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Computer ethics concept. test

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This essay will initially address what computer ethics is, for its better understanding, as well as the objectives it pursues, since all computer activity is linked to a code of ethics that must be used.

In the same way, you will find the advantages of its application and some risks that can be carried out to harm third parties.

Later you will find the importance that it has today.

Computer ethics concept

Ethics is the science of the moral behavior of the human being in society, in other words, it is the science that, based on a specific form of human behavior, allows us to classify human acts as good or bad

Computer technology poses new situations and new problems and a large part of these are of an ethical nature; There are obviously attempts to solve these problems by applying general ethical rules and solutions.

The existence of computer ethics begins with the fact that computers pose particular ethical problems and therefore different from other technologies. In professional activities related to computer technologies, the aim is to move from the simple application of general ethical criteria to the elaboration of an ethic specific to the profession. The ethical codes of professional associations and computer companies go in that direction.


Computer ethics has several objectives:

  • Discover key ethical dilemmas Determine the extent to which they are transformed or created by information technology Analyze and propose principles for action to establish what to do in new activities that are the consequence of information technology in which certain lines of action are not clearly perceived Use Ethical theory to clarify ethical dilemmas and find errors in their ethical reasoning. Propose ways to adequately understand the ethical dilemmas that computer science originates and also establish a guide when there is no regulation to use the Internet.

All human activity must be governed by a code of ethics and computing is no exception

Contents of Computer Ethics

Computer ethics is a somewhat new discipline, so there is still no deep content in this area. Even so, the themes and problems that are frequently dealt with in computer ethics can be compiled.

General professional ethics

There are some problems that have been created by new technologies: increased surveillance in automated offices through control of email within the company or information on the use of computer equipment by each employee, etc. Finally, there are also ethical issues that refer to business practices including contracts, agreements, and conflicts of interest.

As an instrument of harmful acts

One of the topics with which computer technologies are most related to Ethics is the idea that computer technologies can be used as a means of causing harm to third parties.

Those who provide computer services and those who use computers, data and programs must be responsible for the integrity and convenience of the results of their actions, as well as for the misuse of the information.

Basically, it is not only about fighting against actions that are harmful, but also promoting responsibility in computer applications that may have negative consequences or that may even be unknown.

Social dimensions

Computer science has contributed to the positive development of the media in society. Information technologies have made instant communications possible. However, when raising ethical questions, the authors focus more on problematic aspects of the implementation of information technologies than on their achievements, although they are positive. This is not due to a desire to seek only the negative in the technique, but to seek, from a more positive perspective, how to make the negative consequences of the new technologies become positive, thus leaving the technological determinism in which the technique is the end and not the means and the human being serves the technique and not the latter to human needs.

As problematic contributions of information technologies, there is the role they play in the globalization of the economy, business mergers or in the continuous increase of the chasm between developed and developing countries. Within companies there are also events that are influenced by the introduction of information technologies: process reengineering, management rationalization, which leads to job losses, increased inequalities, dehumanization and others. impacts on working conditions, ultra-competitiveness, power distribution, changes in decision-making processes.Another more specific problematic aspect is the issue of privatization of telecommunication systems and alliances of multinational communications companies that question what should be a "universal service". Here there are problems of access, control, participation, the fight between private profit interests or service to the majority

It can also be mentioned that computer scientists have been key workers in the research, development and production of technology. From Computer Ethics, computer scientists could be made aware of the ethics of developing highly intelligent ways to devise human suffering and destruction and of feeding military markets in developing countries by those who possess technology.

Some issues pertain to the macro level such as the unequal distribution of information, unequal access to technical means (including information networks), the way in which information technology reinforces the current distribution of power, participation in decisions that will affect our lives at home or at work, the control of information networks, the restriction of access for groups or individuals who do not have the resources to participate in a system increasingly dominated by the market, the problem of little cultural diversity of the information and communication systems and media that invade us. There are also analyzes on other effects for democracy, privacy and civic liberties, the impacts on health, education, culture, families,in the predominance of the paradigm of instrumental reason, etc.

Current Ethics of Computing

Each time, ethics courses are incorporated into computer studies programs taught by universities. According to the Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Sciences, students should be induced to identify their own values, sensitized to identify moral problems and dilemmas, identify and understand the scope of the problem, induce them to consider alternative actions, foresee the consequences, chart a moral path, choose an action that best promotes morality, and induce them to reflect on their decision.

There are a number of problems that Computer Ethics continues to face:

The bibliography related to Computer Ethics is not sufficiently emphasized in ethical theories. This results in vague statements and concepts that do not fully show the important relationship between Informatics and Ethics. Much existing literature has an individualistic orientation. It focuses more on what employees, managers or designers have to do as individuals involved in information technology. Existing literature is more sociological than ethical; it is less normative than descriptive. In general, there are no principles of action or answers to the "must" questions: what should I do as a person, what should I do and my own as an organization.


Computer ethics is a science that deals with human behavior in terms of aspects of computer technologies, always taking into account what is right and what is not, putting as a priority that we should not misuse information because we can harm third parties.

The objective of Computer Ethics is not only to propose an analysis on the social evaluation of technologies, but to go further in the sense of providing rational means to make decisions on issues where human values ​​and ethical dilemmas are at stake, with the As time goes by, it will be possible to go deeper into this very important topic.

Computer ethics concept. test