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Patrimonial dynamics: movement, speed and transformation


A richness is complex, important, efficient, which has a substance, a substance, whose two studies are of a higher degree. Organized wealth and a momentary structural situation that we call static. The phenomena pertaining to patrimonial dynamics were studied by two scientists that you mention in the XIXth century and in the 20th century, they will contribute significantly to the cultural accounting regime. informações contábeis, portanto, são just "photos" of the heritage in movement, being that the true study of the accounting science sincerely the dynamic aspects, referring to the movement, speed and transformation,latent really nas informações you have produced at a certain moment.


In an empirical vision that led, for a long time or human spirit, to hide the true ability to organize or think mind, or to find it difficult to perceive the objects that it used, as it contained two objects that were in common volta tão comuns à observation and investigation.

It is true that it always existed, it was completely expressed in the specific times of empiricism, in order to relate that in nature, it was subject to the movement and transformation, therefore, things that cared for human needs, which were called, in the conception of Franco (1961), would also be subject to this law, of successive continuation, that does not become patrimonial and especially common.

The truths of this world will become clear as to limit human evolution, as the intellect grows, embroiled in reflective meditation on the same truths.

Foi então, from the seventh century BC, not a period considered by historians and thinkers, of the classical, that the philosophers have pregavam the aspects of the movement, speed and transformation that exist in us objects of the visible world. that in his works pregava on an "initial engine", that it would move all that exists, his works influenced many great thinkers of the Media, who would use his works for the purpose of reason and faith, like Thomas Aquinas.

It was, therefore, or the beginning of a dynamic perception, not only referring to existing material not the world, but two studies of natural sciences, but also two specific objects of social sciences, which according to the Comte (1798 - 1857) study., you social phenomena that interfere with human life.

2. Scientific Studies of Accounting Dynamics

When two constituted powers function (when I approach the powers I am not referring to classification, raised by Montesquieu not eighteenth century, but also powers issued by the social cells, ou seja, igreja, state, commerce, banks, etc) começavam a obter largo Proportion of wealth, as necessary to control, this whole, as an intuition of debating human needs, as an efficiency, became abundant, or accounting conhecimento that was used in a pragmatic and normal way in society's debt, passed to be ostentatious Com veemência we wrote two different authors.

Na idade media, no period considered by Sá (1997), of literário (ou da literature), various writings have been found with accounting material. Or "liber Abaci" by Fibonacci, or "Della mercatura e Del mercante perfetto" by Cotrugli, to "sum of arithmetic and geometry, provide e proportionality" by Paciolo, all of them expressing aspects you count, especially, as regards the records two phenomena you count.

Grande e farta foram as contábeis works linked to arithmetic in this era, works that express or formal character of nos conhecimento: a informação. But the works are not summarized in the preceding paragraph, pois, nas igrejas linked to Rome (A igreja catholic Apostolic Romana), seja em mosteiros, seja em places de recolhimento e oração, long era a produção literária da contabilidade, at this time and em pissed. To the literary production of this period, I have studied the studies of scientists and thinkers including foreigners, Carlos Antinori, Jorge Tua Pereda, Richard Mattessich, Esteban Hernandez and many others (the latter author and friend and president of the North American Academy of History of Accounting, ou melhor, to "The Academy of Accounting Historians", one of the most important in the world).

As works of that time, limited embras nas nas informações contábeis, já expressavam or dámico character da scriptção, pois, this só exists as if to decorate two movements and patrimonial events that we call patrimonial phenomenon.

As disse, the constituted powers (Igreja, state, commerce, institutions, etc), need of a tight control of the movement of wealth. But, as a social instrument, it had greater relevance than a temporal world. The deed became more abundant in the institutions belonging to the clergy of the Roman Igreja.

Não é a toa, no século XVI, o frei Ângelo Pietra, praticava a scripture e estudava o patrimônio de seu mosteiro comparing his informations not time. The essays of Pietra já acenavam for the study of the dynamic aspect of wealth, given that this distinguished author compared the patrimonial situations, because, in a certain way, já knew that or countable object had constant movement and transformation, never the same in different times.

Contudo, scientific criteria gives accounting to ainda estavam, by caminhar já covered in vast literature, as well as especially in the intelligence of other masters of knowledge.

