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Digital culture. web 2.0 and technological tools

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The way of life in today's society has been evolving at great strides, the development of new technologies has generated important contributions to the media and to the way we communicate today. Suddenly, people's lives gave an unexpected change with the emergence of the computer, the creation of the digital, being able to convert texts, images and information to a digital form was a great advance for society. But that was not all, with the emergence of the internet the digital created a sea of ​​information with access to people from anywhere in the world, likewise I allow communication to become fast, easy and at a low price regardless of the geographical space of where they communicate.

After the internet, a great number of useful applications or tools began to be developed for the activities that we carry out day by day, for example since the creation of search engines on the web, practically any information can be found, all this information has been digitized with the simple purpose of sharing knowledge, in some other cases for entertainment, to do business, such as marketing strategies, among other purposes. At the moment a web page opens, we are immersing ourselves in a digital culture, where customs, traditions and values ​​form the bearing of different ideologies when having to share information.

The purpose of this document is to inform what digital culture is and what are important elements that help to create it, as well as its manifestations in today's world.

Digital culture

1. The digital age

"Digitization, a process that imposes a separation, a deratization, an encoding, to build a computational and informationally manipulative world." (Barandiaran, 2003)

But you can ask yourself how the world is currently immersed in a digital age, when images, writing and language have been used for a long time, that is, that digitization has occurred for a long time.

The factor that marks the current digitization is the mechanics of time and space, which has allowed the development of digital computing and the information technologies that we know today. The internet is shown as a huge digital ocean, where you can build a whole world. We live in a society immersed in information, for which digitization has become a condition with many possibilities.

The age of digitization allows the use of an informational space open to all who have access to digital interfaces, for example terminals and connections. Therefore this is not the time to reject digitization, since it is something that generates collective knowledge, creates tools and space to help communication, as well as the construction of knowledge that we could never imagine.

The digitization process not only occurs when something is transformed from analog to digital, but the digital is constantly recoded and digitized again, thus allowing information manipulation with new procedures and languages.

Not living in a digitized era, but in the process of permanent digitization. That is the challenge of the digital age. (Barandiaran, 2003)

2. Digital culture

The Oxford English Dictionary shows the earliest use of the term digital culture known as "cyber culture" in 1963, and it was not until 1995 that the following definition was created, "Cyber ​​culture is the social conditions produced by automation and computerization ».

Digital culture has been a fairly controversial concept, numerous concepts have been formulated by authors such as Lev Manovich, Arturo Escobar and Fred Forest. However, most of these concepts only focus on certain aspects, and they do not cover these in great detail.

In other words, we can define that Digital Culture is the study of the social, cultural, ethical and aesthetic aspects of Information and Communication Technology. The main focus is the interaction between culture and technology.

Digital culture also studies the various social phenomena associated with the Internet and other new forms of communication. This concept generally does not only refer to the cultures of virtual communities, but extends to a wide range of cultural themes related to cyber themes.

Digital culture can be purely an online culture or it can encompass both physical and virtual worlds. In other words, that the digital culture is an endemic culture of online communities, it is not only the culture that results from the use of the computer, but the culture that is directly mediated by the computer.

On the other hand, the internet and new technologies have been criticized for creating a gap in the way of socializing between people, as they become increasingly lonely and human contact disappears.

The digital culture and the use of new technologies have also created changes in the socio-economic environment of people as they deal with using the fastest, easiest, cheapest means to conduct business.

3. Information technologies

The industry that uses computers, networks, software programming, and other equipment and processes to store, process, retrieve, transmit, and protect information is defined.

In the early days of computer development, this term did not exist as such. Computer programming and software development was best left to specialists, due to its complicated nature. As time passed and technology advanced, and with the rise of the personal computer and its everyday use at home and in the workplace, the world began to move into the information age.

In the 21st century, almost every child in the western world, and many in other parts of the world, knew how to use a personal computer. Departments of information technology companies have shifted from using storage tapes created by a single operator that interconnects the networks of multiple workstation computers where employees store some information in a central server, often somewhere place outside the main business site.

Communication has advanced, from postal mail, fax transmissions, to digital communication almost instantaneously via email.

4. Web 2.0

The term Web 2.0 was introduced in 2004 and refers to the second generation of the World Wide Web. The term "2.0" comes from the software industry, where new versions of software programs are labeled with an incremental version number. Like software, the new generation of the Web includes new features and functionality that were not previously available. However, Web 2.0 does not refer to a specific version of the Web, but rather a series of technological improvements.

