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Environmental education through hiking in Cuba

Table of contents:



The imbalance of the socio-system-ecosystem relationship, which humanity expresses today in the social environmental systems in which it lives, constitutes one of the most significant problems facing man today. In the present work, the authors carry out the analysis of this situation from a historical-cultural conception developed by the human being, regarding the man-nature relationship (natural resources). Starting from this own historical-cultural conception, it is proposed how the practice of recreation for adolescents and young people as a means of environmental education, can constitute a dynamizer of community development and balance the socio-system-ecosystem relationship through joint, organized actions, consenting and transforming on community scenarios.Among the different methodologies used, that of RESEARCH-ACTION-PARTICIPATION and POPULAR EDUCATION stand out.


Human communities are manifested through the existential and axiological needs of the individuals who cohabit in them, behave according to these at different scales of satisfaction. They are valued as existential needs: being, having, being and doing; insofar as the axiological ones complement the psychosocial characteristics and individual and / or collective features where they project subsistence, protection, affects, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, identity and freedom. To satisfy these needs, the satisfiers vary and require a combination of elements that maintain an adequate link between economic support, equity and quality of life. This process manifests itself continuously and permanently, is complex and comprehensive, where it shows change and creation..

Therefore, by meeting their individual needs, individuals obtain certain benefits and / or rights in the communities and in these, in turn, acquire duties and responsibilities towards it and the surrounding environment. Article 27/1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights2 refers that - everyone has the right to freely take part in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to participate in the scientific progress and benefits that they result - and Article 29/1 decrees that - everyone has duties towards the community since only in it can they freely and fully develop their personality (United Nations General Assembly, 12/1948).

In social environmental systems, preferential attention is paid to the level of interaction of the social structure with the natural base. In these, the natural force field is the basis for human action, which is generally intentional in nature, significantly different from natural systems. That is, a complex of human beings and interrelated resources is characterized by an intentional purpose, goal or objective that produces a desired result, acting and organizing according to a certain rationality, thus, natural systems try to be subjected to that intentionality; This can be achieved, as long as the "logic" of natural systems is not transferred according to certain limits or thresholds, since they have a certain autonomy in their operation and behavior.

In the process of developing the balance of the socio-system-ecosystem relationship, it is appropriate to start it from the analysis of the community category, in terms of its main qualities that enhance human development. The community is not the simple geographical space where man lives, from which he helps himself to sustain himself, to analyze the community in its historical-cultural character, it is to see it as the sphere in which spiritual values, the superior needs of creation, the results of the interrelation between tradition and contemporaneity, even more, the self-consistency of a social group, its identity that characterizes it, defining it and differentiating it from other settlements.

The meaning of life in the community stands as the axis of the concept of "development", sustained in the satisfaction of fundamental human needs, in the generation of increasing levels of self-dependence and in the organic articulation of human beings with nature and technology, from the personal to the social, from planning with autonomy and from civil society to the State.

Sustainable development has become a paradigm of "development" since the 1990s and how it can be measured. The United Nations conference on environment and development (UNCED) of Rio 1992 and Agenda 21, underlines the importance of defining indicators that can be used to monitor the state of the environment. In its 41 chapters, the action program contained in Agenda 21 addresses almost all the issues related to sustainable development that can be imagined, but it is not sufficiently financed.

According to several authors, the concept of sustainable development is based on conservation, in the sense of being conditioned by respect for the capacity of nature as a supply of resources and services for the maintenance of said quality. It is seen as a change where in the process of taking advantage of natural spaces, technological development and institutional structures must be consistent between present and future needs. It integrates aspects of economics, sociology and ecology, which are an important part of the components of recreation.

The dialectic of exploitation of nature and undesirable effects is introduced in the exploitation-conservation dichotomy, analyzed by Engels where undesirable effects or secondary effects are attributed to ignorance about the functioning of complex natural systems and the environment's response to intervention. human. Without the scientific knowledge of these functions, a coherent policy and management of the environment - recreation is not possible.

