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Tips and exercises for self-improvement


This guide does not stop at exposing thoughts, considerations, reflections or theories about attention to the present. This guide is focused on the importance of "attention to the present", which is your practice.


No knowledge about caring for yourself is more important than your practice. In accordance with the above, this guide is focused on proposing exercises to practice "attention to the present."

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Living "mindful of the present" is like taking a "daily health pill" for our body, our thoughts, our emotions and our relationships.

A healthy purpose

The purpose of practicing mindfulness today is to overcome the anxiety and stress that

produces living wandering and sustaining empathy that allows me to respectfully relate to myself and others.

The Attention We Need

During my life, many external or internal stimuli end up "attracting" my attention. I call this type of attention involuntary attention, because generating it does not depend on my intention, but on the characteristics and importance that the stimulus has for me.

To promote and sustain attention to the present it is essential to sustain attention, voluntarily.

Voluntary care is care that requires effort. And it is because this capacity only arises from the will, that is, only if one wants to.

The place

If I have the possibility of choosing a place to practice attention to the present, I will surely look for a clean, comfortable, quiet and cozy place. However

the best place to practice mindfulness is where I am.

The Moment

If I have the possibility of choosing a moment in which to practice attention to the present, I will surely choose the moments of the day that have no obligations that urge me. However, the best time to practice attention to the present is the one I am experiencing.

The posture

If I have the possibility to choose the posture with which to practice mindfulness in the present, I will surely seek to be relaxed from head to toe, without tensions in the

hands, shoulders, jaw or neck and sitting with the

back straight and with hands on knees. However, the best posture to practice attention to the present is the one I have.

The description of each exercise

The exercises are briefly described. Only the importance of each is mentioned. The complementary aspects are adapted by each one to his

circumstances and better to appear. In this way, each one

must seek the answers on how to carry them out, in himself, reinforcing the self-education that leads us to look for the answers within each one.

I repeat what is useful for me.

My experience of attending to the present will guide me on which are the best exercises that allow me to maintain my attention to the present during the day.

Evaluate to learn

After the exercises of attending to the present, I propose to consider the experience lived with the intention of learning and in the case of

sharing the experience with others, also do it with what I have learned.

Relaxation and irrigation to the brain to start each exercise session

Before starting each exercise session, it is advisable to

carry out a relaxation exercise and a

brain irrigation exercise, such as those proposed below. The “Relax” logo at the beginning of each session of this manual will remind me of this.

The necessary gesture

Smiling helps me feel good about myself and what I live with.

I smile when I wake up.

I smile when I start each workout

I smile when I remain attentive to the present

11 To strengthen voluntary attention

To strengthen my voluntary attention I can cultivate:

1- “interest in me”.

2- "the affection for me".

3- "that my movements harmonize with my breathing".

4- “That my diet and physical activities help me stay vital and healthy”.

12 The great help

When I propose to attend to what I live and find myself distracted, first I accept the situation, then I smile and finally I return to the object of my attention.

I do a brain irrigation exercise and choose a relaxation one.


In any position that suits me, I keep my head below my heart (1 to 3 minutes)

Relax 1 Relax 2 I

mentally walk my body, from I attend to inhaling smiling and then

head to toe, tensing I attend to exhaling smiling.

Muscularly, each zone, first (2 to 3 minutes) a

few seconds and then relaxing it.

Relax 3

I practice the exercise of the video "I feel what I visualize" located at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRdR-8kjpvQ (7 minutes)

At the beginning I do an irrigation exercise to the brain and a relaxation one.

Inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, I mentally count every time I exhale.

(consecutively from 1 to 30)

I raise an arm every time I inhale and lower it every time I breathe out. (1 to 5 minutes)

I count mentally, every time my diaphragm rises with my inspiration

(consecutively from 1 to 30) I

attend to the sensation of freshness in my nose, when I inhale and of warmth when I exhale. (1 to 5 minutes)

At the beginning I do a brain irrigation exercise and a relaxation exercise.

Inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, I count mentally before inhaling.

(consecutively from 1 to 30)

I close my eyes when I inhale and open them when I exhale. (1 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the sensation of the diaphragm that rises and falls with my breathing (1 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the sensation that the air produces when entering my nostrils

until it reaches my lungs and when it leaves my lungs into the nostrils. (1 to 5 minutes)

At the beginning I do a brain irrigation exercise and a relaxation exercise.

Inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, I mentally count every time I exhale. (consecutively from 1 to 30)

I raise an arm every time I inhale and lower it every time I exhale. (1 to 3 minutes) I

count mentally, every time my diaphragm rises with my inspiration (consecutively from 1 to 30)

I deepen my breathing by relaxing the contraction and expansion of the diaphragm while I breathe in and out (1 to 3 minutes)

At the beginning I do a brain irrigation exercise and a relaxation exercise.