No 17th century, or dynamic scientific aspect, has ever been highlighted by the thinkers of natural sciences, such as Galilei (1564-1642), in his work "De motus" (Do movimento), which preached on the movements of two bodies. Six reasoning about the revolutionary movement to the history of the conhecimento.

O pai da modern chemistry Antoine Lourence Lavoisier (1743-1794), dealt with the constant transformation of the material, when he created his reading of the conservation of the material. As a cosmopolitan city, its ideas, its scientific position, surprising fora, but its life was condemned, by two constituted powers.

The abundant efforts of Issac Newton (1642-1727) deserve applause, when we will highlight the movements and successive speeds of two bodies, also based on the writings of Galilei. No world gives physics to repercussions, which Newton would have to provide, it lasts for two days. Enfim, or aspect of dynamics was proven experimentally, by the two great names of scientific evidence, especially those turned to or were two natural objects contained in a specific universe.

To accounting, still, I submitted to study the dynamic aspects, when your thinkers, agreeing on the cognitive “sound”, will go through two exclusive processes, two registers and elaboration of demonstrations, to search or meaning of information, pois, it is perceived that it is a countable object., which is also made of material, therefore, belongs to the universe, has a movement, as a specific speed that produces constant information.

Foi na França, ou melhor, na academia de ciências of this country, which Coffy (1836), asked about a countable object, having defined as capital, we will see with attention, a stretch of reproduction of intelligence, this French scientist, transmitted by Pfaltzgraf (1956):

"Being given a capital composed in a way that has been created and destined to be successively undertaken, in totality or in parts, in various branches, and with sophisticated modifications to its greatness and nature by various causes…"

In Coffy's mind, he adduced for the idea of ​​the movement and transformation of capital, which was tied to Karl Marx (1818-1883) pregava (despite fully criticizing or capitalist system, this author understood and reconnected to dynamics of capital, when pregava about your "rotação").

Na Itália Francesco Villa (1840) in her work “La contabilitá applicata alle administrazione private e publiche”, also reproduced the idea of ​​dynamics when classifying a patrimonial structure with financial aspect, with seja, with circulation aspect, with tempo e velocidade na transformação of numerários (In the same way as fez a lei 6404/76, pois, the elements that have the nature of the highest speed, are classified above the structure, in what the elements of slow dynamics are classified below the structure, such classificação é semelhante a de Villa, embora, can not affirm that either the legislator with the talent or talent of Villa, or at least he has had to fail nele).

Daí então os studes gives richness foram concentrates not process of dynamics, aspect highlighted as essential, by Vincenzo Masi, who defined autonomy and scientific quality of accounting. On or exame da dynamic assim expressou Masi (Apud - Sá 1997):

"Or examining the heritage on its dynamic aspect, this is our investments and financing, both for companies and institutions, with the purpose of investigating the principles and technical standards that govern you; and also costs, recipes, revenues, income and financial losses, according to the case or case of companies or institutions and, likewise, all foreign people or for the first time, rather than through it, compulsively manifested itself. "

This is because or dynamic aspect, it was always more important than or static, since it would never exist. Aliás, or dynamic aspect é comum nas outras ciências as we refer. I am very attached to the sciences that I fear as object of wealth in another angle of observation. For this reason, either an economist and an accountant; Cibilis da Rocha Viana (1978), produced a work called "A dynamics of economic development", whose theory is openly expressed or the process of movement and activity of the capitalist system (this author, even, claims as the cause of the "vitória" desse system, a its ability to transform successively, through production, consumerism, technological and scientific advances).

3. A visão dinâmica do patrimônio

Addressing the studies, you must study and study mainly the heritage dynamics. Submit through the power-verifying the health of the patrimonial activity, as related to what was expected (obtaining bonuses, boa payment capacity, revolving cash flow, etc).

Or Professor D'auria (Apud - Franco 1973), he says, that the heritage should be studied, as a living organism fosse, as its fully defined organs and functions. This author also says that the accountants will post, as if they were real doctors from the same body, auscultating their years, reactions, caused by various causes, which would bear all possible dimensionality.

When still accounting is tied to the legal councils, Giovanni Rossi (Apud - Sá 1997), fazia alusão ao patrimônio, as this is a living organism, with needs and functions. Além disso, Rossi projetava or dynamic aspect of patrimony, saying that or becoming patrimonial would be like a cycle where all “comecava nas necessidades e acava na satisfação das mesmas”, as was the process of all perfection.

