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Criative accounting maquiando as demonstrações contábeis

Table of contents:


I summarize

Currently, it is a fundamental instrument to assist modern administration and its main objective is to generate information to base decisions on decisions made, such as reducing or seu grau of uncertainty. For this, it identifies, registers, measures and makes it possible to analyze and predict two economic events that alter or patronize a company. For the preparation of accounting information, there are rules to be followed that cannot be included in the subject matter and for which the application is required, in many cases, to the estimation of the company, thus opening up the possibility of being refined in different ways. different. In this case, it should be added to its own flexibility that you have rules, more in some countries than in others,or that allows various criteria to be used to account for the same economic cost. In this context, it arises a so-called "accounting accounting", which is inserted into the intention of the companies to take advantage of the existence of subjectivity, of existing alternatives and of the vague regulation of some aspects you have as a result of obter demonstrações financeiras that represent an imagem desjada.


Now the accounting is a fundamental instrument to aid the modern administration and it has as main objective to generate information to base the decisions to be taken, as well as to reduce its uncertainty degree. For that, it identifies, registers, measures and facilitates the analysis and prediction of the economic events that alter the patrimony of a company. For the elaboration of the accounting information, norms exist to proceed that cannot stop including subjectivity elements and whose application requests, in many cases, the accomplishment of estimates on the part of the company, opening like this the possibility of a same reality to be reflected in different ways. To this it must be add the very flexibility present in the accounting norms, more in some countries that in other,what allows to use several approaches to count the same economic fact. In this context, it appears the so called "creative accounting", that is inserted in the intentionality of the companies in taking advantage of the existence of the subjectivity of the existent alternatives and of the vacancy regulation of some accounting aspects with the purpose of obtaining financial demonstrations that represent the wanted image.

1 - Introduction

The practices of creative accounting constitute two more controversial topics at present. The “accounting accounting” is subject to the accounting language, causing a great impact in the economic, financial and managerial spheres. Either phenomenon of accounting accounting has been or is the result of flexibility of certain standards you have, which facilitates manipulation, or misrepresentation of information.

At the same time, this phenomenon involves controversial aspects related to ethics, or a faithful image concept, or a paradigm of the use of information and two reports that are for users and accounting fraud, which are difficult to be endorsed in an effective, non-day-to-day business manner..

As this problem has worsened, at a global level, a major solution would be two regulatory bodies not meaningful to introduce modifications not the field of accounting, aiming to elaborate norms with a technical content, allowing to reduce to a minimum, or subjectivity and flexibility of two Managers in escort two criteria you have.

In this sense, it would increase the responsibility of two independent auditors for such practices, inhibiting or restricting the existence of creative accounting practices in demonstrations you have companies.

Starting from this premise, this work deals with and explains the aspects that induce to accounting for children, most common transactions in accounting for children, practical practices, the auditors before accounting for children and relevant cases of accounting for children.

2 - Meaning of thermo accounting

A creative accounting and a current topic in accounting practice. It is used to discover or process by means of which accountants use your knowledge of the standards you have to manipulate the figures reflected in the accounting of the company, it is necessary to comply with the principles of accounting. This way, as criteria and other aspects of accounting are applied, the results may vary and will be more favorable to the organizations.

Or thermo accounting of an Anglo-saxonic origin - both in its practical form, as well as in its strategy - and it was the object of great debate and research, not only academic, mainly not the United Kingdom.

In truth, with the accounting of a maquiagem of the patrimonial reality of a entity, for the manipulation of two dice you intentionally count, in order to present yourself to an image that has been lost by the managers of accounting information.

Or Table 1 traces definitions of some authors with various interpretations

Quadro 1 - Conceituação de contabilidade criativa

According to Salas (2004), not the United Kingdom, four books were written each time, with their different perspectives, this topic was identified. Estes livros são de autoria de Griffiths (1986), who thought about the ethics of a business journalist; Jameson (1988) escreveu from a countable otic; Smith (1992) relied on his experience as an investment analyst; e Naser (1993) addressed questão as an academic. These authors, according to Salas (2004), have two elements in common in their description: they perceive incidences of creative accounting as something general and they see creative accounting as a deceptive and undesirable practice.

