time. Possessions, work, money etc. They can be lost but can be recovered again. The time is the only one that after elapsed cannot be replaced.

At the Daewoo Company, time has been the most valuable for their development and growth, since their disciplined use has allowed them to achieve in 22 years what it would have taken to do in 44 years the industry that it is today. They have created a motto that symbolizes the spirit of the company. "We did not skimp on three things: time, sweat and effort" (Choong p.38). Because they know very well the importance and meaning of time. Rather than the usual nine to five work schedule they work five to nine, this arrangement is what has enabled them to achieve the success they have had by making time more productive. It is very important to invest your effort and sweat when you are young as they do on Daewoo using time very wisely.

Kim Woo - Choong is concerned that young people are still overprotected by their parents, and it is normal for a father to want the best for his child, but young people need to learn much more about the effort involved in living. This is the case that is seen today in the new employees of Korean companies who resign within the first six months because the business life is very hard for them. This happens because they have been raised in a bird cage where they have led an easy, calm life, without worrying about food, cold and threats against their lives. They have grown up thinking about their own comfort and without worrying about the future of a country.

During the course of history, the baton of command that characterizes a country as a world power has passed from nation to nation and it seems that in the next few years its destiny will be east. But the most important thing in the future is not to be the first world power, but to prepare a people, a youth, a nation to become a long-term international society.

In this, they will be focusing all the eyes of the inhabitants of the world, since more than ever they must be the example that the world wants to see. Development in many fields of your industry will be taken into account and especially technology that will continue its infinite path of innovation.

However, the commitment is much greater for the youth to come as they will be acting in a globalized society where their interest in exchanging knowledge will be the gateway to acting internationally. The only truth is that whoever is the next world power will have to have leaders who are confident of their abilities and values ​​to handle any situation that arises and to anyone as if it were a hobby.

There is nothing more pleasant than feeling comfortable with what is done, with what we dedicate ourselves daily to improve our experience and knowledge. The most gratifying thing is to maintain the attitude and know that what is good becomes fun.

The best way to see work or any situation is to look at it as a hobby and experience joy in it. In the same way, modifying the attitude and making it part of yourself is an action that leads you not to do it merely for money or to grow in a social position, or in a country, it must be done because it must seem interesting and be a true source of joy.

For a person, a people, or a nation to become what they really want, they need to have and cultivate self-confidence through the use of the power of the mind. What we visualize in being, that is what we become.

To achieve success in any activity you must have capacity, energy, concentration and perseverance what is called tenacity. Work brings with it problems and failures that are not impossible to solve, only our lack of tenacity makes them seem impossible.

Everything you have today was considered impossible in another era and if people had considered that type of thinking today they would not have cars, planes, medicines, etc. Everything that evolved was possible because people had faith and confidence in themselves.

Always in the activities you do strive to be the best. As Kim Woo-Chooong did when he works as a newspaper delivery man, and managed to position himself as the only delivery man in the Pangchon market, Taegu. These experiences are what teach people to do their best in difficult situations, no matter what. Since his company started, I have always striven to be the best, being able to be proud of many of his achievements.

You always have to look to the future, have a vision that allows you to make certain progress, whether in a person, a nation or a country. This is how the President of Daewoo did it, when he wanted his staff to go to Germany to train in technology; which was a decision that generated the best of the benefits in the long term.

We must dream of being the leaders of tomorrow developing a vision accompanied by values, responsibility and condition. From the start of his business career, his perspective was global. Back then, no other Korean firm was interested in the international market. (Choong p.79).

We all depend on each other and we need to help each other. This shows us how important human relationships are. In commercial and business relationships relationships are also exchanged. In the case of the Daewoo industry that has established commercial relationships, it has maintained the principle of mutual benefit and shared prosperity, always worrying that its partners get as much as they do in any agreement.

The same thing usually happens in personal relationships, but when one person tries to take advantage of others, relationships deteriorate. The same thing happens in the commercial field, for this reason when one establishes both personal and commercial relationships of great value, it can be said that great success can be achieved in life, since good relationships cannot be bought. People are essential to companies, and constitute their greatest strength, they come to determine the success or failure of them because nothing is more important than people.

Each person is part of society and in it people need each other and at the same time society is part of people. Today, social problems are experienced basically by people who only believe in them and do not take others into consideration. We must leave that tendency of self-centeredness and live with each other in what is called a “Shared prosperity” as one of the examples that Daewoo industries practice as principles. Although living in a capitalist system where the main objective is to produce profits, companies must think about working more for the benefit of a society and for prosperity in general.

Do not cultivate appearances just for the sake of making a good impression on others, all the skills and internal forces that you possess develop them with all the confidence to achieve a better and brighter future. The current international society is living wanting to be what it is not, everything that surrounds us is the cause of stereotypes that seek to copy and mark above all the youth, who want to live these trends by leading a life that is not their own.

Always trust what you are, your essence will always prevail and do not be seduced by fleeting appearances, no matter how attractive they seem the only ones who can speak for you are your works.

Your inner strength is the essence of your true capacity, the world does not need people who appear to be capable; They need people who really show the commitment and sacrifice to take action. Fill yourself with confidence and carry out special abilities that allow you to acquire the knowledge, culture and vision of the world you want to live and leave to future generations.

How to achieve success in any activity