Logically, we cannot dispense, in any case, Masi's efforts in his work “Dinâmica Patrimoniale”, which dealt exclusively with dynamics of heritage, encompassing several aspects including those previously mentioned.

For Masi, the dynamics of the patrimony would move to its structure that we call Statics (in reality, to static and a product of dynamics, being that to be effective depends on the same efficiency of dynamics).

Contudo, the efforts and gnosiological products of all you scientists must be joined by Sá (1992) in his "General Theory of Contacible Conhecimento", basis of Neopatrimonialism, a doutrine that is a highly epistemological resource of philosophical scope. Or countable Neopatrimonialism would be in a doutrina that sought to compile all the facts of Masi, D`auria, Rossi and many others, including the facts related to dynamics, to assim search for true scientific-philosophical nature transponivel no tempo e espaço.

Or the treatment given to Patrimonial Dynamics was never ostensible, ostensible and holistic, like that minister pela doutrina Neopatrimonialista who founded the biological ideals-you counted on D`auria, the needs and functions of Rossi, in a sure reason and totally impaired.

Plausível e abrangente é o arcabouço Neopatrimonialista, a theoretical quality of its truths about the dynamics of heritage. So much so that Neopatrimonialism was also based on two important axioms (relatei “também” because there are other “indisputable truths” in nossa ciência):

Axiom do Movimento: All wealth moves

Axioma da transformação: Ao gerar movimento all wealth is transformed.

These two axioms that will harm you to walk your best writings, contudo, still, these two axioms there is a third axiom inlay, which as expressly reproduced:

Axiom of speed - Every movement gives wealth to a specific speed, relative to the same capacity of wealth, in a given time, relative to the circulatory life of each functional system, which does not exist in the patrimony of social cells.

Such an axiom (for the first time it is expressed separately, but it has embedded the writings of our other authors, not being, therefore, original of this part) and irrelevant to the axiom of the movement, therefore, there is no movement with a specific speed (It can be ter um delinquent or agile movement). At the speed of an intrinsic quality of the movement of wealth.

Therefore, a dynamic heritage movement or movement that occurs in a systematic, organized way. Tudo runs hereditary, like, also simultaneously, autonomously and interdependently. Or movement and compost of elements that we will deal with in detail in a pertinent subtitle.

A dynamic that includes movement will obviously include a speed, which would be high in cases of agility, or low in cases of delinquency. A speed of an intrinsic characteristic of the movement. A dynamic also encompasses transformation, therefore, everything or movement once generated at a specific speed, causes a transformation that consequently will cause a metamorphosis or variation of wealth. Therefore, succinctly aspects of the dynamic that will be treated in this article, covering the aspects of:




It will be these topics that we will cover as subsequent subtitles.

4. Or movement

Or a conceitually serious movement or state of mind of a body or specific object. We can consider movement as that dynamic quality comprised between two static situations. Or movement é aquilo that surrounds momentary states isto é, states of static:

Ea1 ® Ea2 ® Ea3 ® Ea4 ® Ea5…

Aquilo that is between the two static situations and transmits or state of final static that is called movement. In relation to the effect of a static (Ea1) and another subsequent (Ea2), or antecedent (this might also be called Ea0) chama-se movimento.Clearly you can notice or movement comparing various information you have (Veja Tabela 1 in annex).

We can say, for example, that the movement of Balance 1 (Ea1) stops or Balance 2 (Ea2), foi of $ 20,000.00, or otherwise, to the first situation of $ 100,000.00 and the second situation of $ 120,000.00, unlike these situations or the result of a movement, which is nominally expressed in the Balanços. The express results are not all caused by the same movements in two systems. Movimento na linguagem Neopatrimonialista é o mesmo que exercício ou função.

As functions are the movements produced by specific systems, allowing different static situations, in selected periods, for the study and analysis. The states give patrimonial substance in singular periods, there are only two systems of functions that work, interestingly, the following elements:

Necessities - São as lacks of something essential for or patrimonial.

Finalidade - São racionais das necessidades esenciais existentes no patrimônio.

Meio - È a materialização do element, requested by the needs. You know that there are elements of organized wealth.

Função - É o movimento do meio that tends to satisfy the need that arose as a specific non-patrimonial purpose.

All this occurs simultaneously, autonomously, hereditarily, and interdependently at the same time.

