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Concept of sustainability and sustainable development in mexico

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The term sustainability refers to the balance that exists between a species with the resources of the environment in which it operates, this term mainly what it proposes is to satisfy the needs of people without compromising the resources of future generations, it seeks a fair balance between the environment and human beings.

This concept became known worldwide from the report "our common future" published in 1987 on the occasion of the preparation for the United Nations World Conference on Environment and Development.

Sustainable development focuses not only on the environment, but also on three main areas: economic, social and environmental. Sustainable development began to be formulated in the 1970s under the term “eco-development” and was refined over the next two decades. Sustainable development was based on demonstrating that in nature nothing grows indefinitely, if no, that when maximum thresholds are reached, collapse occurs.

In the ecological context, sustainability points to ecological systems that maintain their diversity and productivity over time.

In the economic and social context it is defined as the ability of current generations to meet their needs without harming future generations.

Impact of sustainability in Mexico

One of the main challenges that Mexico faces in terms of sustainability is incorporating the environment as one of the elements of competitiveness.

Among the key elements of sustainability are population growth, the energy issue, climate change, lack of resources and waste management.

Currently the business landscape has changed, so now to qualify a company investors are not only focused on financial data but also on other factors that are involved in sustainable development issues, so it is not strange to consider that in In the coming years, issues of sustainability and climate change will be the new competitive framework for business and a strong financial indicator that will value organizations, so it is essential to be prepared to take on this new challenge.

Mexico is not one of the major emitters of greenhouse gases, as it only emits 1.5 percent worldwide. However, emissions have grown 40 percent from 1990 to 2008, which is why, through concrete steps, such as the Special Program on Climate Change (PECC), Mexico has committed to reducing 50 percent of the total its emissions by 2050.

The relationship between sustainability, environmental protection and international trade is very close. This is because the conservation of ecology and scientific advances have become of great importance for the international community. This can be observed in two fundamental questions, the first is that not all environmental measures establish non-tariff barriers or technical obstacles to trade, since a decrease in the commercialization of certain products is not sought, but rather to improve people's lives. The second question, as a clear reaction to the reduction of tariffs and the liberation of a large part of world trade, the countries will seek authentic objectives among themselves, the issue of environmental protection and sustainable development,to inhibit foreign trade with other regions and protect local industry.

Faced with this panorama, the World Trade Organization seeks to maintain an equitable attitude towards the search for trade opening. Although it is true that the organization has as its fundamental objective the exchange of goods and services, it also seeks to establish commitments so that respect for the conditions for a healthy environment is not violated.

Business actions in relation to sustainability

The business sector is trying to make changes to improve and collaborate in sustainable development through what is called corporate social responsibility (CSR), this in order to take care of our resources.

Currently it has been proven that for a company to develop successfully it not only requires economic variables, but also a favorable social environment, a positive image that generates loyalty in its customers.

For some years, CSR has been implemented as a business management model through which companies assume a social commitment through actions and activities that contribute to the development and well-being of the community, its staff, customers and society contribute to create a favorable environment for the development of the company.

With this management the business sector collaborates to achieve a sustainable human development of the local community in which it is submerged.

These actions are creating an equitable environment, in which industries generate goods but at the same time carry out activities that take care of the resources of the place where they are located.

In conclusion, the term sustainability has been created in order to make people more responsible with the environment, it is true that every day our planet is affected due to so much pollution that exists on our planet, so we must do something so that this does not get worse and our well-being is compromised. Pollution has caused more and more endangered species, that is why the term sustainability has become increasingly important for the population and the fact that companies are now joining this effort to preserve the The planet's resources are very important to conserve our natural resources and thus not compromise the resources of future generations.

Concept of sustainability and sustainable development in mexico