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Home automation for creating smart homes

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By Domotics we understand the incorporation into the equipment of our homes and buildings of a simple technology that allows managing in an energy efficient, safe and comfortable way for the user, the different traditional domestic appliances and installations that make up a home (heating, washing machine, lighting…), locally and remotely ubiquitously from anywhere in the world.

Home Automation seeks to make the most of energy and sunlight, adapting its behavior to our needs.

Home automation is the set of systems capable of automating a home, and which can be integrated by means of interior and exterior communication networks, and whose control enjoys a certain ubiquity, from inside and outside the home. It could be defined as the integration of technology in the intelligent design of a closed room.

The term home automation comes from the union of the words domus (which means house in Latin) and tica (automatically, word in Greek, 'that works by itself').


Automation understand by incorporating the equipment of our homes and buildings in a simple technology to manage an energy efficient, safe and comfortable for the user, the other traditional domestic appliances and facilities that make a house (heating, washing machine, lighting…) locally and remotely ubiquitously from anywhere in the world.

Home Automation seeks the maximization of energy and sunlight adapting their behavior to our needs.

Home automation is the set of systems capable of automating a home, and can be integrated through internal and external communication networks, and whose control has certain ubiquity, from inside and outside the home. It could be defined as the integration of technology in the intelligent design of an enclosure.

The term home automation comes from the union of the words domus (meaning house in Latin) and policy (automatic word in Greek, 'that works alone').


Home automation

Home automation aims to integrate all the controls into a centralized unit, for its implementation it is necessary to have several devices that are classified as follows.

Controller.- They are devices that manage the system depending on the requirements received or already established, these can be one or more that is available to the user, they usually have a screen, keyboard which makes it a very friendly system for use when controlling air conditioning, lighting, appliances, etc. Once this information is received, it is sent to the actuator.

Actuator.- This device is in charge of executing the action required by the controller and thus proceeds to carry it out, whether it is turning lights and appliances on and off, opening or closing blinds, among others.

Sensor.- This device is focused on detecting all kinds of physical magnitude which you want to have a report of its behavior in order to control it such as water, smoke, gas, temperature.

Home automation for creating smart homes



The architecture for home automation systems focuses on indicating the structure of the network the way in which the control elements are going to be located. The architectures we have are:


In this architecture, all nodes are connected through a single node where all information arrives and distributes it, the main drawback is having a common node for the entire process, resulting in fragile communication.

By applying this architecture to the home automation system, all the control of the elements is connected to a single system. The most serious drawback is that when presenting a fault the system would be invalid. In other words, in its process a centralized controller is in charge of sending the information to the actuators.

Home automation for creating smart homes

Decentralized.- In this architecture there are several centralized networks that interconnect, in this structure the information is no longer so fragile, because the other nodes are no longer concentrated in a single node. However, it presents a problem when a node fails, the rest of the nodes that connect to it are isolated.

By applying this architecture to the home automation system, all the control of the elements is totally independent, communicated by a shared bus. In other words, in its process there are one or more controllers that are in charge of sending the information to the actuators.

Home automation for creating smart homes

Distributed.- In this structure, the nodes connect to any other with this type of connection, it becomes more efficient since when one node fails, it would not affect the rest.

When applying this architecture to the home automation system, there is no main element since each subsystem is responsible for carrying out its task. In other words, in its process each of its sensors and actuators become a controller capable of acting and sending information to the system.


User requirements

The requirements of the desired protocol conform to the set of needs established by the desired communication, they are described in natural language. Since 1979, (Hoffmann, 1979) attaches great importance to this part, although it does not stop introducing ambiguities typical of the human language, with the consequent risk of different interpretations by the people in charge of implementing the protocol. So various authors have defined formal methods for defining protocols that, on the other hand, lend themselves better than written language, for the study of their characteristics and based on the following aspects:

  • Level of the reference model in which it will work Data unit delimitation form (frame, packet, cell, etc.) If it must have multicast, broadcast or only point-to-point capacity, if it will be addressed for final routing or multiplexing corresponding to the level of the reference model in which it works. If it is going to have connection orientation or not, or both possibilities. To participate in commutation, repetition or point-to-point. If it is addressed, its scope and processing to access the final entity. Length of the payload. If it will be fixed or variable. If it will have error detection and correction, and if automatic repetition mechanisms will be applied based on confirmations and storage in sliding windows. If forward error control mechanisms will be applied FEC.If you are going to have flow or congestion control. Failure recovery capacity.