We wondered how we would endorse the patrimonial organization, it is enough to analyze the functions of the patrimony, pois, this really is the main case of studies of our conhecimento. In order to reach or confirm our compliance, which must be verified by the public health authority, it is enough to observe or submit the functions, to submit that they are effective only when satisfying the needs that will arise from the same functions.

Measuring and studying efficiency, at the end of the essence of our conhecimento, first we analyze or heritage, we depict or we interpret, to finally define the behavioral models, which would be ideas, for a specific case study (each heritage will have a movement aziendal derived from an administrative government, which will produce a final proportion to the patrimony. Such proportion to be effective must be given to us two behaviors ideais two types of ventures e submitnte são ideais, when oriented to the countable accountability).

5. At speed

It is understood by the speed of the characteristic nature of a movement. Every movement has a degree of agility that allows it to flow at a certain time. How much faster than melhor speed or patrimony, but this speed depends on the circulatory life of each system. Obviously, it is known that circulations are transformations that give wealth. When these transformations are made in the agile movement, we say that capital is rapidly renewed.

It is the circulation that we measure or the speed of the movement, as a transformation and a product of the movement, the faster it is or the movement of the capital, the more it tends to transform substantially. For this reason, we measure the speed of the capital at the lowest rate of circulation (For how many times it is renewed or capital).

For this reason, that an accounting society arose the councils, theorems and theories, around the working capital, expressão is raised to demonstrate or potential that or patrimony possui, em be renewed successively. How much more agile for or capital in a determined period, higher speed of the earth or its movement, or its functions, than in specific systems, taking into account existing dimensions and not a complex heritage.

At the speed of this, it is a characteristic of Dynamics, present non-capital of companies and patrimony of entities, measured by the number of turns that the same object transmits at a specific time. How much more tour or capital, faster or less. Everything or capital rotates and is renewed, more or that varies, contudo, é a velocidade em que o giro operates, as já disse Sá (1965).

No patrimony is constituted, there are groups whose nature and renewal are more rapid than yours. Such a group is called circulating mass, which is composed of circulating capital and credit capital, such a different part is given by mass fixa, compost of immobilized capital and own capital, contudo, all circulates to wealth, or which modifies the rate of a circulação operates.

Or immobilized from a social cell, despite being fixed or permanent in the company for several periods, the possibility of a speed that operates with conditioning factors. But such a determining factor is slowness, ou seja, or his movement and delinquent, I attached because to his tenure and serving for several periods in Azienda. Contudo, the não deixa of circulating, constantly, at all times, loses values, acrescente farms, produces elements of circulatory condition, etc.

A determinant of an immobilized and different condition gives two constraints, because as long as it belongs to the circulating mass, that belongs to the fixed mass. Contudo, a natureza de bem nem sem é é condizente com su su capacijade circulatória ou su velocitade. Or that I propose to define or follow this statement:

“A dynamic nature of two elements of the heritage complex depends on the speed of its circulation process, being that, or element itself being conventionally in a specific conditioner group, it can present a discrepant conditioner, or that modifies the substance of the element. ”

For example, a company will be able to receive a loan that is not received without a conventional term, such credit will be provisioned, and can never be received. In spite of this credit, it will be in the circulating mass of the possibility of speed in its circulatory movement (pois, such an element is not received as deviance). Therefore, in spite of such an element being in a circulating "nature", its substance is not circulating with speed, so it is "immobilized". Despite being included in a specific group, its substance and the speed of such group. A substantia do element, which possui specifies classificação depends on its functionality.

For this reason, immobilized muitos are classified as banda bandages (rapiers), because more bandages are intended, pois, for this azienda's activities and to produce these elements, then they become circulating. Furthermore, all the elements of a circulating nature that are “immobilized” are classified as not a fixed capital group, because Brazil is not limited to the norms as far as this condition is concerned, given that as of 6404/76 pouco clarified on or not.

The nature of the substance depends on the substance of its circulatory speed, since it is its circulatory capacity, which transmits the utilization of the element. All patrimonial substance, produces a nature of speed circulatory.

6. A transformation

A transformation or the effect of the movement, which occurs at a specific speed. A transformation is another stage of the study of heritage dynamics, therefore, this phase is seen or produced by the speed of movement. How much faster it will move or patrimonial, the greater it will be to its transformation. Such a phrase inspires us to escrever a certain logical statement: "The more rapid for or movement of patrimony, the greater will be your tendency to transformation."

