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Accounting forms design

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Designing is a structural process to reach an end: Create.

To create is to conceive; It is a complex process made up of various stages in which it is analyzed, suggested, discarded, returned, corrected, fine-tuned, tested, and decided.

The preparation of a form according to its object, type of information it will contain, origin, filling method, procedure in which it will be used, number of copies, users and expected results.

Functional elements:

Identification: Logo of the organization, Title, Date, Sheet number, Name of the person who prepares, reviews and / or authorizes it, Key to the form.

Components order:

Data sequence, work flow, body (main data), instructions at the bottom or on the back, or placement of numbers in parentheses in each space to be filled, the instructions are attached.

Shape design checklist

Designing primarily requires functional, aesthetic, and symbolic considerations. The process requires numerous phases such as: observation, investigation, analysis, testing, adjustments, modeling (physical or virtual using two or three dimensional computer design programs).

  1. The function of a form When the form will be used How many copies are used in a single cycle for transaction, transmission and storage Who fills the form and who uses it How many units of the form are required per year

Functional and physical considerations

To prepare a form, the information collected regarding its object, source of information, originating needs, filling method, number of copies, procedures involved and the expected result must be started.

  • Achieve control of operations. Facilitate the flow, processing and analysis of data by: Organizing the data. Minimizing recording time by eliminating constant data.

Functional considerations:

Basic information, title, data sequence, spaces to fill by hand or machine, number of copies and type of form.

Material type considerations:

Paper, measurements, inks, foliated numbering, typeface, coals, vocabulary, margins, binding, reproduction methods and display aspects.

Control and distribution of forms

Form classification Processes Functions

By administrative unit

By denomination

By physical characteristics

Formulation of the catalog of forms

It must contain the classification, description of the form, objective, displaced model, authorized current model, description of the procedure and use of spaces for variable information and flow diagram.

Control over creating shapes

Main elements:

Correct distribution of spaces, ease of filling and precise content of basic information.

Proper choice of type of printing, paper quality and type of binding.

Influence it exerts on existing procedures.

Expected impact in the case of new procedures.

Benefits reported in terms of information control.

Control over reprint shapes

It includes the study of the design and the specification of the form to determine corrections with the necessary opportunity and speed, so as not to hinder or delay the work procedures.

Control of forms in the warehouse

The following should be considered:

Formulation of a supply program.

Knowledge of the needs of the administrative units of the organization.

Effective communication with all the units in charge of managing resources and suppliers.

Existence of an information system that guarantees consistency and opportunity in the control of forms.

Prompt attention to stationery requisitions.


In general terms, a report is a job whose results or whose product is expected by people other than the one who performs it, or it is commissioned by third parties (for example, a teacher, or a boss, or an executive, etc.). In any case, it is always necessary to prepare all the material to write a report. The essential thing is to give an account of something that happened, with an explanation that allows us to understand it.

The report is a document written in informational prose (scientific, technical, or commercial) for the purpose of communicating information at a higher level in an organization. Consequently, it refers to facts obtained or verified by the author (recognitions, investigations, studies, or works).


Card for internal control of forms

Record of impressions and reprints containing the most relevant characteristics of the forms.

Current forms of files

The first step in effective form control is to assemble copies of all printed documents and all standard formats that are displayed on the computer's peripheral equipment. Typically multiple copies are required: one for the numeric file, one for the shape caption file, and one for a topic, department, or function file. In some cases, a media classified file is also required. These files are very useful for studying current operations. The numeric file is based on the identification number that is assigned to each shape. That number can be assigned in sequence according to the order in which the forms arrive at the control.

  • From Line: Fixed data (letters) that are followed by a line From Columns: Columns and lines From Boxes: Enclose a fixed data inside a box or rectangle Combined: Boxes and blocks


In this work we could see the design or redesign of shapes. The central points that must be taken into account when designing a shape are understood. With the analysis of forms, the need to have specific data in any area has been proven, be it in accounting and administrative information systems.

Shape analysis can be determined to encompass shape design and control. It has four objectives:

Determine the need for information: The forms in use must be analyzed to determine if different data are appropriate, a smaller or greater number of them. The only data regarding the form will be those that are absolutely necessary.

Prepare the information: The analysis of the preparation of the material aims to find the easiest and cheapest way to collect data. For this, it is necessary to study the entire operation and information system. Data may be obtained in real time as transactions are carried out, or in certain cases, from forms prepared for other purposes.

Presenting information: Data becomes information when someone uses it to make decisions or measures. The information will be presented in a form that is easy to understand and timely for the decision maker.

Storing the data: A study of files and records is also part of the analysis of forms. What forms are preserved? How long has each been kept? Have they been transformed into other means of communication, such as "microfilm" or computer tapes, to store them? What is the condition of the stored data?

Accounting forms design