Enron e WorldCom, among others, there are only some cases of crypto accounting - described more recently - that have appeared in recent times and caused a great impact in the North American economy, constituting examples of how the markets have lost their trust in accounting principles. oils ”, we are auditors, advisors and investment analysts.

This phenomenon also appears as a current topic in international accounting practice, once it has become very important in accounting and financial information that is disclosed to users and business communities.

3 - Reasons for the use of accounting accounting

São multiples the reasons that empower the practices of accounting for children and, obviously, trying to simplify their causes can lead to a dangerous transformation of their council, once their borders are not clearly defined, involving aspects such as ethics, fraud and social responsibility. Therefore, at present, its main causes are concentrated and have no impact, as can the reports published on the decisions of two investors in the Stock Exchanges.

Among the reasons that the directors of the companies whose names are listed on the stock exchanges, to manipulate the accounts through the use of the accounting for the company, are as follows:

  • Maintenance of a constant flow of recipes: companies manage to demonstrate a steady trend of increasing growth and not to show sudden fluctuations, or that could be interpreted as a market hair cliff. As a form of illustration, the Daimler-Benz case or citation, or the evidence or impact of the use of shady hidden reserves permitted by the standards, you can also use it for accounting purposes, it can also be used to keep it up or down, by means of mechanisms that apparently reduce or endividamento ou increase recipes and results. A parent accounting can also be used to delay the payment of information to the financial market, benefiting some investors who have privileged access to such information.An example is setting up remuneration in each of the companies' own directors. These (directors) can delay the disclosures of the results achieved and other financial data so that we can operate nas stock exchanges for their own benefit. In this case, or government can make its disclosure in the Caixa regime difficult, making it difficult to get money from programs and projects. In addition, the change is based on the accounting of the entities that are included in the consolidation of the government, and can collaborate to form a two-ratio index / GDP and deficit / GDP.Criative accounting can be used for masking or government performance. In this case, or government can make its disclosure in the Caixa regime difficult, making it difficult to get money from programs and projects. In addition, the change is based on the accounting of the entities that are included in the consolidation of the government, and can collaborate to form a two-ratio index / GDP and deficit / GDP.Criative accounting can be used for masking or government performance. In this case, or government can make its disclosure in the Caixa regime difficult, making it difficult to get money from programs and projects. In addition, the change is based on the accounting of the entities that are included in the consolidation of the government, and can collaborate to form a two-ratio index / GDP and deficit / GDP.

For Carvalho (2003), other reasons for the manipulation of dice you can also motivate the entities to use Window-dressing or to create accounting: or use two drawer contracts and manipulation of six arms of direitos and obrigações, bem as changes of indexers (indices), according to the target or clamped.

As reasons for the appearance of the accounting of nas demonstrações contábeis, second Cosenza (2003), are presented in no. 2.

Quadro 2 - Motivations for or appearance of the accounting of creatives nas demonstrações contábeis

Fonte: Cosenza (2003)

In addition to creative accounting, there may be several reasons for it to be used by organizations, Mayoral (2000) classifies three different blocks of objectives, which are represented not three but with their various incentives to add them.

Quadro 3 - Objectives for the use of accounting accounting

Fonte: Mayoral (2000)

There are several reasons associated with the capital market that can encourage companies or their managers to manipulate their demonstrations, according to Salas (2004): with accounting accounting it allows to reflect a standard trend of growth of recipes, helps to maintain or overvalue or increase prices., delays to chegada de boas ou more news to the market and hides information about or involvement or commitment of two executives.