How much more wealth will come from twists, progress with sales, production, capitalization of resources, the greater will be your tendency to prosperity. We assume, for example, that an industrial company has the following analytical results (Veja Tabela 3 e 4).

We can clearly see that as production increases, there is a rise in money, progress in sales and a rise in profits, everything is constantly happening. This soma of efficiencies chama-se prosperidade in such a state produced a elasticidade na massa do capital. How much more for a money order, production and returns in tune with the efficiency, more will be for the prosperity and transformation of the capital in equivalence as or increase of the mass of the month (ou seja, elasticidade). tends to grow (logically not positive sense). The elasticity of capital is, therefore, an effect of the dynamic transformation of mass capital. How much more prospered for or more capital tends to transform and grow, thus expressing the efficiency of the patrimonial dynamics. No flow of wealth exists phenomena.São esses events governed by two environments, which cause transformations, which become common and not become patrimonial. With a modest conception, conceived as transformations in two species:

Metamorphosics - São transformações de elements do complexo da wealth, sem variação da massa, per serem permutas.

Variatives - São as transformações that alter or capital causing increase ou diminuição da massa. Such transformations are modifying.

As transformations as we disseminate a product, the movement with specific speed, that it happens not correct to flow two events, originating from cats originating from environments. Each transformation originates from um fato (events that gemo movements, can be considered, also as, being; investments and financing), common, not to become patrimonial dynamics.

For this reason that Gino Zappa (Apud - Sá 2000), in dividing the species of transformations, sought such a selection from two fats that began to transform. This author divided the permutative fatos (that provoke permuta, and that in a less metamorphic conception), modifying (that provoke variation) and mistos (that are only two permutative and modifying fatos). Contudo, divergences and own conceptions could end up existing in doutrina and nas concepções cientificas (We will consider as conceituações on os types of sciences derived from Bacon e Comte teria divergences of content).

The patrimonial dynamics, to transformation, constituted a formal purpose, which modifies in some way the patrimonial mass (We observe both swap and variant cats, causing transformations in the wealth of social cells). As a result of the efficiency of systematic patrimonial functions, we can consider transformation, which also occurs in states of wealth prosperity.

Or the patrimony of a company or entity, when it prospered, it was very gratifying of movement and speed, since the transformations caused by this dynamic sadness tend to produce more and more benefits for organized wealth. The elasticity becomes, as a common exercise, a prosperous patrimony, due to the adequate and useful transformations, stemming from the same systematic process of movement and speed, integral aspects of all the process of becoming patrimonial dynamics.

7. Static structure and balance

When the accounting was done, it was an autonomous branch of knowledge as a method and object of its own studies, to the definition of councils that were essential to incline the inquiries. Or patrimony was divided into aspects of observation, such as dissemos, being that these foram aspects defined by Masi, pai da escola accountable patrimonialista, um destes foi aspects such as or patrimonial statics.

A patrimonial static, it would not be completely a state of the patrimony, where the estivesse "stopped", no, for Masi a serious statics or structural state that to wealth presented in a given moment, when dimensionalized by the information, by a dynamic process of wealth (or scientific dynamic aspect in the accounting, also held by Masi as já disse).

Dynamically, therefore, it would produce static, not as the final point of a process, but as a momentary dimension expressed in informative formality. Ou seja, or patrimonial static would never be or end of a patrimonial devir, more simply, a representation of what that wealth presents in its composition at any given moment. For this information, you count as "photos" of an object in constant movement.

Never an accounting demonstration, could show or end of an activity (to be for a representative of a process that will culminate in the liquidation) patrimonial. No, it hardly shows what wealth reveals in everything or its dynamic process at any given moment.

I balance you, as demonstrations, plans, only as static information of the patrimony (ou seja, reveals the patrimonial structure in a given moment). Alias, as the information you have, only all of them are mnemonic, for example, when they are produced, they express past situations that are not equivalent to the present situation of the estate, much less, future situations (only by means of accounting knowledge that could be “foreseen” or that would happen). heritage).

As static situations reveal a complex object in constant motion. For this reason, or to inform or that the structure of a complex in constant movement is insufficient, and it constituted being very simple, it is not explained, forcefully, or that constant movement is positive and negative, to the organism Aziendal, for com that the same structure held in a lot of information. As you show you have expressed that a constant movement transmits at the moment, just like the express, by Frederico Herrmann Júnior (1972), or as a result of a “operação em marcha”, ou seja, encrypted representations of lives and movements.

