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Ecotourism as an alternative for sustainable development, Peru





3.1. Background.

The Tourist and Recreational Use Plan of the Huascarán National Park formulated by INRENA (1,996), is a planning and orientation document for the development of tourist and recreational activities in the area of ​​the aforementioned park. Furthermore, it is indicated that the HUASCARAN National Park is in many aspects the ideal setting for mountain tourism (conventional and adventure); It is a paradise of valleys, lagoons, rivers, flora and fauna of the Andes, pre-Columbian remains and snowy peaks. taking into account the tourist growth both in Peru and in the world, the tourist flow to the Park will increase markedly in the coming years. To conserve the biodiversity and natural resources of the area and respond to the increasing influx of visitors,as well as improving the tourist offer to elevate the regional and local economy; The Park administration must plan the bases of a rational and orderly management of the tourist activity.

Guidelines for the Development of Rural Community Tourism in Peru. (2006), said document indicates that in Peru, rural Community tourism has its own characteristics and peculiarities that allow us to think about a differentiation strategy, this element is the experiential aspect since it becomes determining of other spaces due to the particularities that It even presents with Latin American countries, for this reason we must take into account some considerations in order to define the features of this type of tourism in Peru.

The Organization of American States (1,997), said body recognizes the development of sustainable tourism that focuses on maintaining and improving the environment and culture, which is essential to offer quality tourism products. From the perspective of tourism sector policy, the OAS has incorporated "Sustainable Tourism Development" as a central theme of the Inter-American Tourism Congress (CIAT). In fact, the OAS-CIAT has commissioned this publication, entitled "Policy and Planning Guide for the Development of Sustainable Tourism of the Organization of American States," to assist national tourism offices and local communities to implement a sustainable tourism development strategy.

CARVAJAL VILLALTA, Wilmer, According to the author, in general, the coastal zone corresponds to a strip of variable width that borders the continents, constituting the interface between land and water where production, consumption and exchange processes occur at high intensity rates. The components of this area are the municipal beach land located within a variable strip (in meters), measured from the line of the highest tide; the beach and the territorial sea. One of the most important activities that take place in this area is fishing, however in recent years "ecotourism" has gained singular relevance, even though its dissemination is insufficient, due to the fact that it is often not fully understood. of the physical-geographic, biological and socioeconomic components of said area.

ALVA VELÁSQUEZ, Pedro; Said work refers to the mountains as scenarios to develop ecotourism, ecological piscos and Andean crops for the tourist table, the participation of Local Communities and the construction of new social actors for ecotourism; and, strategies for participatory management and limitations for sustainability.

(ESAN). In this regard, it is indicated that someone has said that the other name of Peru could be, not only as a metaphor but as a scientific certainty, pirhua, which in Quechua means deposit. Because Peru, in reality, is a natural deposit of wealth. The country of biological mega-diversity. As a result of this research, it is concluded that, although the Río Abiseo National Park has basic factors that give it great ecotourism potential, it must overcome a series of difficulties that would impede its development and threaten the sustainability of development.

GONZÁLES Francisco (2004), According to the author, sustainable development must bear in mind that it is not enough for the economy to grow, this growth is based on equity, so that the benefits reach all of society; In this way, the vicious circle of degradation - poverty can be broken with a shared responsibility between the public sector, the private sector and civil society, which must work together in their solution between small producers and peasant communities that value environmental goods and services as a sustainable way to overcome poverty.

Sustainable Ecotourism with Indigenous Communities formulated by International Labor Organization (2000), this work corresponds to two selected case studies in the Peruvian Amazon within the framework of the formulation of a sub-regional project to support ecotourism or sustainable tourism initiatives operated by indigenous communities, which the ILO is carrying out in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. The purpose is to analyze the selected cases in order to support the formulation of the aforementioned project, as well as to prepare training and dissemination materials for the exchange of successful experiences, their promotion and replication in the countries considered.


