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The future of accounting: instant accounting


Friar Luca Pacioli said:

“As is well known, whoever wishes to engage in trade and operate with due efficiency fundamentally needs three things… Chief among them is money…… The second thing that is required for merchant traffic is being a good accountant and knowing how to do the accounts very quickly…… The third and last necessary thing is to register and write down all the businesses in an orderly way, so that each one of them can be reported quickly… ”. Accounts and Scriptures ”(1494) Treaty XI, Title ninth.

This Italian friar, father of the Double Game had a holistic vision and saw beyond what his eyes showed him, he was a genius and today it has been shown that increasing the speed and order of accounting information in this globalized economy is increasingly important and the information and quantum sciences will make this possible in the immediate future.

Quantum reality

Trying to explain and reconcile as much as possible the immense gap that separates these two versions of reality. To achieve this, we must be familiar with some basic principles from the strange world of quantum physics; and this may offer us an opportunity to have a look into a realm of future possibilities.

The main difference between quantum reality and classical (physical) reality that comes to mind is the indeterminacy of Heisenberg's famous "Uncertainty Principle" (1927). According to this principle, the more accurate the measurement, for example, of the position of a particle, the less precisely we can measure its momentum and vice versa.

Although there is a misunderstanding that needs to be clarified, Schumacher (2009) points out that Rolf Landauer, an IBM physicist, claims that "it is physical." However, this can easily be misinterpreted as "the information is concrete". "The mere fact that information takes so many forms" is the best warning that the concrete physical form of information is somewhat different from pieces of information in the abstract sense. Identifying those two entities would be a serious mistake.

Accounting is always changed and influenced by its environment, its progress with respect to information processing is strongly linked with technological advances and the processing capacity of computers.

With the advent of quantum computing and technologies like big data, there will be a paradigm shift in accounting and economics.

The quantum revolution

Accounting is an essential function for the company. The different branches of this change (financial, costs and management), as well as the preparation of financial statements, will gradually become an automatic and instantaneous function.

The generation of accounting documents will tend towards virtualization and the documents will be entirely electronic.

Automatic accounting will improve all areas of the company, since the quantum data model will become increasingly complex and directly interconnected with customers in the company. The connection between these clients and the areas of the company, in a massive way, is something that will come in the not too distant future and for this reason the entire economic mechanics of our reality will change.

Such, is the vision of reality, of the quantum economy that is based on a mobile and changing energy structure. It starts from an essential principle that we do not live in a world of solid objects, but within a mobile and changing energy structure where each atom contains several subatomic particles that are contained in a sphere of empty spaces, where they move. That is, matter is nothing, in reality it is a configuration of energy that does not stop changing and moving.

Therefore, the old belief that economics is a reality that involves an exchange of things, including work, is a falsehood. The economy always operates through an exchange of energy, because what we have considered solid objects are not really solid.

Currently, the evolution of accounting is slowly moving towards its electronic form. Programs are beginning to emerge that account for electronic invoices. However, in a quantum economy, not only will invoices be accounted for electronically, but each and every one of the company's own documents.

When a quantum computer is capable of carrying out very complex data mining processes, it will also be able to study the consumption patterns of the agents of the economy. This will allow automatic generation of accounting documents. The accountancy profession will gradually give way to the generation of electronic documents with codes that will serve to account for each and every one of the company's operations without human intervention.

The future of accounting: instant accounting