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Ecological buildings for tourism. cet

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Many inhabitants of cities with little traffic and high tourist potential suffer from an enormous fear of being attractive or a destination for this activity, despite the enormous benefits and sources of income that the tourism industry brings. The fear is mainly due to the aggression that the environment and its population could suffer as they begin to receive a greater flow of people who will require services and facilities.

The inhabitants of these places with high potential are aware of the transformation and development that their communities could have. These are new jobs, growth of the local economy, new infrastructure such as: roads, aqueducts, treatment plants, electrification systems, etc.

Obviously this, which could be very attractive to some, also fills the careful inhabitant of the environment and its natural heritage with concern.

Ecological Tourism is born from this reasonable concern and also the term CET (Ecological Constructions for Tourism) because they are the ones who will support and will support this important activity. This type of ecological construction aims to support tourist activity aimed at the healthy enjoyment of the place without harming it, understanding its beauties, benefits and avoiding its deterioration. The ecological tourist needs them not only to get to know and enjoy, but also to preserve the environment they are visiting.

What are CETs?

The CETs are the set of structures, buildings and facilities that the city or town will have to adequately support the social, cultural and productive structure of tourism. It deals with basic services such as: electricity, water, gas, telephone and internet as well as more complex systems that go from the sanitary network, disposal and collection of waste and recycling to complex structures such as bridges, airports, ports and hotels.

All CETs must respond to strategic plans that are not only based on criteria of sustainability and care for the environment, but also satisfy the needs of a new community that must coexist with tourists and visitors. The tourist activity does not depend only on the place itself but on the facilities, buildings and services that support and will provide the capacity, comfort and resources to manage the density of visitors and that combined with natural attractions become the magic formula that many tourists looking to visit and meet.

Let us remember the enormous negative impact that many traditional constructions have on the environment, that is why it is so important to highlight that the CET are capable of providing not only functionality and comfort but the least possible alteration to the environment where they will be built. This type of construction seeks sustainability, that is, that they are capable of supporting themselves, that they self-generate energy and optimize it. That they take advantage of the materials of the area efficiently as well as that they can handle most of the waste that the tourist activity generates within them. It is relevant that the materials with which it is going to be built are not toxic for the environment, neither for the users nor for those who build them.They must be beautiful buildings and integrated into the local tourist environment or landscape to be developed.

The ecological tourist and the CET

The ecological tourist as an intervener of the place must be aware when visiting, preserving and committing to caring for it during and after their stay, avoiding not only the negative environmental impact but also on the community. The ecological tourist should take the best experience of the place but leave in it its conservationist and positive influence on those who will receive and act as hosts.

That is why it must have ecological facilities that contribute to the care of the environment, minimize its deterioration and allow tourists and even researchers to enjoy without damaging or interrupting the interactions that living beings have with their environment.

What do CETs offer to the ecological tourist?

  1. Responsible tourist activities. Take care of the place you will visit, not destroy it but preserve it for others. Well-being for all. Both for visitors to the place and for the inhabitants of the town. Know and promote more ecological constructions. If the tourist has the support of facilities and services designed and built with ecological criteria, the result will be a true ecotourism. For example:
  • Ecological toilets for visitors and locals Ecologically designed and built paths and trails Self-sustaining lodgings, self-sustaining and with local materials Control and surveillance points with tourist and ecological information designed for the place, sensitive to its problems and weaknesses of the environment.Signaling and presence of guides that support good practices and behaviors.

Finally, I say goodbye affirming that the CET (Ecological Constructions for Tourism) should be considered as a tourism planning strategy since it is not only about conservation but also about offering to the populations with high tourist potential the social and economic benefits of balanced exploitation. of its natural beauties, ecological construction, people and culture.


I invite you to read this and other of my published articles: Ecological Constructions, Commitment, Attachment, Generosity, Resentment, Humanity in people, Uncertainty, Change our present. You can also make any query by writing to email: [email protected] or twitter: @anibalrevollotv

Ecological buildings for tourism. cet