Sitting, with each inspiration, through the nose, I give a gentle blow with my right hand to my right leg and with each expiration, through the mouth, I give a gentle blow with my left hand to my left leg (2 to 5 minutes)

Sitting, At each inspiration, through the nose, I gently tilt my head and trunk to the right, and at each expiration, through the mouth, I gently tilt my head and trunk to the left (2 to 5 minutes).

I attend to the sensation that the air produces when entering and leaving the tip of my nose. without chasing the air sensation or distracting myself with the thoughts that may appear (1 to 3 minutes).

With each inspiration I follow the air that enters with the thought, knowing (feeling and thinking) that it enters my body. And with each expiration I continue with my thoughts the air that leaves, knowing (feeling and thinking) that it leaves. (2 to 5 minutes) I

harmonize my breathing with what I am doing. At the beginning I do a brain irrigation exercise and a relaxation exercise.

I inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, keeping up with the rhythm with which I go up and down the arms (1 to 3 minutes).

I accompany the rhythm of my breathing with that of my steps, when walking

(1 to 3 minutes) I

accompany my breathing to the rhythm of the massage that I give myself with both hands, on the head, on the trunk in the arms and on the legs. (for 2 to 3 minutes)

I track my breathing to the rhythm of a clock's second hand. (1 to 3 minutes)

I know what I'm doing. At the beginning I do a brain irrigation exercise and a relaxation exercise.

I see that I am breathing softly, while I know (feel and think) that: "I am breathing softly" (2 to 5 minutes)

I see that I am gently caressing myself, one hand with the other, while I know (I feel and I think) that: "I am gently caressing my hand" (1 to 3 minutes) I

attend to that I walk slowly, in harmony with my breathing, while I think and feel that: "I am walking slowly, in harmony with my breathing" (2 to 5 minutes)

Sitting, with my eyes closed, I attend to the sensation produced by my smiling gesture, while I think and feel that: "I am smiling" (2 to 3 minutes)

I know what I am doing. At the beginning I do a brain irrigation exercise and a relaxation exercise.

I attend to the position of my body while I know (feel and think) that: "position I have" (3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the fact that I am gently caressing the hand of a partner, at the same time that I know (I feel and I think) that:

"I am gently caressing his hand" (1 to 3 minutes) I

attend to that I walk slowly, in harmony with my breathing, hand in hand with a partner, while I think and feel that: "I am walking slowly, I

attend that I am gently inspiring, while I know (feel and think) that:

"I am breathing in gently"

Then I see that I am breathing out gently, while I know (feel and think) that:

"I am breathing out gently" (2 to 5 minutes)

Exercises to start the day

At the beginning I do an irrigation exercise to the brain and one of relaxation. When I wake up I take care that I am breathing softly, while I know (feel and think) that:

"I am breathing softly while I am waking up" (2 to 3 minutes)

I take care that I am gently massaging with both hands the head, the trunk, and the legs while I know (feel and think) that:

"I am massaging myself gently" (2 to 3 minutes) I

attend to brushing my teeth slowly, while I think and feel that:

"I am brushing my teeth" (2 to 3 minutes)

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror I attend to the sensation produced by my

smiling gesture, while I think and feel that:

"I am smiling"

(2 to 3 minutes)

Reinforcing attention

When starting I do a brain irrigation exercise and a relaxation exercise.

I attend to my breathing, while walking, while maintaining the

sensation of my left foot.

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to my distractions without judging or naming them while I feel and think that:

"I accept my distractions"

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to my breathing while I feel my hand when drawing.

(3 to 5 minutes)

I attend to how I feel without judging myself, accepting myself while I feel and think that:

"I accept myself without judging myself"

(3 to 5 minutes)

The smile

At the beginning I do an irrigation exercise to the brain and a relaxation one.

I attend to my smiling gesture, when inhaling, while I think and feel that:

"I am smiling when inhaling"

Then I attend to my smiling gesture, when exhaling, while I think and feel that:

"I am smiling when exhaling"

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend Because I'm smiling at all living things, without judging myself. (3 to 5 minutes) I

understand that I am smiling at others, without judging myself. (3 to 5 minutes) I

understand that I am smiling, without judging myself.

(3 to 5 minutes)


At the beginning I do a brain irrigation exercise and a relaxation exercise.

I attend to the feeling of being comfortable with myself while I feel and think that:

"I feel comfortable with myself"

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the feeling of appreciating Life while I feel and think that:

"I appreciate Life"

(3 to 5 minutes)

While I feel my body I attend to the feeling of being where I always dreamed of.

(3-5 minutes)

As I gently rub my hands I tend to the feeling of being who I want to be.

(3 to 5 minutes)

Caring for the body

At the beginning I do a brain irrigation and a relaxation exercise.

I harmonize my breathing with the movement of my hip that, in a swing, I take first forward and then back.

(1 minute) I

attend to the feeling of balance, by holding on one foot first and the other afterwards

(1 minute) I

harmonize my breathing with the rhythm of the massage that I give myself with my fingers to the scalp.

(2 minutes) I

harmonize my breathing with the rhythm of the massage I give to a tennis ball, between the open palms of my hands.

