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Accounting and mobility with wireless technology


Technological advances have revolutionized the business world. Wireless technology has created new opportunities for companies, which must be up to date in the technological field to provide professionals who work for them with the tools that allow them to be more efficient in the performance of their activities, increasing their productivity..

Mobile devices are a very powerful tool that allow professionals to interact with the organization from practically anywhere, as well as allow the organization to be more competitive, by means of which the accounting information is obtained, which is highly relevant to the time to make decisions. Thanks to wireless technology and mobile devices, professional integration with the organization is achieved at all times, thereby maximizing efficiency, increasing productivity and creating value for the entity.

Key words: Wireless technology, mobility, accounting, efficiency, productivity, mobile devices.



Guajardo (2004) comments that the objective of financial accounting is to generate useful and timely information for decision-making. For information to acquire this particularity when making decisions in a place outside the office, it must be available. This can be achieved through wireless technological tools, PDAs, smartphones, laptops, among other instruments.

In today's world, the competitiveness that exists leads professionals to use the tools that give them the greatest possible advantage in their performance every day. Having accounting information anywhere is essential for decision-making, as well as it is to carry out any other task in which they need the information they have in their organization. Decision-making is of utmost importance in companies, in order to make sound decisions it is necessary to have up-to-date accounting information in all the places where the professional can be immersed in the situation of making a decision.

Wireless technology tools provide great advantages because they can access information, as well as being very useful in maximizing time efficiency, a very limited resource. Thanks to these, the productivity of an executive is increased and he is more competitive in this globalized world.


The bibliographic sources that were consulted to prepare this article were the following digital databases of the Tecnológico de Monterrey digital library: ACM Digital Library, EBSCO, Gartner Intraweb, IEEE Xplore, InfoLATINA and Proquest, as well as library accounting books of the Graduate School of Business Administration and Management of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

CHAPTER 1 "Relevance of accounting information in a wireless communication system"

Eriksén (2002) tells us about the importance of accounting and why it should be the central basis to understand how people organize their daily actions and interactions. It is based on this that the importance of accounting information as a key piece in the wireless communication systems that can be counted on in a company is made. Accounting is of great importance since all companies have a need to control and thus be able to make the most of their resources and measure their performance.

Handling accounting information is very delicate, this due to the nature of it. Unfortunately, the handling of this information outside the company can lend itself to mismanagement. Yumerefendi and Chase (2004) promote accounting as an integral part of a central design of information systems and define three properties for these systems:

  1. SecurityPrivacyIntegrity

As these properties are integrated into the information systems, greater confidence is created for the organization regarding the use of their information, thereby advancing the attempt to integrate the company with professionals who have to perform for one reason or another outside of is.

It is necessary to have accounting information in any situation in which the professional can be immersed in decision-making and what better way to do it in real time, using updated business information. It is important to have the information in real time and based on this to be able to determine the situation of the company and with this support to be able to carry out decision making.

CHAPTER 2 " Increase Productivity"

There are times when professionals cannot take advantage of time due to the activities they carry out, for these occasions it is necessary for company executives to increase their productivity, this can be achieved through efficiency, it is possible to reach He is making the most of downtime, such as moving from one place to another, waiting for a plane, the time before a meeting, to name a few. It must be possible to be productive and make the most of the time that is already scarce and that can be used to carry out other tasks. Human beings have a limited memory by nature, it is not possible for them to store large amounts of information compared to what they can do by using technological tools that magnify their capabilities.

Ramírez (2007) comments that mobility is the key to maximize the efficiency of professionals, since through this they can be in contact with organizations at all times and thus have the most up-to-date information possible in order to carry out their tasks in a most satisfactory way. Being able to have the information anywhere produces a feeling of empowerment in the professional, this because they can be in contact with the organization, suppliers and clients among others interested in the activities that the professional carries out. As well as monitoring the state of the organization at all times and thus anticipating events in which its intervention will be required when the conditions for it are hardly present.

