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Data warehousing. transforming electronic data into information

  • Evolution of decision supportDifferent categories of DS analysisSimple queries….. More advanced analysis techniquesMost widespread analysis technique

Go from simple queries to advanced analysis

  • Simple consultation: fresh data, strategic decisions "canned" or predefined consultations Consultations without preparation (ad-hoc)


The power to divide

Standard query multidimensional analysis

More powerful analysis technique

  • Delve deeper

Different perspectives of data by using “dimensions”

Information by a certain dimension

Drill down

Similar tools (to standard query)

Same data: different ways

Modeling and Segmentation:

Analysis for knowledge workers

Bulky and detailed data

Knowledge workers

Model. Collection of patterns for a given characteristic

Modeling algorithms Decision support

Segmentation is also not a NEW tool


Specialized software

Knowledge Discovery

  • Marketing looking for the best clientsKD. Powerful algorithms looking for patterns in large DB Patterns not specified beforehand (as in modeling) DW tells company where important patterns and relationships are “Unknown Answers” ​​to find new innovative ways

Some observations

  • Evolution of the DW infrastructureEvolution of the DW infrastructureData in DW evolve and matureDW as a basic need

Increased frequency of use

Time or cost savings

Process consolidation

Standard Queries

“List the # of loans made to customer X and the payment dates when it has taken more than a week”

The consultation seeks to confirm an alleged part of a very strong hypothesis

"List all customers for which the revenue from use at peak time has decreased by 20% or more" Result commercial actions

"Show all cell phone customers with incomplete incoming calls by more than 20% in each week"

Useful results:

  • High-use customers needing additional equipment Potential market competitors Candidates for new product offerings Fraud suspicions Potentially dissatisfied customers In short, retain and add customers

"Show all cell phone customers with incomplete incoming calls by more than 20% per week" Drill-down

“Of those clients, who use roaming outside the network?


"Show the quarterly income corresponding to large commercial clients in the northern, NW and SO regions in 1977 and 1978"

“Show the same data by district within the Northwest region”

“Show the same data for District B in the Northwest region”

OLAP tools are unique to facilitate the user to request the same data in different ways


  • Oracle OLAPSAP - OLAPMicrosoftInesoftDundas Chart for.NET OLAP ServicesMicroStrategy OLAP Services


  • Future customer behavior Your long-term viability


  • Sort and reclassify customers by Demography Purchase patterns Proclivity to purchase

Modeling Examples

  • Customer lifetime value Customer wear Predictive modeling

Segment Examples

  • Customers who respond to offers Customers who respond to discounts Customers who respond to new products Customers who respond to promotions

Segmentation results:

  • Which group of customers to target a new service? Who is most likely to be interested in this service? Which customers are most likely to commit fraud? Which customers are most likely to respond to discounts? Zero hypothesis Find in the pattern data Hidden: Customer Behavior Sales by Product Cancellations Future Purchases


  • What happens when 2 drugs are taken together Unknown product affinity patterns Other trigger products

More examples:

Of customers who buy fried foods, 66% also buy sweets

Of the customers who buy fried foods and sweets, 75% also buy red wine


  • Send coupons to frequent shoppers Eliminate discounts on red wine Relocate products in-store Examples of data that come to light thanks to KD: Certain trigger products affect other purchases Discover the “next likely purchase” Discover patterns in the fall of purchases Customer aspects that affect the product life cycle Data mining comprises segmentation, modeling and knowledge discovery It is synonymous with statistical analysis It is supported by 3 technologies Massive data collection Powerful computers with multiprocessors Data Mining algorithms

It is developed under the latest generation languages ​​based on artificial intelligence and uses mathematical models such as:

  • Artificial Neural Networks Decision Trees Induction Rules Genetic Algorithms

Predicts future trends and behaviors to enable businesses to make proactive decisions

These tools can answer time-consuming business questions

They scan databases for hidden patterns, finding predictable information that an expert cannot find because it is outside of their expectations.

Data Warehouse in reality

The data resides in the least amount of different platforms, preferably in a DW or Data mart

Managers usually access the DW directly when they require information

Executives support decision support

DW can improve productivity and increase profitability of the organization


E-data. Transforming data into information with Data Warehousing

Chapter 2. Supporting the Bottom-Up Decision Jill Dyché

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Data warehousing. transforming electronic data into information