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Tips for cultivating your aura and reducing stress

Table of contents:


One of the greatest sources of stress for all of us who live in today's world is crime, the insecurity that exists in the streets of today's cities, through Kundalini Yoga, we powerfully strengthen our Aura with Kriyas (series of exercises), Mantras, Meditations, Mudras and Pranayama.

One of the greatest sources of stress for all of us who live in the world today is crime, the insecurity that is in the streets of today's cities, what can we do? How to go out without fear and apprehension ?. Know here how.

The spiritual bodies

As I have already mentioned in several of my articles for Kundalini Yoga we are 11 bodies, not only a physical body and one of these bodies called in Kundalini Yoga Spiritual Bodies, is the Aura, specifically it is the body 7.

Your Seventh Spiritual Body = The Aura.:

This Seventh Body has several functions and one of them and very important is to be A PROTECTIVE SHIELD, which keeps you safe in dangerous situations, only for this to happen, this body has to be clean and strong.

Cleaning and Strengthening The Aura:

The way to cleanse and strengthen your Aura is with spiritual life, this means cultivating your spirit. Kundalini Yoga achieves this very effectively through all its practices, such as:

* Kriyas (series of exercises with a given objective).

* Pranayama (Breathing techniques)

* Mantras (Words of Power)

* Mudras (Hand postures)

* Meditations.

We practice all this in a Kundalini Yoga session, and the constant practice of all this guarantees the health and strength of our Aura.

Other factors to heal El Aura.

In the Yogic tradition there are other factors to strengthen our Spiritual Body 7 and these are:

*What we eat.

* What we drink

* What we wear

* What we praise

* With whom we interact and

*What we think

Through the practice of all this we will be protected thanks to having a Strong Aura.

Tips for cultivating your aura and reducing stress