4 - Transações mais comuns na criativa accounting

The analysts and researchers have carried out a compilation of the most common transactions that can be found with the books of companies managed as critics of accounting accounting. Algumas destas transações, Segundo Salas (2004), são:

  • Increase or reduction of expenses - As standards you must facilitate work such as, for example, the non-repayment elasticity of intangible assets and the depreciation of non-current use assets. A company, altering or depreciation period, provokes, consequently, alterations notwithstanding the period.Increase or decrease of recipes - It is possible to anticipate or defer or reconcile recipes as an argument of conservatism and the principle of confrontation of despesas com as receitas.Aumento ou redução de ativos - As manipulações described do not first item impact or value two assets. Another example would be an alternation of valid methods to validate the stock. Increase or decrease of liquid assets - All the previous examples are not liquid assets of the company,directly affecting the indexes of endividamento, patrimonial structure and profit, being able to lead users to wrong decisions, not just on their own capital, but also on the value of the company as a whole. Increase or reduction of passive - As companies We can use artifacts to, apparently, reduce your endividamento. An example from Brazil is not a way of accounting for financial leasing operations, not any, despite the fact that it is, essentially, a financing, or is not motivated and is not accounted for. This can lead or user to erroneous conclusions, mainly or investor, about the liquidity and endividamento of the company. Reclassification of assets and liabilities - There are differences in where to classify the expenses with certain benefits. For example:fish of reposição for the asset immobilized - immobilized reserve -, can be classified as not immobilized ou not circulating ou, ainda, tied directly as after the period, avoiding its inactivation. In these cases, it is covered by the materiality of the information. The information is not related to the administration or it does not seem like two auditors - Even if it is not the only information that may lead or the user to the wrong conclusions about or past expectations for the future enterprise. Figure 1 illustrates or impacts the transactions and practices of accounting accounting.Information contained is not reported by the administration or does not appear to be two auditors - Not even information may lead or user to wrong conclusions about or past expectations for the future business. Figure 1 illustrates or impacts the transactions and practices of accounting accounting.Information contained is not reported by the administration or does not appear to be two auditors - Not even information may lead or user to wrong conclusions about or past expectations for the future business. Figure 1 illustrates or impacts the transactions and practices of accounting accounting.

Figure 1 - Practices you have to do with breeding and other effects

Fonte: Costa et al. (2000)

Perante or exposed, it is observed that the procedures of accounting for breeding have the result of a variation of two values, two elements of heritage and result, at the same economic value as that given as a whole. Consequently, these variations end up influencing in a relevant way the interpretation of the economic-financial situation of the company, pois or user of the information provided by data that are not consistent with reality.

5 - Practices usuais gives accounting criativa

A countable manipulation has several different objectives, depending on two external and internal “incentives” to undertake it.

Foi carried out a study in 1997, by Prof. Dr. Juan Monterrey Mayoral, from the University of Extremadura, in Badajoz - Spain, according to Cordeiro (2003), whereby some outstanding practical accounting practices were used, as demonstrated by Abaixo.

5.1 - Practices based on the discovery of principles / conventions you have

a) Discovery of the historical custody principle:

  • excess / lack of appreciation of two stocks; excess of activity of financial orders and different changes; excess / lack of appreciation of the business fund.

b) Discovery of the Principle of Prudence:

  • Excess / lack of accounting for provisions for crags and expenses with depreciation, accounting record of positive contingencies, voluntary revaluation of assets, excess capitalization of expenses with research and development.

c) Discovery of the principle / agreement of uniformity:

  • Changes are voluntary and unjustified; artificial alteration of the “scope” of the consolidation; arbitrary choice of functional trend; arbitrary alteration of the amortization policy of immobilized and business fund; arbitrary alteration of the policy of accounting for deferred results.

d) Omissão de informação obrigatória nas explanatory notes

5.2 - Internships based on erroneous accounting of operations:

  • accounting register of expenses as immobilized and vice-versa; registry of current expenses as distributed in various exercises; errors intended on the date of “cut” of operations; fictitious registration of work performed by the company in immobilized company; recognition of expenses against reserves.

5.3 - Practices based on erroneous classifications of lançamentos you must:

  • presentation in balance of life to the fourth year as a long-term business; presentation, as an operational entity, of expenses and operational losses; presentation, as an operational entity, of expenses and losses that are not operational.

5.4 - Internships based on operations related to commercial and financial operations carried out with entities excluded from the “scope” of the consolidation:

  • "Auto-transactions" based on legal business with their own companies, "self-transactions" based on increasing capital with credit to "own resources", "self-transactions" to avoid the intervention of accounting auditing in capital applications; emissão de ações prefereis amortizáveis.

