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Cost / benefit of using the internet in Cuban industrial companies


The work aims to demonstrate the importance of Internet use in the framework of the so-called new economy in Cuba and in the province.

A historical assessment of the Internet in the world and in our country is made. A survey of the current situation of information and sources of information is presented. The information situation and its relation to competitiveness are analyzed, based on a sample of companies from the industrial sector of the province.



  • The client expects and must have instant and real access to the information they want. The customer interaction processes are in real time to offer the customer a better service and an instant response. The response time for most processes is almost totally reduced. Through the Internet, time cycles in customer interaction processes can be reduced or even eliminated, creating opportunities that give organizations a competitive advantage. Organizations should then focus on redefining their strategies or creating new ones for the commercialization of their products or services using this tool, which would be creating a virtual store through e-commerce.
  • Knowledge in Accounting that provides the elementary technical base. General knowledge, covering a wide range of topics in the arts, sciences and humanities. Organizational and business knowledge, that is, the context in which they work. Knowledge in information technology.





  • The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA), in issuing licenses and accounts for the distribution of information. The Ministry of Communications (MINCOM), responsible for operating telecommunications, hardware and structures used by networks. The Ministry of the Interior (MININT), for technical security, supervising and control. The Ministry of Justice (MINJUS), responsible for the legality of the operation. The Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (MINFAR) regarding the security of the Cuban state. The Minister of Metallurgy and Electronics Industry chairs this inter-ministerial commission coordinating the actions of the members.
  • The improvement of its public management Better serve the citizen (more services and information) Facilitate and simplify procedures management Incorporate management control mechanisms Raise the quality of its social, economic, political and cultural function
  • "HEALTH" project, developed by the Ministry of Public Health, through the INFOMED network, aimed at developing a telemedicine network, for the use of hospital institutions, research centers and professionals in the sector. Project "EDUCATION", developed by the Mysteries of Education and Higher Education, is oriented to the massive application of NICTs in teaching-educational processes and in its own internal management. "SOCIAL SECURITY" project, developed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, is aimed at the computerization of the internal management system and the installation of ATMs for the payment of social security. "TRAVELER" project, developed by the computer services company of the Ministry of Transport,It is proposed to create a company for the sale of tickets for the different means of transportation existing in the country. Project “Cuban Integral System of Tax Administration”, developed by the National Office of Tax Administration, to speed up the procedures related to taxes. Project "Computerization of the Banking System", developed by the Central Bank of Cuba.
  • The expansion of enrollments in the specialties of higher and polytechnic education related to NICTs, equipping and modernizing computer teaching in general and higher education, strengthening the polytechnic institutes where ICT-related specialties are taught. Promotion of the process through the mass media (written press, television, radio, etc.) Reactivation of the "Joven Club" program throughout the country.
  • ETECSA COLOMBUS (Computer Services Company) CITMATEL

ETECSA is divided into Subsidiaries and the Subsidiary in charge of providing INTERNET services (among others) is called ENET.

Table # 1. Rates for bandwidth

Source: ETECSA Las Tunas

Bandwidth (Kbps) Installation Cost (USD) Monthly fee (USD)
19.2 350 250
28.8 450 350
64 700 600
128 950 850
256 1800 2000
512 3800 3800
1024 7200 7200
2048 14000 14000
  • A payment that covers the use of the current school month. Installation and / or configuration of access software on a compatible IBM PC. Primary use training (approximately 60 minutes). Creation of a mailbox for email with international reach via the Internet, except in the case of National Mail where the scope of the mail account is only for national networks.

Table # 2. Rates by type of service

Source: ETECSA Las Tunas

Type of service Registration fee Monthly Fee Additional Hour Category
Full internet 20 USD 10 hours x 15 USD 3 USD one
20 USD 30 hours x 30 USD 2 USD two
20 USD 80 hours x 60 USD 1 USD 3
20 USD 160 hours x 100 USD 1 USD 4
20 USD Flat Total 200 USD Anchored to at least one phone number. 5
20 USD Flat Night (8pm - 7am) 70 USD Anchored to at least one phone number. 6
International Mail and National Navigation 20 USD 15 hours x 15 USD 3 USD eleven
20 USD 25 hours x 20 USD 2 USD 12
20 USD 60 hours x 40 USD 1 USD 13
Mail and National Navigation 20 USD 20 hours x 10 USD 0.50 USD twenty-one
Connectivity 20 USD 25 hours x 10 USD 3 USD 41
20 USD 50 hours x 15 USD 2 USD 42
20 USD 100 hours x 20 USD 1 USD 43
MultiPOP 20 USD 20 hours x 30 USD 5 USD 31
20 USD 40 hours x 40 USD 4 USD 32
20 USD 100 hours x 80 USD 3 USD 33
  • Access personalization for clients with more than 20 accesses, whose requested requirements are made based on the technical resources available free of cost during the promotional stage. Email redirection. $ 10.00 USD monthly. Creation of an additional mailbox for E-mail. Initial Fee $ 20.00 USD / mailbox, Monthly Fee $ 5.00 USD / mailbox. Technical visit to the client to carry out any of the following actions: reinstallation, reconfiguration of the connection software or its installation on additional machines. $ 15.00 USD will be charged for each visit, with the account being charged to your monthly bill. If the visit is made and the action cannot be carried out for reasons beyond ETECSA's control, the amount of the visit will also be charged. Also when other problems are detected as a result of the visit, such as: modem,impaired operating system, etc., the visit is considered made for what is charged. Customers who hire 10 to 50 accesses will receive a 15% discount on installation fees. Customers who hire more than 50 accesses will receive a 50% discount on installation fees. Clients who for their vacations or other causes wish to stop using their access, prior written notice 5 days before the month to apply, to maintain their rights, will pay a minimum fee of $ 10.00 USD, the applicable minimum being one month.You will receive a 50% discount on installation fees. Clients who for their vacations or other causes wish to stop using their access, prior written notice 5 days before the month to apply, to maintain their rights, will pay a minimum fee of $ 10.00 USD, the applicable minimum being one month.You will receive a 50% discount on installation fees. Clients who for their vacations or other causes wish to stop using their access, prior written notice 5 days before the month to apply, to maintain their rights, will pay a minimum fee of $ 10.00 USD, the applicable minimum being one month.