Some examples of features that are considered part of Web 2.0 are the following:

  • Blogs, these allow users to post thoughts and updates about their lives on the Web. Wikis - sites like Wikipedia and others allow users around the world to add and update content online. Social networks - sites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace allow users to create and customize their own space and profile to communicate with their friends. Web Applications, a wide range of new applications allow users to run programs directly in a Web browser.

Web 2.0 technologies provide a level of user interaction that was not previously available. Websites have become much more dynamic and interconnected, the production of "online communities" makes it even easier to share information on the Web. Because most of the features of Web 2.0 are offered as free services, various sites like Wikipedia and Facebook have grown quite rapidly. Websites will continue to grow, so more features will be added, thus building the technologies. While Web 2.0 may be a label in our time, today's technology continues to evolve and will continue to change.

5. Digital text and electronic literature

Digital Text is an electronic version of a written text. This can be found on the Internet, on a computer, or on a variety of portable electronic devices.

Digital text is flexible, as it can be searched, rearranged, condensed, annotated, or read aloud by a computer.

Digital text can be selected and the text font changed on the computer screen.

Michael Hart made a great contribution to the dissemination of digital literature.

Many books and historical documents ebooks in the world have been converted to digital format, to give them access through a computer.

Another factor that supports the facilitation of access to information is the new way of writing that is being done to take advantage of hyperlinks and multimedia.

Although some of the drawbacks is the reading of information through a screen, some backlit devices have been created for electronic ink suitable for reading books digitally.

6. Organizations and digital culture

Organizations today have had to adapt and take advantage of the benefits that the digital age has created. Organizations have had to redesign their internal communication systems to be able to introduce computers and various software that can be used to facilitate the daily work and operations carried out by organizations in their various areas, sales, administration, logistics, production, among others. Likewise, the transfer of information between the members of the organization has been facilitated, since using emails and the intranet1 can save money and time.

On the other hand, the organization has also had to integrate information technologies for its external communication, for example for areas of marketing through the web, cell phones and other devices. In the business area it has also worked as a good option, since purchases and sales can be made through a website. The payment method for this type of transaction is very easy and fast with the use of credit cards, so in an instant you can make a purchase from the comfort of home.

Web page design also brings organizations with suppliers and customers around the world closer, opening up your market and creating more business options.

7. Digital business

Digital businesses support entrepreneurs, leaders and organizations in developing authentic relationships with their business ecosystem, using digital tools that enhance their value.

Projects begin with the premise that businesses must be focused on the value they bring to customers through their products and services.

The previous figure shows the design of a plan to implement a digital business. The first step is the study of the market and the value strategy. The market towards which the product or service is directed must be thoroughly understood, since the website and its accessories will be designed based on this.

In step two, key words or concepts are defined that will represent the business, and that will be the fundamental creative idea.

In step three the design and structure of the website is carried out, using the most allusive images, the indicated colors, the words and texts that provide timely information, as well as all the elements must be ordered to create a good visual image.

In step four, you will select the means by which you can obtain relevant information from your clients or interested persons, for example a space for suggestions and comments, an email or a chat.

Finally, the input of the information of the users who visit the site is managed and the orders are managed or the requests, comments or information required are answered.

8. E- Commerce

Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, refers to the purchase and sale of products or services through electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce relies on technologies such as electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange, inventory management systems, and automated trading systems. data collection. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at one point in the life cycle operation, although it can encompass a broader range of technologies such as email, mobile devices, and telephones.

In e-commerce purchases and sales are generally considered. It is also considered in data sharing to facilitate financing and payment aspects of business transactions.

Electronic commerce can be divided into:

  • Virtual stores, on websites with online catalogs, sometimes gathered in a 'virtual shopping center'. The collection and use of demographic data through Web Electronic Data Interchange contacts, business-to-business data sharing. -mail and fax and their use as a means of communication to reach prospects and established clients (for example, with newsletters) Daniel Pérez, MD (2006). Information technologies for the management of.Recovered on March 28, 2012, from Intangible Capital.EspacioPyme. (sf). Introduction to electronic commerce. Retrieved on March 28, 2012, from EspacioPyme. CC digital businesses. (sf). Digital Business Strategy. Retrieved on March 28, 2012, from Digital Business CC.R., SB (November 2006). E-Marketing tools.Retrieved on March 28, 2012, from Web Production:.Torre, A. d. (January 2006). Edutec. Electronic Journal of Educational Technology: Educational Web 2.0.
Digital culture. web 2.0 and technological tools