6 - Or the role of two auditors before accounting of children

The conhecedores of the audit activity understood as a facility or scope of the opinion of the auditor; These people, normally, know how to interpret and treat each paragraph of the auditor's opinion.

Santos & Grateron (2003) says that it is common among the least aware users to consider, for example, to appear clean and semi-resolute as a total guarantee that all the demonstrations count that they are correct and accurate.

For both conforming users, two technical aspects as well as for those less aware of it, or the work of the auditor represents an additional relative and independent guarantee that allows them to make decisions with the utmost confidence that teriam on the demonstrations are not audited.

From these considerations, it is possible to affirm that either the audit service has an implicit or social character of its activity, it will be kept in contact with the need to respond to the expectations of two users of financial and accounting information, once it is considered to be the aforementioned information to the conhecimento e à valuation of third parties.

To the extent that the auditor critically endorses the internal control systems, including our programs to detect possible existence of fraud that may prove relevant, making it evident, he will be walking or meeting two users who have received information.

According to Cosenza (2003), the auditors will not be held responsible for any business failures and must agree to relate such figures to the audit process. Tampouco also accepts responsibility for the issuance of “falsified” information, as it uses the accounting for the child, or that may be considered as fraudulent conduct.

However, some business failures, accompanied by certain irregularities in the presentation of accounting and financial information of the companies, have been tainted with the image of objectivity and independence of the auditor, in addition to sensitizing public opinion for this event, generating dúvidas series on a professional capacity auditors and responsibilities that you are expected to be assuming for six years and omissions.

Diante dessa situação, according to Santos & Grateron (2003) or auditor, must include, in his work plan, specific procedures that aim to identify, at least, the existence of most common accounting practices for breeding, adapting such provas to the inert cliffs of each setor, company ou negócio. In the presupposition that the auditor adds, in his audit plans, procedures that allow identifying critical practices and that the administration refuses to correct them, or the auditor must include, in his opinion, the respective paragraph or paragraphs of the point that Julgar necessary.. Depending on two values ​​involved, it can be checked if it is negative. Such a position of the auditor will expose the company and it will be able to ensure that it reveals its position in relation to handling practices of accounting information.

Various suggestions are given by different audit committees, mainly not at the international level. One of them is the implementation of the Audit Committees and the participation of auditors, as independent counselors, we Conselhos de Administração, in addition to elaborating sophisticated codes of ethical behavior and promoting its effective application. In this sense, it is evident, once again, that a problem is mainly found that does not detract from two ethical values ​​and that you dwell on two professions and also on the society in which you operate. For Santos & Grateron (2003), or problem to be considered é muito mais de ethical character do que tecnico.

7 - Or use of accounting accounting: relevant cases

A series of denunciations against the American corporations detonated a grave crisis of trust in the capital markets. Since 1997, almost a thousand companies have retired their balances. This widespread maquiagem caused mistrust in the relationship to truth of two corporate profits disclosed not final two years 90, basis for speculative bolha, as shown in table 4.

Quadro 4 - Corporações americanas com balanços sob suspeita

Fonte: Financial Times, republished no Valor Econômico, São Paulo, June 27, 2002, p. B3, apud Cintra (2002)

The most recent cases of accounting fraud involve WorldCom, the second largest telephone company in the United States, which has retuned its balances in US $ 4.2 bilhões, ea Xerox, the largest manufacturer of copiers in the world, which will republish its balance of 1997 to 2001. The result should be less than US $ 1.9 bilhão nas suas receitas do period. Part two problems you have ten subsidiary origins of Latin America, including Brazil.

Furthermore, it is explicitly a new conflict of interest between the corporations and the auditing and consulting companies. Ficou verified that WorldCom paid US $ 12.4 million for the Arthur Andersen company related to consulting services and US $ 4.4 million for the 2001 audit, following the same pattern as Enron. In 2000, Arthur Andersen has received Enron US $ 27 million for consulting services and US $ 25 million for audit. Due to the destruction of documents of the Enron company, after the start of the investigations, Arthur Andersen signed on the basis of the date of the dating for the practices you count as orthodox from Enron, as well as being an important source of renda for your consulting services.