COLOMBUS (Computer Services Company)



The rates will be made up of three elements:

  • Installation and affiliation fee: It is mandatory. Monthly Fee: It is paid every month depending on the type of service.
  • Membership fee: Paid only once. It is mandatory. Installation and affiliation fee: It is mandatory. Monthly Fee: It is paid every month depending on the type of service.

Table # 5. Rates for national services

Source: CITMATEL Las Tunas

SERVICE Membership and Installation Fee.






Type I. UUCP or Corporate Mail. (for networks).

For a Machine

By machine






Type II. Email 150.00 80.00 16.00
Type III. (National Nav. W / National mail 150.00 150.00 20.00
Non-commercial sector
Type I. UUCP or Corporate Mail. (for networks).

For a Machine

By machine




Type II. Email 150.00 150.00
Type III. (National Nav. With National mail.) 150.00 200.00
  • The service in National Currency will be fixed up to 20 hours per month in case of email. The National Navigation Service with Mail will be set up to 60 hours. Customers who for vacations or other reasons stop using the service may keep the account active for a period of up to 2 months without having to pay their monthly fee, upon written request to the commercial department. Centers belonging to CITMA are charged the preset rate for the rest of the clients less 20%.
  • Strategic planning and its implementation. Finance in Marketing strategies. Preparation of market research and studies. Treatment of protection of the different modalities of Industrial Property. Brand trend studies. Implementation of knowledge management systems. Implementation of the Environmental Management system. Technical-economic feasibility studies. Environmental Feasibility Study. application for an environmental license Justification for an application for an environmental license. Environment Effect investigation.


  • Diagnosis and Business Improvement File. Technological and Environmental Audits. Design and assembly of business information systems. Diagnosis and strategy of Industrial Property. Implementation of the National Industrial Property System. comprehensive analysis for the economic use of residuals. Training in library services. Information audit. Human Resources Management Systems Information Management and Updating Information search. Specialized informative summaries. Selective dissemination of information. Company Profile
  • Design of sites and Web pages. Software design. Multimedia Design
  • National and International Internet. N ational and I nternational Email


  • Binding of documents. Distribution of serial and non-serial publications. Trainings, trainings, workshops in science and technological innovation activities, technical scientific information, industrial property, computer system. Event organization
  • Email does not interrupt your work. A phone call interrupts your work, the emails wait patiently until you are ready for them. You can partially reply to a message and come back to it later. The information can be reprocessed. Messages exchanged through email can be stored for consultation or can be incorporated into other documents, a basic rule of computing is not to duplicate the work that has already been done. Email is very cheap. At the cost of a local call you can send messages anywhere in the world. E-mail is also much faster than fax, and can send almost any message in seconds. You can send any type of information.With email you can exchange any type of information. Immediacy- Unlike a message sent by regular mail that can take several days to reach its destination, one sent by email will take only a few minutes on a regular basis. Cost: sending a message via email to a recipient anywhere in the world has a negligible cost (only the cost you pay to have Internet access). Asynchronous - does not require the intervention of the sender and receiver at the same time. You can send in addition to written messages, image files, sounds, files from different text editors or other programs; that is, any type of file used on a computer. The same message can be delivered at the same time to different recipients, for example: to a person in Europe,one in Africa and one in Asia. A received message can be sent to a third person or a group of people.

It is within our companies that the greatest benefits have been found:

  • It is used to inform customers of promotions and periodic offers, even with photographs of the products and with a more extensive description of them, without spending on conventional mail taking advantage of the use of distribution lists or work groups, by sending a single message. It is excellent in maintaining communication to branches. Considerable savings in the use of conventional means of communication between cities or even countries since with a single call (or Internet connection) information can be requested or distributed. Be informed with opportunity by your suppliers about price updates, offers and stocks of their inventories. Consulting is provided to any part of the world through email. In the case of graphic design or computer programs,You can send samples or demos of designs or programs for sale.



