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Digital culture, information technologies and social networks

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Next we will address a topic that we are currently experiencing, we will begin by analyzing the definitions that make it up and then land on the concept as such, we will study the development that it is currently having, its generalities, the applications that exist, and the various platforms that originated the concept and sustain it.

We will also see the impact from its beginnings to date and we will give some of the most popular examples that we find online.

And as we know any new concept brings many advantages that help us to carry out certain activities in a more practical way, however we will also analyze the repercussions that in the future will be caused by the excessive use of new tools, to finally show the conclusion of the article in the today.



We denominate culture to the set of ways of life and customs, knowledge and degree of artistic, scientific, industrial development, in a time, social group, etc. (Spanish Royal Academy, 2014)

Culture as a mechanism has two important aspects: the first is adaptation, which means the way in which we respond according to changes in habits, and the second refers to the fact that it is cumulative, that is, it comes from generation to generation in which there may be some modifications, given the evolution of the environment or because some aspects that are no longer necessary are lost.


It is that related to the fingers (the extremities of the hands and feet of the human being). The concept, however, is currently closely linked to technology and computing to refer to the representation of information in a binary way. (Definition.de, 2015)

Nowadays hearing this term is something very common, since we live in the era of digitization where all technology is literally acquiring that meaning, to show all cell phones, tablets, dashboards, etc.

Therefore, what is digital culture?

The customs and knowledge that we inherit to develop ourselves professionally and personally are directly influenced by technological advancement, and the topic that we are dealing with today refers precisely to the way in which we have adopted changes in the ways of learning and to live together thanks to the development of digital tools.


Culture is a dynamic process through history because it adapts to changes in the course of each era, the material environments in which it operates facilitate adaptation to these changes. In the 21st century, science and technology have merged and this has allowed the emergence of some new tools that we will see later.

The technology revolution has changed the way we acquire knowledge, although it is a reality that for most young people it is easier to have means of access to information, for older people it is a little more difficult to approach and especially adapt to these means.

Currently we can everything is within a click, from sending a message to the other side of the world, such as reducing the distance between people or making a photo or news viral.

So digital culture is an informational, communicative, emotional, sensory, interactive, viral and sometimes even sentimental phenomenon.

Application areas

The topic that we are dealing with today is very extensive, not only because the internet navigates around the world but also because this term seeks to reduce the digital divide in which we currently live. Digital culture can be applied in all disciplines and areas of opportunity, although it is known that social relations now communicate to everyone in seconds, education is another field that has been favored by the use of ICTs and the tools that allow a better development in educational institutions; Within the industrial field, all companies are forced to remain at the digital forefront to offer better services and products to their clients. Marketing is another area that has been favored.expanding your sales horizons worldwide in seconds and closing sales in just one click; politics for its part has also seen benefits in its campaigns thanks to social networks; the church, medicine, in short, all the activities around the world have within their reach the power to make use of the digital culture, we have only mentioned a couple since we would never finish exemplifying them; Although it is known that we are in a process of transition where the older people are adapting, the new generations are coming more integrated to all these tools.In short, all the activities around the world have the power to make use of digital culture within our reach. We have only mentioned a couple of them since we would never finish exemplifying them; Although it is known that we are in a process of transition where the older people are adapting, the new generations are coming more integrated to all these tools.In short, all the activities around the world have the power to make use of digital culture within our reach. We have only mentioned a couple of them since we would never finish exemplifying them; Although it is known that we are in a process of transition where the older people are adapting, the new generations are coming more integrated to all these tools.

The digital age

From the socioeconomic point of view, we are going to divide evolution into four stages with their respective activities:

  1. The stone age (1,000,000 - 6,000 BC): hunting, fishing, and food preservation. The agricultural era (from 6,000 BC to the 18th century): agriculture, livestock, and trade The industrial era (18th century to the last quarter of the 20th century): work in factories in the most developed countries The information age (from 1975 to the present): acquisition, processing, analysis, recreation and communication of the information.

Convergence technology derived from the proportional digital revolution a wide range of possibilities for learning, communication, and human coexistence. The emergence of digital tools served as a springboard to re-launch economic, social and productive models that existed but were not known as today at world levels; The communication possibilities are multiplied and the contents can be segmented as many times as necessary. Likewise, these new ways of presenting information require slightly more expert user profiles, so that they can make the most of their potential.

Just as energy was the engine of the Industrial Revolution (mid-eighteenth century), today information is the center of the technological Revolution that we are experiencing, or the second Industrial Revolution as some name it.

Nowadays it is possible to transmit more information, since there are different channels for it, however we can make a better specialization and direct it to better segmented groups who demand such content according to their needs. Today the value of information is much higher than that of raw materials, work and physical effort.


It allows the interconnection of computers through a set of transmission control protocols and internet protocols, beginning in 1969 when the United States Department of Defense was looking for alternatives before an atomic war that could isolate people; however it was not until the 90's when it reached private users

It far exceeded the expectations that were had of it at the beginning, since it revolutionized modern society, worldwide it is the backbone of communications, entertainment, education and commerce mainly.

