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Education for sustainable development. reading


We forget otherness, we are not responsible for what happens, we even have the moral courage to say or criticize others when our way of life is similar to what those around us live, we are indifferent to poverty, we suppose that we do not provoke it, therefore we are not responsible for what happens, it seems a world alien to what we know.

Perhaps we are not part of that statistic in which millions of people in the world are suffering from hunger, poverty, inequality, etc., situations that the human species has created and even tolerated day by day. I think we all know the great injustices and inequalities in the world, or at least we know an overview of how millions of families find themselves in subhuman living conditions. We know the problem, and now what follows? Well if the answer were the common one, it would be: "We can't do anything", or we just turn a blind eye.

The opportunities to create better living conditions are within our grasp, in our daily lives, in the daily actions that, although they seem very simple and insignificant, in a chain generate very important reactions to improve and try to balance the inequality that currently exists.

What is the problem? Why don't we do it? What do we expect? It is a system, and I am not just referring to an institution, political group, or form of government, I would say that it is a system of life that we have adopted and have turned into culture. The problem is in the attitude, in the disposition to do or stop doing things that would allow us to improve our community.

Of what use are millions of pesos invested in buying garbage cans throughout the city, which have marked separations of organic and inorganic, if people do not have the knowledge of even which group corresponds to a can of soda. Another example, in the Veracruz-Boca del Río metropolitan area, there are different containers for used batteries, an intention of the government to avoid that these pieces that contaminate too much go to landfills or rivers, since they are in charge of collecting and depositing them in places that generate much less pollution; the sad thing about this case is that tens of batteries must be discarded daily and are not deposited in these containers. What is the cause? Lack of awareness.

La culpa no se la podemos cargar únicamente al gobierno y esperar que mágicamente solucione los problemas, el problema debe ser compartido entre todas las aristas del cubo, porque sin importar los esfuerzos que realice un gobierno si la sociedad no reacciona, apoya y participa, entonces miles de campañas podrán pasar y la situación continuará de mal en peor.

Education is the alternative with which we can seek to generate that awareness, looking for thoughtful people who understand the situation in which we are currently involved and propose solutions to improve living conditions. I want to emphasize that when I refer to education it is not strictly at university or higher levels, but rather the ability to learn to listen, analyze and reflect on our environment, to become aware of our responsibility that we have in the deterioration of the conditions in which We live, and worse still, on the few livelihood opportunities we are leaving for our children.

There says a common saying: "until it hangs us" and indeed until we have the problem in our noses and affecting ourselves is when we become aware of reality and the deterioration and abandonment in which we have left our environment, then if we we worry (we better deal) and look for alternatives, but they are definitely not the right time and context.

Instructions: From this document, generate questions and identify possible research points that would be worth analyzing, as long as they meet an achievable intent.

Education for sustainable development. reading