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Tips to fight for your personal growth

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To stop fighting is to die

I know that we are in the midst of a crisis, wrapped in constant news of corruption, cuts and misfortunes, why deny it, but in this situation you only have 2 options: surrender, complain about everything and live as a "victim", or bet on resilience, learn from the situation, get up and fight to keep going. It is time to discover opportunities where there are failures, to see outbreaks where others see desert.

In short, and I am sorry to use this much-used word of RE-INVENTING. Be clear that what was useful yesterday may not be useful tomorrow, knowing how to live in uncertainty, and learning to unlearn, to make room for what you need now.

As Darwin said, only species that know how to adapt will survive.

To reinvent yourself, you must do like that disciple who visited a sage to teach him. As he introduced himself, he told him everything he knew, what he had done… the sage took a cup of tea and while he spoke he filled the cup, until it spilled. Seeing that he was not reacting, the disciple warned him, to which the sage said: "This cup is like your mind, I can teach you nothing and you can learn nothing if you do not leave room for it."

Here are some pills to get it:

  • Remember when you were a baby, how many times you fell and got back up on your own until you learned to walk, and do it again. Live with passion every minute and second of your life, like that child you were when with ignorance you were surprised and you enjoyed insignificant things. Surround yourself with positive people, and stay away from the "victims" and pessimists. Don't let them sign up at your club. Take action, and when something doesn't go your way, don't fall apart, learn from the mistake, get up and move on. Think that before achieving great successes most people have had great failures (Thomas Edison had to do more than 1,000 trial-errors before discovering the light bulb, among other great inventions). The difference between failure and error is that in failure you fall and don't get up,while in the error you assume that you have had a different result than you expected, you learn, you get up and you continue. Take time to meditate, clarify your ideas and objectives. Fuzzy goals, fuzzy goals. Clear objectives, clear goals. Let yourself flow through your senses, enjoy them: - Touch: touch yourself and let them touch you. Massage your feet (many nerve endings) - Visual: Surround yourself with colors, and take advantage of its strength (yellow: activity / green: freshness and tranquility / blue: communication and tranquility / red: stimulation and vitality). sounds of nature, as well as the daily sounds around you (rain, ocean waves, shower water…). Take advantage of the power of music therapy. - Smells: Smell with intensity until permeating the moment: freshly baked bread,diverse aromas… as well as revitalizing smells that fill you with energy such as eucalyptus and menthol. - Tastes: Slowly, enjoy tastes and healthy food, avoiding the abuse of foods with a high concentration of fast-absorbing sugars, such as chocolate and caramels. Make a list and write those little things that fill you up, fill you with energy and you enjoy doing, and find a space to do them every day, every week. They do not have to be expensive or complicated, simplicity is greatness.They charge you energy and you enjoy performing, and look for a space to perform them every day, every week. They do not have to be expensive or complicated, simplicity is greatness.They charge you energy and you enjoy performing, and look for a space to perform them every day, every week. They do not have to be expensive or complicated, simplicity is greatness.

Here is a story to reflect on:

Once upon a time, there was a forest where all the animals lived, until one day they began to talk about their virtues. The rabbit was fast, the owl was smart, the elephant was strong… like this until they reached the turtles, which only saw weaknesses. So they decided to make a bet: challenge the turtles to climb up to the top. So all the turtles were prepared at the forest exit line, on the way to the top, and gave the exit. The slow and heavy turtles began to walk slowly, with their heavy shell on their backs. At the side of the road were all the forest animals, who looked at them and commented:

  • “Look at them slow, they will never make it.” “It is impossible, they are very heavy”.

The days went by, and the turtles gradually gave up. After a few weeks, fewer and fewer turtles remained, and the forest animals continued their comments. Until in the end there was only one turtle left, which slowly but surely continued to advance, until finally, against all odds and with the surprise of all the animals, he managed to get to the top.

Do you know why he got it?

Because she was deaf.

Do not miss this video, immerse yourself in the strength of its protagonist, his passion for living and moving forward, it is not wasted:

Tips to fight for your personal growth