According to Cintra (2002), according to the classification of risco Standard & Poor's, it compiled a list of companies that most used "accounting accounting", isto, lançaram more than legal instruments to improve their results, such as: exclusão das opções de compra In some cases, as part of the remuneration of two executives, including the profits from the two pension funds (which are actually owned by two officials, and not an employer) etc.

Abaixo fears an analysis of successive frauds committed in American companies, most evidenced during the first semester of 2002, according to Cordeiro (2003).

Bristol-Meyers Squibb

Company: Bristol-Meyers Squibb

O que fez - Inflou recipes with bandages.

Como fez - During the years of 2000 and 2001, a pharmaceutical company “empurrou” its products for distributors, as an aggressive campaign of discounts and incentives that could be inflated to prescriptions in 1 dollar bill. Or result? Clients ficaram with oversized rapiers. O laboratório já reported that in this year it should only be met by the 2001 total goal. As far as Bristol-Meyers Squibb is concerned, there was no accounting irregularity. A Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) ainda investigates or issues.

ImClone Systems

Company: ImClone Systems

O que fez - Use of inside information.

As fez - As ações da ImClone andavam em alta, pois a empresa tinha em mãos um revolutionary remedy against o cancer, or Erbitux, and for commercialization it was barely missing the authorization of the Food and Drug Administration, or regulatory body of medicines in the United States. Only that with the authorization of the day before the official announcement, relatives of the executive-chief of the ImClone and some of his close friends will sell parents of the company.


Company: Merck

O que fez - Manipulação de receitas e custos.

Como fez - A company inflou recipes and os custos na mesma proportção. Or a liquid result that was not shaved, as well as simulated bandages, or that induced or investor to prove non-growth of the company. A countable maneuver fez or faturamento will grow 12.6 bilhões de dollars improperly.


Company: Xerox (3)

O que fez - Equipment rental contracts launched as bandage recipes.

As fez - A company will admit inflation of US $ 1.9 per year for five years, wrongly declaring equipment sales and service contracts. Xerox has declared US $ 6.4 billions as sales receipts, being that US $ 5.1 bills have been paid for by the realities received by some of the equipment, services, outsourcing of documents and financial receipts. The manipulation gives accounting to the company to comply with the profit forecast.


Company: WorldCom

O que fez - Ativação without expenses.

As fez - extremely simple handling of result. The company did not balance 3.8 bilhões de dollars as investments, when it was not true. A purchase of long-lasting babies, which brings a direct return, can be depreciated, not in a long period. The expenses of day-to-day, on the other hand, must be recognized as a pantry immediately.


Company: Enron

O que fez - Detours de dívidas para associadas e superestimação de lucros.

As a fez - Com participações em small enterprises que não constavam no balanço, Enron hides bilhões em dívidas. Not the last balance published, the company is overestimating the profits in which 600 thousand dollars are lost and that 650 dollars of dollars disappear. A manipulação não parou por aí, poé além de hiding os liabilities, Enron também vendeu bens to these companies for overpriced prices, in order to breed false recipes.


Company: Tyco

O que fez - Sonegação fiscal

As a fez - You have come as an indication of ex-executive-chief Dennis Kozlowski for the payment of more than 1 thousand dollars in taxes on the purchase of works of art not worth 13 thousand dollars. Immediately depois, a federal American recipe passed to investigate itself or Tyco conglomerate, which produces medical equipment to fire alarms, was fazendo or mesmo. During the last five years, the holding company has transferred several of its small subsidiaries for tax havens, such as the Caribbean, Bermuda, Barbados and Ilhas Cayman.

8 - Conclusão

A creative accounting of magnitude and crescent complexidade. A growing sophistication of the financial structures of the companies in the competitiveness of the world two businesses exercise an important press for us as leaders of the companies, or that feeds and favors an intentional distortion of the accounting information contained in financial demonstrations.

Or the study of the accounting is very important, because the consequences of the use of practices of this nature directly affect all the interested parties in the information generated by the accounting, being able to trace significant distortions in the interpretation of two given hairs.


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Criative accounting maquiando as demonstrações contábeis