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Ecotourism. an alternative for or development


This theme represents for Século XXI, a two sectors that we must grow more, nem as much in its economic dimension, not at the speed of its development. As viagens ao estrangeiro triplicaram-se since the seventies, going from 179 milhões to no less than 613 milhões no final do século XX.

Or traditional tourism is a phenomenon that unfolds thanks to mass transportation facilities, within two aviation it has been preponderant in this context.

This theme represents for Século XXI, a two sectors that we must grow more, nem as much in its economic dimension, not at the speed of its development. As viagens ao estrangeiro triplicaram-se since the seventies, going from 179 milhões to no less than 613 milhões no final do século XX.

To the World Tourism Organization (Word Tourism Organization - WTO - UNWTO), I predict a 4.3% cancellation for the next few years prospectively, for those who are calculated to be 1.6 bilhões de viagens internacionais até o ano 2020.

Nonetheless, the preferences are constantly changed in relation to or tourism of large distances. The northern hemisphere encompasses 70% of two international tourists, more recently a recent crisis of aviation and of travel, of two different terrorist attacks in Nova Iorque and the War of Afeganistão bem as a possibility of bacteriological ameaça, deverão favor or increase tourist flow for Developing countries such as Brazil, making it possible for the world to emerge its potential as a tropical paradise, especially in the northeastern and literary cities, with natural capacity, relatively untouched.

O ecoturismo é um fenômeno relativamente novo e é considerado como um dos segmentos que mais está crescendo destro do turismo. Este se baseia no uso sustentável dos recursos naturais permitindo ao turista participar em atividades que se realizam na natureza, de onde se incluem alguns esportes vinculados a este tema como são as canoagens, o “trekking”, escaladas em montanhas e serras, observação da fauna e da flora local, etc.

Or ecotourism has an economic impact as a particular set and as part of general tourist activities. Due to its nature, it stimulates or increases the breeding of micro, small and medium businesses, both rural and urban. It involves a fairly large and permanent market: either two foreign tourists and two native non-country residents. We fear more potential to grow than other activities, also linked to the pastor. Assim posto, or this form of tourism, increases the production of bens and services, gera empregos e recitas nas localidades.

As such, it is an integral activity of tourism and, as such, it can provide a national socio-economic impact that is appropriate to this setor: production of bens, boom in services, valorization of commercial and attacking trade, melhoria nas finanças da população, creation of job posts, high local tax receipts, increased national currency, external investments not in place and two public services.

Or ecotourism can contribute to the quantitative and qualitative development of one of the two most important sectors of the current economy: o tourism. Contributed to give a sustainable character, both in social and environmental settings.

Ecotourism. an alternative for or development