(2 minutes) I

harmonize my breathing with the sliding rhythm of my feet, on an empty glass bottle, which I first slide until I touch the

bottle with my fingertips and then slide until I touch the bottle with my heel

(2 to 3 minutes)

I attend to the sensation that my body produces, without judging or naming it

(3 to 5 minutes)

Attending to what I see

When I start I do an irrigation exercise to the

brain and a relaxation one.

I attend to what I see, without judging it

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the forms I see, without naming them with thought

(2 to 3 minutes) I

attend to the colors I see, without naming them with thought

(2 to 3 minutes)

I attend to the people I see, without naming them with the thought

(2 to 3 minutes)

Attending to what I hear

When I start I do an irrigation exercise to the

brain and a relaxation one.

I listen to what I hear, without judging it (3 to 5 minutes)

I attend to the sounds I hear, without naming them with thought (2 to 3 minutes) I

attend to the sound of music while feeling my right hand. (3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to what I name mentally, without judging

(2 to 3 minutes)

Attending to what I play

When I start I do an irrigation exercise to the brain and a relaxation one.

I attend what I touch, without judging it

(3 minutes) I

attend to the textures I touch, without naming them with the thought (2 minutes I

attend to my breathing while I feel my right hand.

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend that I touch my face, without judging

(3 to 5 minutes)

Taking care of what I smell

At the beginning I do an irrigation exercise

brain and one of relaxation.

I listen to what I smell, without judging it (3 to 5 minutes) I

listen to what I smell, without naming it with the thought (2 to 3 minutes) I

listen to the smell of my left hand while I feel my right hand. (3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the smell of my right hand, without judging

(3 to 5 minutes)

Attending to what I savor

When starting I do an irrigation exercise to the

brain and a relaxation one.

I attend to what I taste, without judging it

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to what I taste, without naming it with the thought

(2 to 3 minutes) I

attend to the taste of a caramel while feeling my right hand.

(3 to 5 minutes)

I attend to the taste of caramel, without judging

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend while I am waiting

At the beginning I do a brain irrigation and a relaxation exercise.

I attend that I am waiting for someone, without judging them (3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the second hand of the clock, without naming with the thought (2 to 3 minutes) I

listen to the sound of a drop of water, without naming with the thought

(2 to 3 minutes) I

attend to what I want to achieve in life, without judging myself

(3 to 5 minutes)

I accept my assessment of myself

At the beginning I do a

brain irrigation exercise and a relaxation exercise.

I attend (observe) my image, with neutrality, without judging myself

(3 to 5 minutes)

I attend to the feeling that the current moment of my

life produces, without judging

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend that I am gently inspiring, while I know (feel and think) that: "I am alive"

Then I attend that I am exhaling softly, while I know (feel and think) that:

"I am alive"

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend that I accept myself, while I know (feel and think) that:

"I accept myself " (3 to 5 minutes)

I attend to the evaluation that others have of me.

At the beginning I do an irrigation exercise to the brain and a relaxation one.

I attend to the feeling that others have of me, without judging (3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the feeling that someone who does not love me produces, without judging (2 to 3 minutes)

I attend to the feeling you have of me, someone I appreciate, without judging (3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to those who look at me, without judging (2 to 3 minutes) I

attend to my assumptions

At the beginning I do an irrigation exercise to the

brain and one of relaxation.

I attend to the feeling that I think others have of me, without judging

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the image of someone whom I consider very bad, without judging

(2 to 3 minutes) I

attend to my assessment of someone important to me, without judging

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the feeling I have of myself, without judging

(3 to 5 minutes)

To strengthen voluntary attention

At the beginning I do an irrigation exercise at

brain and one of relaxation.

I treat myself with interest (2 to 3 minutes)


treat myself with affection (2 to 3 minutes) I harmonize my movements with my breathing (2 to 3 minutes) I attend

to the fact that I feel in harmony while I feel and think that:

“I feel in harmony ”

(3 to 5 minutes) I

listen to what I explore

When I start, I do an irrigation exercise for the

brain and a relaxation exercise.

I attend to what I think without judging

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to what I feel without judging

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to one thing without naming it

(3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the other without naming it (3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the feeling of peace

At the beginning I do a brain irrigation exercise and a relaxation exercise.

I see that I feel in harmony with myself while I feel and think that:

“I feel in harmony with myself” (3 to 5 minutes) I

synchronize the feeling that: «I feel» when I breathe in and with the feeling of »peace», when exhale.

I attend to the sensation of gently listening to the expression: "I feel peace", leaving it, without forcing it, to go deep inside me. (3 to 5 minutes) I

attend to the feeling that I am part of Life while I feel and think that:

"I feel part of Life" (3 to 5 minutes)

The Time of Life.

At the beginning I do a brain irrigation exercise and a relaxation exercise.

When I breathe in, I feel like “I have arrived”

When I breathe out, I feel like "I have arrived" (5 to 10 minutes)

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Tips and exercises for self-improvement