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Cyber-internet media


The Cyber-Media are means of communication equivalent to the press, radio or television but that work over the Internet, by mixing various multi-media resources to inform and / or communicate content to their visitors.

Cyber-Media are not exclusive to traditional media (digital newspapers, radio stations, etc.) but can be managed both by independent people (eg Blogs) and by organizations in general that require keeping informed and entertained to your target audience.

This type of Internet portals can be specialized in a specific topic (eg specialized marketing portal) or can be general information (eg digital newspaper in a specific area).

A Cyber-Media can handle recorded audio-visual content (consumed on demand) and / or content broadcast live (eg Radio / TV online), in addition to written content.

A communication medium today has ceased to be a monotype and monovia content issuer (a single type of content via a single channel) to become an entity with multi-media content broadcast and multiple channels. For example, radio stations have their traditional broadcast by air waves received through a radio device, and in turn have a website from which it is possible to listen to the same radio directly online, as well as read articles. that support the programming of said radio, watch videos related to it, watch the broadcast booth through a web camera, interact with the drivers of the programs and their guests through social networks (eg Twitter and Facebook), among other possibilities.

An important trend to take into account is the fact that at a global level, the traditional media (press, radio and television) are increasingly displaced by cyber-media as they present various advantages for the preference of users, such as the fact that each one consumes the contents that interest them when they are interested, with a minimum cost, with a global geographic reach, with tools that allow them to interact with other people through various channels (eg social networks, online forums, surveys, etc.).) and with the possibility of publishing your own content.

Thanks to the use of Social Networks, or to be more exact, Social Media on the Internet, we can all publish content, share it, expose it to the world and interact with others about it. Cyber-Media should make use of these tools to better capture the attention and loyalty of their users and potential customers.

Cyber-Media in turn allows content to be published (with or without moderation) by authors from anywhere in the world, making it possible to generate large volumes of information at the lowest possible cost and in a win-win relationship with its sources, since it generates a greater dissemination and exhibition of the authors' works and / or services and attracts a greater number of visitors (traffic) to these portals.

The operating costs of a Cyber-Media are significantly lower than the operating costs of a traditional communication medium, among other reasons because the infrastructure and personnel required are less, in turn, the effectiveness is greater since they can broadcast their content 24 hours a day. hours of the day without geographic limits, although there are still high costs to manage unlimited simultaneous users of radio and / or live television.

Although the people in charge of keeping Cyber-Media updated are not necessarily experts in social communication, journalism or any related career, we do recommend that these types of professionals handle the traditional formal media that are presented on the Internet (ex. Digital newspaper), taking into account that the writing and communication style on the Internet is different from the communication style in traditional print and audio-visual media.

The important thing when choosing the people who will keep a Cyber-Media updated is their level of knowledge about the topics that are covered in it as well as their ability to present the information and content (texts, photographs, graphics, audios, videos) in the best possible way according to the target audience or market of said medium (eg layout, good writing, without spelling mistakes, with adequate quality images, etc.).

Funding for a Cyber-Media may initially be generated by the traditional media outlet that launches it (if it exists), or by those interested in exposing their ideas online regardless of whether or not they have a formal company that supports them. Business models to earn income or monetize cyber-media are varied, however, advertising and subscriptions are the main options.

To the extent that a cyber-media manages to capture the attention and interest of its target audience (visitors / readers), through very good content, its statistics of printed pages and visitors increase significantly which can be used to attract the advertising investment and / or premium subscriptions (paid).

Nowadays it is possible to start a Cyber-Media with some free tools on the Internet (eg. Blog + Fan Page on Facebook + Channel on YouTube + Account on Twitter + Gallery on), however, for traditional media (eg. Newspapers, radio stations, television stations) as well as for companies and / or government or non-profit institutions, it is highly recommended that you create your Cyber-Media supported by service companies that are specialists in internet business solutions in such a way that they can guarantee them the appropriate hardware tools (eg Servers) and software (eg Portals) to attend to the large volume of visitors that are handled and in the best possible way at the level of graphic designs, diagramming, content display, and its related technologies in general.

Success for all…

Cyber-internet media