Ecotourism development agents; It has a duty to safeguard the environment and natural resources, in the perspective of economic growth, healthy, constant and sustainable, which is capable of equitably meeting the needs and aspirations of present and future generations. (Article 3 - 1999, Global Code of Ethics).

Climbing; The glaciers of the Cordillera Blanca constitute one of the most attractive mountain targets in the world. The range of the possible ranges from simple, few-hour ascents on peaks easy for the hiker, to unspoilt roads with almost vertical flanks of rock and ice on peaks few frequented by the expert climber.

Mountaineering or mountain climbing can be practiced all year round but preferably during the months of May to September, during July and August the weather is not favorable for climbing. This activity included within the most important sectors of adventure tourism, requires certain conditions for its practice

Ambient; " Everything that surrounds us", a system made up of natural, social and cultural elements, including the human being, that exist on planet earth, their permanent interactions and the results that derive from them

Ecotourism Attractions; It is any place, object or event of ecotourism interest or any place that constitutes an ecotourism destination that must have a series of characteristics that motivate the temporary displacement of travelers, these attractions are part of ecotourism resources. Ecotourism attractions can be of many types, whether temporary or permanent.

Sustainable Development: Sustainable development can be defined as a development that meets the needs of the present without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (UN World Commission on the Environment 1987).

Ecotourism Development; It must be based on sustainability criteria, that is, it must be ecologically bearable in the long term, economically viable and equitable from an ethical and social perspective for local communities (Lanzarote J. Charter for Sustainable Tourism).

Ecotourism; It is that tourism that presents as its main motivation to make trips to little modified and pollution-free natural areas, with the specific objective of actively studying, admiring and enjoying its landscapes, flora and fauna and also any cultural manifestation (past and present), that occurs in these areas. For 1993, the same author expanded the definition and even a new element of ecotourism “that fosters an active involvement and socioeconomically benefitting local populations. (Cevallos Laswcurian 1993)

Conventional Ecotourism; Tourist modality that makes use of roads and other facilities for short-term stay and easily accessible to tourists who do not want a strong experience with the natural environment and does not require special physical conditions.

Adventure Ecotourism; Tourist modality that requires special equipment and uses the minimum infrastructure type roads and constructions. The visitor stays two or more days, especially in the primitive areas. It represents different degrees of risk and mainly seeks contact with nature. Adventure tourism activities are mainly carried out in some of the following modalities:

§ Self-sufficient groups or individuals carry everything in their backpacks.

§ Groups that hire basic services (muleteer, cook, etc.) at the starting point of their tours.

§ Groups that contract the services of an agency and / or a guide in Huaraz or another city of Callejón de Huaylas and Callejón de Conchucos.

§ Groups organized abroad by travel agencies or sports associations that then hire local agencies and guides

Alternative Ecotourism; It is a form of tourism that is respectful of nature, based on attitude, conduct, and the commitment that humanity must assume in terms of conservation. In effect, this tourist alternative is based on recovering the importance of what goes unnoticed daily.

Cultural, Ethnographic or Cultural Heritage Ecotourism; It focuses on local traditions and people as its main attractions. This type of tourism can be divided into two types: The first is more conventional, in which tourists experience the culture through museums and formal presentations of music and dance in theaters, hotels and, occasionally, in the communities themselves. In many cases this has led to the “classification” of the culture as it has been adapted to the consumption of tourists, and often results in the degradation of the traditions of the host cultures. The second type is more anthropological and contains a strong motivation of the visitor to learn about the indigenous culture rather than simply witness one of its isolated manifestations.

Sustainable Green Ecotourism; Refers to travel operations that use natural resources wisely. Green or sustainable tourism can be considered as the "going green" of the tourism industry.

Ecosystem; Part of nature made up of inert organisms and substances that interact, exchanging materials, we have natural, semi-natural, agricultural, urban and industrial ecosystems.