Table # 6. Results of the first question of the survey

Source: Surveys applied

Does your company have Internet service? %
Yes 9 16
Not 46 84
TOTAL 55 100
  • High cost in freely convertible currency of this service for their companies - 15 (32%) They request the e-mail service in its entirety since they consider it very useful in their business activities - 20 (43%) newly created and work in Legal procedure for the implementation of Internet access - 3 (6%) Procedures for managing this service - 5 (10%) They have no possibilities at the moment due to lack of resources - 2 (4%) Others - 1 (5%))

Table # 7. General Results of the Survey

Source: Surveys applied

Original text

What is the main objective of using the Internet in your company?

- Get inf. National markets.

- Get inf. International markets.

- Obtain information about suppliers.

- Obtain technological information.

- Offer information about the company.

- Communicate internally.

- Communicate externally.

- Contact new clients.

- Improve customer service.

- Answer questions about the company and products.

- Sell goods and services locally.

- Sell goods and services internationally.

- Buy supplies.

- Hire services.

- Connection with banks or financial institutions.

- Connection with public institutions.

  • Use of the Internet in electronic businesses. Establishing businesses. Increased production achieved by this concept.
  • Manufacture of capital goods, with extensive experience in handling and special machines with the technical assistance of ARSIDE - SPAIN. Calculation, design and manufacture of Industrial Warehouses. Manufacture of light, medium and heavy pailer. Mechanized pailer. Assembly and test section for devices, installations and turnkey machines, including electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic equipment. Section of steel refills, low flux, spray and specials with the technical assistance of ARSIDE - SPAIN. Annealing and stabilized treatments. Modular precast. Cold forming of profiles.
  • Feasibility studies. Technical advice to prepare preliminary projects. Applied research and micro-location and topographic studies. Execution of works in the terms, technical specifications and requirements that are demanded. The Group has the following strategic objectives: To continue being the leading entity in the province of Las Tunas in the execution of architectural and engineering works. Insert and maintain the Group and its different entities in the new company management and administration system: Business Improvement.
  • New customers. Product Analysis. Market analysis. Contacts with specialists. Telecommuting. Access to information. Distribution systems (interactive catalogs). New opportunities. Reduced costs. Low investment risk. Upgrade. Access to potential market. Business opportunity. Online post-sale service.
  • Agreements with clients at the best price. Test the product before buying it. Online post-sale service. Buy 24 hours a day. Greater interactivity between company and client. Trends in price reduction.

Table # 8. Expenses incurred in services by companies before the Internet (annual)

Contracted activity


Business Total
Metunas Acinox GEC
Search MN 149400 179280 69720 398400
Send and receive emails MN 14400 16200 3600 34200
Market studies MN 24000 32000 12000 68000
Total annual MN 187800 227480 85320 500 600

Table # 9. Cost / Benefit Ratio of Internet application in Companies studied

Business Internet connectivity cost Income from increased sales


Benefits Cost / Benefit / Sales ratio
Income from increased sales attributed to Internet shares %
Metunas 5760 5703500 6844 0.12 1.20
Acinox 6120 2274200 9096 0.40 1.50
GEC 4200 640300 4610 0.72 1.10


  • The cost-benefit ratio of Internet use measured in relation to connectivity spending and increases in merchant production of the selected companies is in all cases greater than one, which is why it is positive.
  • This relationship is not taken into account to determine alternative sources of information, nor is it calculated based on point six of the Internal Information System of the Diagnostic Guide for Business Improvement of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers.


  • Monitor the cost-benefit ratio in the use of the Internet in companies that use this service.
  • Disseminate the provisions of the Diagnostic Guide for Business Improvement of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers, specifically point number six.


  1. Armando Pérez Betancourt and Carlos Díaz Llorca, (1999), "What every Cuban businessman should know", Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, Havana. Carlos Lage: Speech in Computing 2000 Authors' Computing, (1999), "Business Improvement in Cuba", Editorial Félix Varela, Havana. Council of State, (1998), "Decree Law 187. General bases of business improvement", Havana, August. Cost accounting for general decision making. Polmeni and others. Cost Accounting, Volume 1, Havana, 1990. group of authors. Cost accounting. John JW Nuener. Economic Dictionary. Edit. Politics, Havana, 1987 Resolution No. 58/96 «RULES FOR THE CONNECTION, EXPLOITATION, ACCESS, USE AND DISSEMINATION OF INTERNET SERVICES IN THE TERRITORY OF THE REPUBLIC OF CUBA
  • Silver, Calderón Zurisadday. Technological intelligence, technological tool as a competitive advantage. Knowledge management, http: // www. gestiondelconocimiento.com Zabala Goñi Juan José. The modeling of virtual spaces. A way to create new sociotechnological scenarios in economic and social activities. Knowledge management, http: // www. gestiondelconocimiento.com Zabala Goñi Juan José. The times of "information". Knowledge management, http: // www. gestiondelconocimiento.com Zorrilla, Hernando. Knowledge management: where to start. Knowledge management, http: // www. gestiondelconocimiento.com
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Cost / benefit of using the internet in Cuban industrial companies