Applications and services

The home automation system is in charge of integrating the applications and services, thus achieving a more elaborate result from basic elements.

1. Security

It is one of the main benefits of having a home with the home automation system since it is necessary to guarantee the safety and integrity of the occupants and their material assets. Security is in parts for perimeter and intrusion security, the implementation of cameras and motion sensors is carried out, guaranteeing that the home owner is aware at all times of what is happening in their home and who is entering or trying to enter, the security provided by the sensors guarantees both material and personal property as there are sensors for fire, gas, smoke, system failures.

Home automation for creating smart homes

2. Leisure and entertainment

This has a focused approach for the user to enjoy while staying within their environment with the projection of movies, broadband connection, online games, as well as full interactivity between the user and what is happening in the world through his TV, computer from watching traffic to managing your bank accounts.

To increase the entertainment, the tele connection is offered, which recognizes the time that the viewer spends in this leisure, the way to recognize it is through a species, that is, by information, movies, special programming.

Transforming the television from a unidirectional system to an interactive and multidirectional system, thus making the user an active part of television.

3. Audio

Networks will be digitized and implemented to obtain music through virtual stores, as well as to enjoy radio services from all over the world with a high quality where you can easily interact by participating in consultations issued by the speakers of these radios, even managing musical requests without having to belong to the same country where it is being broadcast.

4. Comfort

In this area, the focus is towards radically improving the environment of the home with the automation of domestic activities through cell phones, online computers, among other devices that will be used to control lighting, air conditioning, blinds, water, light control., gas, intercom, controlled by a telephone and television.

5. Energy saving

In the area of ​​energy consumption, it is used for when the user is outside the home and it is necessary to guarantee that there are no leaks of any kind, be it gas, water, light, controlling from where you are, as well as activating your security system., constantly receiving the status of your home this will depend on how your system is structured.


Home automation, are dependent or independent systems through which an automation process of different services within our home is used.

Different possibilities can be found within home automation, but it will generally be destined to increase our security, well-being and improve communication channels.

Therefore, home automation, are systems that depend on: Internet, mobile connectivity and application development.

Home automation and its applications:

1. Comfort.- provides the necessary applications to achieve the highest level of comfort.

2. Energy saving.- the house has precise control in energy consumption. This is achieved with home automation meters and with the programming of activities.

3. Tele management and accessibility.- Home automation systems are easy to use so that they can be used by all people without difficulty.

4. Security.- Home automation provides the house with a complex system of alarms and security, both to protect the house from possible intruders and to prevent domestic accidents.

5. Communication.- the advancement of technology establishes a communication bridge between the user and the smart home to the internet, wi-fi, bluetooth.

These devices can be defined as an instrument capable of transforming physical or chemical quantities into electrical quantities.

Technological innovations have always been applied and used in homes. Its incorporation has built a change from family relationships to the structure of the city. Recently, home automation, or the use and adoption of new information and communication technologies for communication in the home, is beginning to induce changes in the use and function of homes.

Discussion and Conclusions

Thanks to the technological advances that surprise us more and more, today they are being put at the service of people in their homes, in which the implementation and integration of all the elements in one is carried out, providing the possibility that their management and control becomes simpler by facilitating the lives of those who inhabit it.

In the workplace there is teleworking with very convenient ways for employees and employers where they would make big profits and save resources that are invested in spaces, uniforms and materials.

In our research we have seen that home automation is a development for the future, currently in our country there are no such technologies integrated in the homes of the Bolivian family, but we estimate that in a couple of years intelligent circuits can be applied to homes.

It is important to highlight that the vision of domotics is to innovate the world, change the way of thinking and improve the lifestyle, starting from education, offering tele-education where all the necessary material is provided to carry out the tasks and educate themselves.

One can account for the direction or future trends of technology, with all these new advances applied to architecture we move towards a future of convenience and comfort without forgetting the best performance of tasks and the best consumption and management of resources that this allows us.

Home automation does not stop, it always advances, it is at the forefront with the desire to improve the quality of life, break routines that the user can feel safe in their home and carry out all their activities from the comfort of their home.

Bibliographic references

To carry out this research, the following bibliography was consulted:

Queries to Internet pages

  • www.domodesk.comwww.imei.comwww.arquired.comwww.soloarquitectura.com

Book inquiries

  • Millán Tejedor, RJ (2004). Home Automation. New Technologies at the Service of the Elderly DOMOTICA Made by Domingo Solans Campo May 2005.
Home automation for creating smart homes