Inventory; List of ecotourism resources or attractions that constitute a town. Another important purpose of the inventory is to rank the attractions, in addition to establishing, given their fragility, the frequency and volume of the visitation

Infrastructures; set of basic services that play an important role for the development of ecotourism. The visitor center, museums, accommodation, typical restaurants, craft shop-workshop (souvenirs or souvenirs), water supply, energy, communications, camping area, communication routes, parking area, among others stand out.

Landscape; It is the portion of space on Earth's surface perceived visually. In a more precise sense, part of the Earth's surface, in its external image and in the joint action of the phenomena that constitute it, presents homogeneous characters and a certain basic spatial unit. The landscape is the result of the dynamic combination of physical - chemical, biological and anthropic elements that in mutual dependence generate a unique and indissoluble set in perpetual evolution.

Cultural heritage; It is the set of assets that a certain country possesses, in terms of its cultural heritage: various artistic expressions, places considered to be of historical interest, buildings with architectural or historical value, etc.

Natural heritage; It is the heritage that includes natural assets (from landscapes to biodiversity), and some of its forms of use, or "constructions", that are related to the management of some resources, such as agricultural works of permanent interest (for example terraces and platforms). This set of assets, which a certain country possesses together with the cultural heritage, are the elements in the preparation of the patrimonial accounts.

Poverty; It is the human situation or that of a people that indicates a lack of what is necessary to provide a quality of life adequate to their basic requirements. An index of this situation is the so-called poverty line.

Preservation; Action aimed at maintaining the conditions that enable the development, evaluation and continuity of ecosystems and material processes.

Protection; It is all joint action to preserve, conserve, prevent, improve, control, monitor and comprehensively study the environment for personal use.

Ecotourism Resources; They are those resources that are not exploited ecotouristically because they lack ecotourism promotion and publicity and are not within an ecotourism circuit.


  1. What is the dynamics of the different sub-branches of the economy: agricultural, livestock, mining, protected areas and others in the district? What is the situation of the resources: archaeological, historical, landscape, thermal, curanderismo, flora and fauna, relevant to the San Juan district? What works must be carried out in the San Juan district to obtain quality and competitive infrastructure and services? What is the interest of ecotourists to visit the San Juan district ?.

3.4. Design of the investigation

This research will be of the applied type , since it will use the knowledge of knowledge and praxis, for the benefit of the district of San Juan de Chullin Sihuas Province - Ancash. Applied research is an activity whose purpose is the search and consolidation of knowledge, and the application of knowledge to enhance the technical and scientific heritage.

The research to be carried out will be at the descriptive-explanatory level, since it will explain what ecotourism consists of as an alternative for sustainable development and will explain its contribution to ecotourism development in the San Juan de Chullin district of Sihuas Ancash Province.

This work includes the methodological approach and theoretical approach of the investigation. In the methodological approach, the formulation of research problems and objectives stands out.

In the theoretical approach, the development of theories about the work to be carried out stands out.

At the end of the research work, first the specific objectives will be contrasted with the general objective of the research. The contrasted specific objectives will be the basis for issuing the partial conclusions of the investigation.

The partial conclusions will be the basis for issuing the general conclusion of the work.

Finally, an interrelation will be established between the general objective and the general conclusion until the general hypothesis of the investigation is contrasted.

3.5. Justification and Importance

3.5.1. Justification

Ecotourism promises an excellent model of sustainable use that, well managed, can become sustainable, fulfilling a double purpose: to take advantage of our natural resources and to develop an important economic and social activity such as tourism.

Ecotourism is an important branch of human activity due to its link to the political, economic and social changes taking place, both locally, nationally and internationally. Furthermore, at an international level, ecotourism stands out for the worldwide interdependence of this activity.

Ecotourism is not an activity that competes with conventional tourism, on the contrary, they have become complementary branches to each other, offering a more complete package of options to choose for national and foreign visitors and tourists. In addition, it is essential to diversify tourism projects in order to promote ecotourism as one more alternative to choose along with other tourist offers; This would give rise to the elaboration of plans with greater proposals for the visitors, translating into a greater capture of foreign currency in the field. Because ecotourism is a complex phenomenon that requires multidisciplinary and multisectoral participation to develop; it is clear that only through the establishment of feasibility studies, dynamic, flexible and coordinated mechanisms,the parties involved will be able to promote it effectively.