Problem situation

Strategies aimed at environmental education of children, youth and adults have been developed and are generally taught within the framework of schools, with the population in the community where they live and through the media, trying to stimulate and complement the enjoyment of their environment, by providing them with knowledge on protection issues in order to modify the behavior of residents and visitors towards the environment and dampen the existing conflicts in the areas where they reside, study or work. Despite these efforts, the socio-ecosystem-ecosystem relationship has not yet been solved in a balanced way, expressed in:

  • Occurrence of man-made forest fires. Fishing and poaching practice. Predation of nests and reproductive specimens in bird nesting areas. Sewer drains and waste dumping.

These are considered to be the most damaging and frequent.

Scientific problem:

How to influence the strengthening of education in the social and natural environmental systems that implies a lifelong commitment to their environment from hiking in the community for the students of the IPE "Fé del Valle" of the Isle of Youth?

Object of Study:

Environmental hiking in the community.

Action field:

Hiking as a means of environmental education in the community.

General objective:

Assess the influences of hiking activities in strengthening environmental education in the community.

Scientific questions:

  1. What theoretical and methodological foundations support the carrying out of hiking activities as a means of environmental education in the community? What characteristics present the trends of environmental and recreational management in the Territory? What actions favor the development of hiking in the recreational setting What impact will there be on the community after the actions are implemented?

Scientific tasks:

  1. Theoretically and methodologically support the carrying out of hiking activities as a means of environmental education in the community for students of the IPE "Fé del Valle" of the Isle of Youth. Characterization of trends in environmental and recreational education in the community. Implementation of a system of actions for the development of hiking in the community. Assessment of impacts on the environment of the community after the application of recreational activities.


The Isla de la Juventud is located to the South of the Western region of Cuba, in the Canarreos Archipelago which is formed by a large group of cays (350). With a length of 1135.84 km of which 327.09 km belong to the mainland and 808.75 km to the cays that border the island and that together form the Canarreos Archipelago.

The territory has an approximate population of 87,000 inhabitants of these in urban areas 76,136 and in rural areas 10,880, the population over 14 years of age is 73,145 inhabitants. The main population settlements are Nueva Gerona, considered the capital of the territory, Santa Fé, La Demajagua - Atanagildo, Delio Chacón, La Victoria and Algeria. These are where the largest number of inhabitants of the Municipality are concentrated and it is where the control and organization systems Territorially they are centered fundamentally on the socioeconomic, cultural and natural lines.

  • Agriculture: Citrus, fruit trees, bananas, mixed rural and urban planting. Economy: Fishing, extraction and processing of Kaolin, local industries and crafts and tourism on a smaller scale. It mainly depends on national imports.

There are other works that allowed the authors to integrate their experiences into research related to the subject matter exposed and their relationship to the community under study and the dynamics of the concepts addressed by other authors. Experiences in coastal sites destined for tourism were reviewed in the case of the research “Ecological management and ecotourism of the chelonian community in Cayo Largo del Sur” (2000) for the theoretical and documentary contribution with the objectives of selecting eco-use areas. tourism, main activities, assessments of load capacities, sustainability and management, "Potentialities for ecological tourism in the northern keys of Villa Clara", Lic. Camacho, S, A. (1999). Environmental Education Strategies in the fishing communities were reviewed ”, Perdomo, L, ME.(2009) of the "Los caimanes" National Park to evaluate the conflicts of the coastal zones, diagnoses and environmental and recreational problems.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of research

Type of study

The research is qualitative, exploratory and correlational. Hernández (2003). For the development of the same the authors used the following methods:

For the application of the instruments used in the research, a coordination meeting was held with the staff who would work in its development. The objective of the research and the importance of the research for the community were explained to this group. table work, to establish the variables and indicators with which to work and the development of instruments for data collection.

For the processing of information and statistical analysis, databases in the form of contingency tables were created using the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 statistical package, and the following method of analysis was used to process the data and information: Fashion (Absolute frequency and percentage frequency).

Population and Sample

In taking primary data on the conformation and structure of the study population, the presence of a total of 58 family nuclei with 322 people from 5 communities in the territory ends as a result.

Sample characterization: The criterion of an intentionally selected sample of the population with 105 people, 63 females and 42 males prevails. Age group sampled from both sexes.

