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Building your added value


In a previous article I spoke about a universal truth, and that is that we all have an intrinsic value, which is given to us by the mere fact of existing. But there is a value that goes beyond the intrinsic, that you assign yourself and decide, that you create for yourself. Through added value, you serve people, contribute to society and create something memorable for the generations that follow.

Added value refers to how you decide to be of value to society. It is about using what you have learned and the talents you have to generate an important contribution out there. As you may have noticed, it goes hand in hand with service to humanity. You already have a value of your own, but you can also decide to have a value for society.

The added value is more an attitude than a behavior. Some people find it difficult to study or work for various reasons; But their attitude is always one of growth, of seeing opportunities to contribute, or educating themselves to do so in the future. And there are others who, having all the opportunities and resources, decide not to contribute anything, to stay at home without adding value to society, or simply doing additional damage. That is why we speak that it is more a decision, it is not measured in terms of results but of mental attitude.

It is true that you are born with an intrinsic value, but for your self-concept to be solid, you must have a special passion to add value to your life, to be more than you are, to grow, educate yourself, work to serve, help others. You cannot be left alone with intrinsic value. You can't be locked up in the house all day doing nothing, satisfied with the only self-worth you have. You must go for more.


For more information about how to build added value to strengthen your self-esteem and improve your self-concept, I invite you to purchase the virtual course " Building Solid Self-Esteem ", which you can obtain by clicking here.

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I wish you the greatest blessings.

Guillermo Mendoza Vélez www.SaludMentalyEmocional.com

Building your added value