To speak of ecotourism is to speak of tourism that is in accordance with the environment; a tourism that does not degrade, a gentle and friendly tourism.

The capitals that can enter the San Juan de Chullin district via ecotourism are evidenced by exemplifying the fact that only by observing nature, one could obtain very good annual income necessary for the development of the district.

Ecotourism activity must be promoted and exploited within sustainability standards; putting at risk the last sanctuaries that exist on the planet by simply satisfying the spirit of man to enjoy part of the lost wealth, deteriorating it, cannot be justified under any financial argument.

Life and nature do not and cannot have any contribution, because what is at stake is the stability of the ecological wealth that the district of San Juan offers us, which is the heritage of Ancash, Peru and humanity and especially of future generations.

Ecotourism is a tourist modality in which the main motivation is the observation and appreciation of the nature of the San Juan district, which will contribute to its conservation and generate minimal negative impacts on the natural and cultural environment of the district.

Ecotourism can be a tool for the conservation of the biodiversity of the San Juan de Chullin district, and an instrument to achieve the objectives of sustainable development in said district, especially in its rural areas. Taking these perspectives into account, as well as the potential of various areas of the district, ecotourism appears as a very promising activity for the Conchudos Bajo area, for the Ancash Region and for Peru.

3.5.2. Importance

Ecotourism as an alternative is very important because it will allow knowing the technical elements necessary to start ecotourism development; It will allow to know what is the supply and demand to put into practice this important activity.

This research is important, because it will allow applying the knowledge and experiences obtained in the studies carried out at the University.

3.6. goals

Main goal:

Study the Viability of ecotourism as an alternative for the sustainable development of the San Juan district.

Specific objectives:

1. Study the production and use areas: agricultural, livestock, mining, protected areas and others in the district.

2. Carry out the ecotourism inventory of the San Juan district.

3. Know the ecotourism money and the road infrastructure of the district.

4. Study the Ecotourism demand.

3.7. Method.

3.7.1. Population and sample or field of research

The temporal scope of the research: The following study will be carried out between the first and second two months of the year 2 008:

The spatial scope of the study is the San Juan de Chullin district of Sihuas province and Ancash department; Limited by the following districts: By the North with the Sihuas district; By the East with the district of Sicsibamba and Parobamba; By the South with the Pomabamba district and by the West with the Cuzca District (Corongo.)

The universe of the investigation will be made up of the directors and officials of the municipality, workers of the municipality, general authorities of the legal and political district, peasant leaders and the older inhabitants of the San Juan district.

The sample will be made up of people among managers and officials, municipal workers, authorities and other district personnel or inhabitants. The sample will be stratified as follows.

Sample stratification:

Directors and officials of the Municipality - -
Legal and political district authorities - -
Municipality workers - -
Peasant Leaders - -
Rest Population. - -

3.7.2. materials

The research work will allow the use of a VCR to record the different aspects of the field work; Interview Guides will be used as a roadmap for the interview to be conducted; booklets will be used to take bibliographic notes, interviews and other aspects; In addition, questionnaires will be used to complete the surveys with the sample staff; texts and reference books will also be used; a computer with Internet access and other necessary materials.

3.7.3. Procedures

The investigator will appear before the competent authorities of the district of San Juan de Chullin, Directors and officials of the municipality, to request the authorization of the interviews and surveys. In addition, it will explain the use that will be given to the information and the commitment to send a copy of the results obtained. Having the approval, we will proceed to collect the data. Before applying these instruments, the objective of the study and the use to which the information will be put will be explained, in order to obtain the informed consent of each of the interviewees and respondents.

The data of the books, text, thesis, monographs and Internet, will be obtained through bibliographic records.