The goals to be achieved in community strategies are subject to the expression of values ​​and quality of life for the people involved and / or integrated, in these the forms of production are defined to generate the necessary and sustainable resources with the partner ecosystem -natural and the description of the future base that will generate the resources and planning (plan, monitor, control and rethink) and among them:

  1. Promote active local leadership. Combat the shortcomings of traditional approaches. Create opportunities for innovation and adaptive learning in problem solving. State globally accepted policy principles in sustainable development, such as resource management and its link with the quality of life of its inhabitants. Promote systematic activities that favor Management and Education strategies in the Community.

Recreational Project activities plan

Not. objective Activities Place They execute Participants
one. General Objective:

Provide healthy activities in nature to develop knowledge, links with history and link with the environment. Specific Objectives

- Exalt self-esteem and solidarity.

 Promote habits of health, discipline, camaraderie, cooperation and responsibility.

Develop leadership skills.

 Promote integration.

Stimulate the ability to solve problems.

Favors creativity, imagination and curiosity.

 Make folklore known.

Develop physical skills.

Exchange ideas and experiences during their development.

  1. Camping No. 1
  1. Camping No. 2
  1. Camping No. 3
  1. Camping No. 4

Activities in the camp


For adolescents and young people: (15 - 19 years old)

- Beach voli meeting

- Swimming competition

- First aid discussion

- Investigative walk (Flora and fauna interpretation)

- Knife use display)

- Domino Game

- Sports - Cultural Activity

- Rustic culinary festival

- Tour of the coastline and nature trails

Campfires, walks, reading, other environmental activities are not excluded (Talks, Conversations, Scientific monitoring with

specialists and other Games in the sand and water)

Crystal Dam

Bibijagua- Loma

Crocodile-Caleta Lugo

Los Indios - Siguanea

Teachers Educ. Physics Teachers. Physical Education Teachers
3. General Objective

: To highlight traditional culinary values ​​and the marine environment. Specific Objectives - To

stimulate voluntariness for these functions in the camps.

General Objective

To provide an active participation of the group, using the skill and creativity in a utilitarian activity, keeping the


General objective


Highlight the values ​​of the medium and the geographical conditions that allow recreation.

Specific Objectives

_ Offer fun.

_Provide security for themselves, and an opportunity to help others in danger.

_ Develop confidence and security.

_Contribute to the preservation of health through exercise, the provision of relaxation, and use of air and sun.

_Provide knowledge of cooperation and competition.

_Provide a physical activity in which you can participate throughout your life.

General objective

Provide healthy activity that allows survival and understanding of the natural environment and its relationship with man.

Specific Objectives

-Contribute to the development of knowledge of exploration techniques, survival, orientation and care of flora and


General objective

Provide active participation of the group and the population in a healthy activity.

Specific objectives

Develop physical motor skills and abilities.

General objective

Provide active participation of the group and the population in a healthy activity.

Specific objectives

-Develop motor skills and abilities and volitional qualities.

-Stimulate voluntariness, camaraderie, creativity, will and the ability to solve problems collectively.

Festivals: 1.


«I cook for the camp»

- Presentation of the dishes and decoration

- Varieties of dishes presented: (Main course, desserts, drinks, etc.) Flavor. Typical (representative) dish

- Initiatives. Quick and easy dishes to cook.


Rustic means

- Development of novel means. Creative use of media.

- Rustic implements for games Constructive dexterity.



Water Festival Activities

a.- Games in shallow water. (Up to the knees, hips and pecs). Ages 15 to 19 years

• Racing games: - Relays

- Catch the ball.

• Games of strength and agility. (Rope)

• Diving games (snorkelin). Dive into the treasure.

b.- Games in deep waters. (the water covers the participants) youth and adults

• Ball catch and relief games.

• Game of strength and agility. (Load the partner with relay)

(Meeting of Voli - Aquatic)

• Diving games. Immersion competition looking for sunken objects.

• Relay in pairs.

c.- Games with implements. Precision shots

- Pita fishing «Playa«.

- Swimming exhibition (competitions and other modalities)



- Competitive meeting of knots and moorings

- Knife usage display

- Orientation gear

- Sport activities

- First aid meeting

Environmental education through hiking in Cuba