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Tips for creating content for your blog

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I want to give you a special recipe to prepare delicious content for your readers. What do you think?

To create an exquisite blog post first you have to know the audience you are talking to and literally speaking, you have to put yourself in their shoes, that is, you have to see through their tastes and interests and know what they want to read, what kind of content.

It is no longer worth talking about everyday topics, which are still approved by people but which do not capture the audience that really interests us. Quality traffic is what will come when we publish a quality blog post.

This means that you must write articles that motivate, communicate, teach or amuse. But for this, you have to take into account which are the topics that satisfy the needs, tastes and interests of your readers.

Remember these points when creating your content:

  • Your texts must be original and distinctive. Appreciable, useful and easy to understand. It must have a specific purpose. It must be written for your target audience.

There are other aspects that are just as important as the use of keywords, the distribution of your posts on social networks, in order to reach more people, get inbound links, etc. But for now we will focus on the recipe for creating eye-pleasing content.


  • Motivate Inform Teach Have Fun


1. We pour two cups of motivation: This ingredient is the information that inspires people, encourages them to exceed their limits, to break the ties that tie their hands and specifically motivates them to become better people.

It occurs to me to give an example to the Gamesa Saladitas, which motivates people to live together as a family. Contents that have a story will always motivate people, as they help activate the emotions of the people who are reading them.

In this way, potential prospects feel a connection to the brand and want to participate in conversations. This leads to articles published by the brand, have a high perspective of becoming a viral post.

The stories that motivate could be personal, referring to the brand or also a case study. They don't have to be emotionally or personally focused. But sometimes if it is necessary to get out of the comfort zone, I mean that you could express what you carry inside you and sharing it could be a positive thing.

2. Once the motivation has spread, add a few tablespoons of information to taste: The ingredient of the information enriches people's interest if you keep them on the latest of the latest in your industry. This is how you will become an expert in your niche, communicating to your public about the new events that are happening in your sector.

For this I recommend that you create alerts in Google, with this, you will be receiving emails about the latest news on the topics in which you want to be updated.

In short, you have to be a good content cook and find the best ingredients to attract the ferocious appetite of your audience. Once you locate the sources of information you can transcribe it and quote the source or give your point of view on the topic at hand.

Another option would be to conduct interviews with people who are in your sector. This works very well. It is a way to contribute information just out of the oven, provided by a relevant person in your area. If you manage to give the right approach to the questions you ask your guest, you could make a very motivating article.

3. A teaching paste is made and mixed with the other ingredients: At this point, the preparation is already taking shape. Teaching is something that cannot be missed in content recipes, well, depending on the topic you are addressing. But in general, there is always something to learn and it is important to solve the doubts of your audience.

Identify what your readers want to learn and show them how it is done through your posts. For example, all articles that start with: “How to do that, 10 ways to, 6 strategies, did you know how to sell, etc.” they are post of high impact at SEO level.

If you don't know where to start or you don't get ideas and you have a minimum audience, ask your audience. Do not be afraid, that is normal, I have also felt it, but they will tell you their doubts and interests and with the information they provide you will be able to create new content. To do the surveys on your blog you can use tools like Google Drive, Encuestatick, Typerform and others.

4. The last ingredient to finish the recipe is to liquefy fun and pour it into the mixture: This ingredient gives the final touch of flavor to our exquisite content. It is like the condiment that delights the pupils of the readers.

The contents in the form of video are the most entertaining. There are companies that make content to amuse, inform and entertain people through very creative videos.

The images also play an important role in the content, they are like chocolate chips scattered throughout the text, yum! True? Placing a touch of your charm, that is, your sense of humor, can capture the attention of your readers more. That way your audience will feel like you are talking to them in person. That closeness to your readers is beautiful and rewarding.

Well, now that you know the ingredients of this delicious content recipe, you can prepare them separately or if you want to generate more impact, you must prepare a whole feast, mixing the four ingredients.

I am sure you are a great cook and your content will awaken the visual hunger of your readers. They will return again and again to delight in all the exquisite items you prepare. And from time to time you can offer them some snacks that they can download in their emails to motivate them even more.

Remember that you cannot reverse the watch, but if you can wind it again…

My best wishes for your life.

Tips for creating content for your blog