The techniques that will be used in the investigation will be the following:

1) Interviews.- This technique will be applied to managers and officials, in order to obtain information on all aspects related to the investigation.

2) Surveys. - Workers from the municipality, authorities, Peasant organizations will be applied to make known regarding the environment and negative impacts; with the aim of obtaining information on aspects related to the investigation.

3) Documentary analysis.- This technique will be used to analyze the norms, bibliographic information and other aspects related to the investigation.


The instruments that will be used in the investigation are the following: Bibliographic Sheets, Interview Guide, Survey Questionnaire and others that may be necessary.


The following techniques will be applied:

  • Documentary analysis Inquiry Data reconciliation

· Tabulation of tables with quantities and percentages.

  • Graphics understanding


The following data processing techniques will be applied:

  • Sorting and classification Manual registration Computerized process with Excel Computerized process with SPSS


ACTIVITIES Sea Apr may Jun Jul Aug Sep
Data collection X X X
Formulation X
Presentation X
Approval X
Data collection X X X X
Organization of the info. X X X
Information processing X X X
Thesis writing X X
Presentation X
Lift X
Approval X


I. ASSETS: 970.00
Papers 4 Thousand 25 100.00
Pencils 5 Dozens 10 50.00
Computer ink 10 Units 30 300.00
Floppy 3 Dozen twenty 60.00
CD one Dozen 60 60.00
Other assets 400.00
II. SERVICES 3,030.00
I support statistical work 500.00
Secretarial support 500.00
Mobility 330.00
Viaticals 500.00
Telephone 200.00
Prints 250.00
Photocopies 250.00
Various 500.00
TOTAL 4,000.00

6. Bibliographic references:

v Alva Velásquez, Pedro; "Ecotourism in mountain areas with the participation of local communities".

v Bolívar Troncos (1999); "Sustainable tourism and electronic commerce". Kalalu- Dance.

v Carvajal Villalta, Wilmer, ecotourism in the coastal and insular zone of the Lambayeque region, Pedro Ruiz Gallo National University of Lambayeque-Peru.

v Cevallos Laswcurian H. (1993) “Tourism, Ecotourism and Protection of Areas.

v UN World Environment Commission 1987)

v Coopin Lieve (1992) "Ecotourism Seminar". Promperú. Lima Peru.

v Tourism Product Development Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (2006) "Guidelines for the development of rural community tourism in Peru", San Isidro - Lima.

v ESAN; Analysis of actors and factors in the ecotourism development of the San Martin region. the case of the Rió Abiseo national park ”.

v GONZALES, Francisco (former Minister of Agriculture); I National workshop "Towards a national strategy on Sustainable Development", (2004) - Peru.

v INRENA, Mountain Institute of the United States, US Agency for International Development and the Embassy of the Netherlands. (1,996) "Plan for tourist and recreational use of the Huascaran National Park".

v Organization of American States; "Inter-American Tourism Congresses Permanent Secretary", (1,997) San José, Costa Rica.

v International Organization of Sustainable Ecotourism Work with Indigenous Communities, The Cases of «Posada Amazonas» and the «Tambopata Research Center» - 2000.




Good morning / afternoon, I am a graduate student of the UNFV - FIGAE, I am doing ecotourism research as an alternative for the sustainable development of this beautiful District in order to prepare my graduation thesis in Geographical Engineer. The questionnaire is voluntary and the information you provide will be used to offer new destinations and ecotourism resources to future large displacements. For which I request that your data be as accurate as possible, in advance thank you for your collaboration.

1. Are you interested in collaborating so that your district is a future center for major ecotourism journeys? (1) Yes -– (2) No -–


2.Sex: (1) M ……. (2) F ……

3. Age: …………………..

(1) Between 18 and 24 years…

(2) Between 25 and 30 years ……

(3) Between 31 and 40 years…

(4) Between 41 and 50 years…

(5) Between 51 and 60 years…

(69 From 61 to more years ……

4. degree of education.