In 2006 Internet users exceeded 1,100 million people and by 2013 there were more than 2,500 million, most of them residents of China, thanks to the innovation in speed and the implementation of new transmission media (broadband or fiber optics).

Although the capacities of the countries differ in terms of bandwidth, efficiency and price of the service, we can currently say that almost all of humanity is connected; According to the study published by Martin Hilbert in Science in 2010, 95% of all existing information on the planet is digitized and for the most part accessible on the internet and other computer networks.

Use of ICTs

They are the set of technologies developed to manage information and send it from one place to another. (Beit, 2015). It includes activities such as storing, processing and preparing reports with the data we feed.

Among the most prominent are: the broadband and fiber optic internet, the latest generation smartphones, the also smart and high definition televisions, the magnetic strips of credit cards, QR codes, digital cameras, video players music etc.

With the rapid advancement of technology, it is now very common to find institutes with the best devices for information management. Thanks to digital technology, new ways of sharing knowledge are developed every day.

Thanks to its versatility and easy handling, ICTs are not only occupied in the field of education, now companies have also found a new way of doing business; since thanks to them they have a closer communication with their clients, they manage orders, they promote their products and they also relate better to the public administration.

In business management, ICTs have had a great impact since work is now lighter, time and resources are optimized, and companies are able to provide better quality to their clients.

Such is the impact of these tools that UNESCO plans to introduce programs to provide quality education through ICTs in the Asia-Pacific region.

As we have described ICTs are tools that facilitate the handling of information, they can be applied at the educational, commercial, labor and even personal level, from my particular point of view they can be adapted to any field; they act as an interface between human beings and information in general.

Today it is so common to see people using electronic devices with thousands of applications that allow us to streamline a large number of activities and processes.

Web 2.0

Coined in 2004 during a conference, by the American Dale Dougherty of the O'Reilly Media publishing house, it refers to new websites that differ from the traditional ones that were handled in web 1.0. Whose primary characteristic is the participation of users. The following year Tim O'Reilly defined and exemplified the concept of Web 2.0 with the concept map that we present below, prepared by Markus Angermeier.

Its main purpose is the agile exchange of information between users and the production of content.

Some examples are:

  • BlogsWikisImagesPodcastGoogle mapsPresentations

Social networks

They are virtual communities that interact on a worldwide communications platform, where people with common interests come together, and are allowed to centralize resources that are managed by themselves.

Based on the well-known 6 degrees of separation theory, it allows the number of connections to grow exponentially to form a network that connects us all.

Contrary to what we all think the first social network on the internet was a page called classmates.com that still exists and was created in 1995.

Consequences of the digital world in the future

Business Intelligence expert Eduardo Muniz analyzes 8 consequences that the long-term digital era can bring, which we list below:

1. The writing will deteriorate and the communication will have new codes.

Communication is getting faster and shorter.

2. The fingers and hands will adapt to handle cell phones and devices.

Our body has evolved over time, trying to adapt to the environment we inhabit, in the future we may have smaller fingers.

3. We will lose the sensitivity of the 'tone' of the message.

We increasingly lose facial expressions, gestures, eye and hand movements.

4. There is a contradiction between the length of the messages we communicate and the amount of content available.

There is so much information to exchange that we are limited to be able to express everything we want.

5. A lot of data, but superficial and scarce analysis.

Despite the enormous amount of data that oscillates on the Internet, fewer and fewer people are able to analyze all this information, sometimes it is because of the limited space and at others because of the need for instant consumption.

6. Multitasking: process more information in less time.

We have lost the ability to focus on one thing, now we have the cell phone, the tablet and the computer and we are simultaneously reviewing the 3 devices; which can cause anxiety and later lead to stronger psychological effects.

7. Eyes and ears with less sensitivity.

It is so common to see people sunk on their phones, which causes them to develop their sense of hearing a little more, however, sight can have difficulties focusing on objects that are far away.

8. Virtual stimuli are going to harm the dimension of the real.

Virtual scenarios are more and more similar to real ones, we can see it in video games, in this sense there may be people who prefer to stay home than go out and enjoy the environment.


As we have seen, digital culture has developed from the primitive era to our times, however in the present evolution is being very accelerated, because in the effort to perfect the tools with which we work daily, the changes we are experiencing have very short periods of time. The digitization of technology increasingly communicates to us in an accelerated way and provides us with more efficient devices for the management of information and knowledge. The platforms used allow us to have applications in any field with excellent results in most of their cases. The images and the news are now viral phenomena that in seconds travel the entire planet,However, we could also appreciate how the excessive use of all these instruments can permeate our physical and mental health, if we do not learn to limit their use.


Firstly, to the National Technological Institute of Mexico, my Alma Mater, to Professor Fernando Aguirre Y Hernández, who teaches the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering for sharing the knowledge necessary for writing an article and for encouraging us daily to be better professionals.


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Digital culture, information technologies and social networks