A patrimonial static, in form, expresses a momentary informative situation, more than a static study in essência, estuda or equilíbrio of dynamic forces, which in process of movement, speed and transformation transmits a specific proportional structure. Such is the definition of Masi (Apud - Sá 1965) in his static heritage work:

"Quem deals with patrimonial statics, firstly deals with doutrina do equilíbrio two values ​​referring to the patrimonial elements… Não é, pornto, a static uma expressão de imobilidade, de permanência, mas equilíbrio de forças patrimoniais manifested and measured hairs of substance e counter-substance ”.

Neste thought that Sá (1965) defended his Tese, called: "Theory of proportions of two components in the promotion of Equilíbrio do Capital de Funcionamento e as Tendencies Contemporâneas da Inquiry Cientifica na Contabilidade". Edited by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, as nome: "Theory of the Capital of Companies" (this work is possible, including, assassinated by Mestre).

As a result of inquiries and comparisons, or balancing and caused the patrimonial dynamics in a process of constant operation. Equilíbrio provides two aspects of movement, speed and heritage transformation, so that the efficiency of the balance is only obtained when or movement occurs at a speed of adequacy, producing assim, as required changes for the needs of prosperity of which type of undertaking.

When you study in dynamics, the phenomena of: financial inputs and outputs, production, stochage, endividament, money orders, capitalization, costs, recipes and revenue, we are studying all that interage and encompasses movement, speed and transformation necessary for the efficiency of structure patrimonial.

Or balanced in the result of the movement of the functions, the speed of two systems circulates, and the transformations caused by these same elements, so as to outline everything, called dynamics. A dynamics and emission forças, which emits static, tão highlighted by Masi.

Contudo, a patrimonial structure that we call patrimonial statics, can appear “defeitos” when not attended, totally necessary. In other words, when the dynamic and ineffective the imbalances will appear, the more so when apparently you do not receive information or patrimony does not hold this state. So each type of enterprise has an ideal type of dynamics, when it does not reach the structural problems, it only has two components of heritage.

Ou seja, each species of enterprise or azienda, possui uma necessidade of movement. The systematic processes of functions must be carried out with substantial transformations, in such a way as to provoke or balance.

The dynamic aspects (those that are explicit in this artigo, ou seja, or movimento, velocidade, transformação), when deficient, insufficient and inadequate, reached unsofismavelmente, uma detrimental structure, which embora, to the countable information, seems to be essentially equivalent, cheia de “Pathologies you provide”, are pernicious to the efficiency of the patrimony.

For example, a company that does not allow a production that does not serve customers daily, making available to them, the foodstuffs necessary for life, it is difficult to find an effective financial movement, therefore, to its activities that are not consistent with their real needs..

An industry, too, will have to be a compatible movement, with its production, stochage, bandages and profits, so that it will not prejudice or be its dynamic process. The industry is to be produced more than or necessary at the speed of the bandages, its tenure will be a prolific stock, which will prejudice the structure of the financial system.

It is clear that nothing can be done, wanting or the movement of an industry to be the same as or a padaria, it would also be illogical such a statement, but it would also be illogical to affirm that both farms do not regem them leis da countable dynamics. The static states of a bank, trading house, joalheria, sports club, are all caused by the patrimonial dynamics.

Therefore, in order for the structure to be effective, it must be produced as equivalent to the patrimonial dynamics, in a process that involves, movement, speed of transformation, all in the process of interaction, in order to provoke efficiency, elasticity and prosperity of the patrimonial entity.

8. Conclusão

To patrimonial dynamics as an aspect of studies, responsibility is the static structure of the same patrimony, which are basic facets, which are expressed in movement, speed and transformation, common phenomena, not constant becoming the patrimonial organism.

As with static and an equivalent position, from dynamic forces, to a suitable composition of the static month, it depends exclusively on the dynamic process, produced by the environment and when effective or such a balanced, fundamental clam transmits to the social cell.

A static structure is only effective, when it reaches the pertinent, ideal and specific, quality of two movement processes, speed and transformation, that in rhythm of interaction, can produce efficiency, elasticity and prosperity of the heritage complex.


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Patrimonial dynamics: movement, speed and transformation