(1) Primary …… (2) Incomplete Primary ……

(3) Secondary …… (4) Incomplete Secondary ……

(5) University Superior …… (6) Incomplete University Superior…..

(7) Technical Superior ……. (8) Incomplete Technical Superior ……

(9) None…


5. What do you like most about this beautiful Ancashina district (Callejón de Conchudos).

(1) Natural Landscape ……..

(2) Religious customs ……..

(3) Typical Food ………

(4) Biodiversity ………

(5) Wild Flora and Fauna ………

(6) Others …………

6. Do you see any negative inconvenience in the district that you don't like?

(1) Lack of access roads (highway) to ecotourism resources ……..

(2) Lack of infrastructure ……….

(3) Environmental sanitation …………….

(4) Lack of basic services ……….

(5) Lack of district information brochures ……………

(6) Others ……………………..

7. What lacking service in this district do you think is really important to be implemented?

(1) Adequate infrastructure …………….

(2) Access roads in good condition ………

(3) Road safety …………

(4) Hostels in ecotourism areas ……….

(5) Hygienic Services ……………

(6) Others ……………………. (specify)

8. Do you think that ecotourism resources could be concessioned to private institutions for their proper management?

(1) Yes ……. (2) Not so well ……… (3) A little bad ……….

(4) Very bad ……………. Why? …………………………………

9. Did I create UD. that Ecotourism as a basic tool, can become a source of development for the district? (1) Yes ……… (2) No ………….

10. Ecotourism for you. Will you be able to integrate local communities into this new activity little known to them? (1) Yes ………… (2) No ……………

11. Would you like it? that the ecotourism activity, promote the restoration, conservation and use of archaeological sites, architectural and any other physical work of collective and national interest, be valued in a rational way? 1) Yes …………………… (2) No …………………….

12. Would you be interested? That the foreign exchange generated by ecotourism, be destined for the construction of works of community interest such as: schools, health posts, sports facilities, cultural centers, etc.? (1) Yes …………………… (2) No ……………………….

13. Did I create UD. that an ecotourism development in the district, improve the quality of life of the local population and consolidate an environmental awareness? (1) Yes ………………………. (2) No ……………………….

14. Would you be interested in improving basic services for visitors within the district (hygienic services, guides, friendly attention to food and lodging services, etc.? (1) Yes …………. (2) No ………….

15. Would you like an interpretation center to be implemented in the district's capital city, where you can observe the different species of flora and fauna and other ecotourism resources in detail?

(1) Yes ……………………. (2) No …………………..

16. Do you Are you aware that the San Juan district is rich in:?

(1) Agricultural land …………………….

(2) Natural pastures ……………………

(3) Mining reserves (metallic and non-metallic) …………….

(4) Natural and cultural ecotourism resources ………

(5) Wild Flora and Fauna …………

(6) natural landscape …………………

(7) Others (specify) ……………..

17. Did you believe that if a general inventory of the district's ecotourism resource potential is made, can you generate the new activity in the long term as a new destination? (1) Yes ………………….. (2) No ……………………

18. Would ecotourism as an alternative to sustainable development, stimulate the development of quality and competitive infrastructure and services with other destinations? (1) Yes ………………. (2) No ……………….

19. What types of threats and environmental risks occur most frequently in this area?

(1) Erosion and wear of the farmland ………….

(2) Epidemics to animals ………………

(3) Landslides (huaycos) ………………

(4) Intense pluvial precipitations ……………

(5) Droughts, frosts, winds, etc. ………………

(6) Others (mention) ……………..

20. In what way can the threats and environmental risks that arise in this district be controlled or prevented?

(1) Retaining walls ……………..

(2) Drainage system ……………….

(3) Dosage …………………

(4) Vegetable cover (reforestation) …………..

(5) Prohibit the felling of wild flora ………….

(6) Others (specify) …………………

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Ecotourism as an alternative for sustainable development, Peru