Parés (2007) mentions that technology can only marginally help the success of the company, it is the company's strategy that defines the direction it will take, technology is only one way to develop it. Increasing efficiency is key to increasing productivity, the effort to increase it will increase the company's chances of success but does not guarantee it.

Figure 1. Balance of mobile devices in a company.

Regarding the wireless technology strategy of the company Wallin (2007) mentions that when considering the development of the mobile strategy, cost efficiency, predictability and consistency must be taken into account to achieve a correct balance in the mobile strategy of the company.

CHAPTER 3 " New needs and new technology"

Wallin (2007) tells us that in today's world we are immersed in change, within it new ways of doing business have been presented, and with it new alternatives that professionals have to provide to stay current. Technology is the answer to most of the new needs in this globalized world, professionals need the most advanced technological tools according to their needs and tasks in order to compete and not give advantages to adversaries in the markets. The need to survive harsh competition in order to achieve success is prevalent in all organizations. Providing professionals with the tools to compete with the world,The competitiveness of the company is being fostered and the backwardness with respect to organizations that are up to date in the technological field is avoided.

Clark (2006) talks about the benefits that providing mobile communication alternatives for professionals working in companies can bring to companies, as well as predicting that by 2009 70% of knowledge performance at work will occur in locations where depending on a wireless network or remote access, this is out of the direct control of the company, this is guaranteed with 70% confidence. That is why following the trends and advantages provided by the new technology gives the company security against change and confidence that the professionals who work in it have the tools to compete and generate better results for the entity.

Nájera (2007) comments that with these new tools it is possible to be in contact with the organization 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Despite the fact that this is a great advantage for companies and also for professionals, there comes a certain time when the person has to leave work at work and not be completely absorbed by mobile devices. It is necessary for the professional to maintain priorities and planned times in order to be with family and friends, they complete their circle. Rest, relaxation and privacy are an integral part of the person's well-being, although there are times when it is very useful to be able to have the office available to the professional anywhere there are others where it is necessary to break the bond, even for a few hours,and develop activities relevant to the person independent of work and not become a prisoner of a mobile device.

CHAPTER 4 " Examples of the usefulness of mobile devices"

There are infinite number of situations in which a mobile device offers a large number of advantages to professionals, an example of this is in a waiting room at an airport when you are about to take a plane, the professional usually spends one hour at this time, an hour in which he was able to carry out activities that would generate value for both himself and the organization, in that hour of downtime he was able to send and respond to emails and increase his productivity.

New ways of doing business and direct interaction with customers and suppliers are another area in which having a mobile device can improve relationships with them and generate added value. When you are in a meeting and you have to make a decision, it is advisable to have all the information and that it is available in real time, both to make consultations and to provide support for the decisions that are going to be made, same as in many occasions are decisive when doing business. (McManus 2007)

In terms of efficiency, it is possible to avoid downtime and receive information even when unrelated activities are carried out, that is, when you are at a soccer game you can be receiving the information that will be very useful when you decide to play again work activities without having to go looking for it by other means.

Finally, professional integration with the organization is achieved at all times, thereby maximizing efficiency, increasing productivity and creating value for the entity.


To be efficient in a competitive environment you must have the necessary tools to do it, wireless technology increases the potential of executives, as it provides them with useful, easily accessible tools with which they can obtain the support to be able to make a decision. practically anywhere.

Accounting provides information on everything relevant to decision-making, it is this information that must be available at all times to be able to carry out various tasks by company administrators when they are outside of these. Ramírez (2007) mentions that wireless technology is very useful to always be in contact with the databases available in the company with great speed, as well as to carry out activities using mobile devices that help us manipulate large quantities. data, analyze them and be able to provide solutions remotely.

Thanks to wireless technology and mobile devices, professional integration with the organization is achieved at all times, thereby maximizing efficiency, increasing productivity and creating value for the entity.


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Accounting and mobility with wireless technology