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Web 2.0 based company

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"Web 2.0 is globally defined as a set of social media applications for individuals." McAfee, SA (2010)


Human beings from our beginnings have been immersed in a process of constant evolution and adaptation to our environment.

In this constant process of evolution, new tools have been developed which facilitate daily activities. Over the years these tools have also been immersed in constant changes, according to the new needs of individuals, like any other technology the WWW (World Wide Web) also known as the network of networks, was no stranger to transformation and evolution, emerging what some called WEB 2.0.

Although this term is not new since it was in 2003 that Dale Dougherty of O'Reilly Media used it for the first time. There are still expectations in this regard, given that, as Dr. Guillermo Jiménez Pérez mentions in his Philosophy and software development process video, it is not very easy to establish borders between traditional WEB and WEB 2.0. (Jiménez Pérez, 2013)

WEB 2.0 is not a new version of the WWW, but a new trend, marked by several changes, in which developers and users are interacting, ceasing to be mere spectators, transforming into content generators; thereby promoting collaborative work.

“Web 2.0 is the transition that has taken place from traditional applications to applications that work through the web focused on the end user. These are collaboration-generating applications and services that replace desktop applications. ” (Van Der Henst, 2005).

Today there are very successful companies that have known how to take advantage of the benefits of WEB 2.0, among the most recognized we can speak of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Foursquare, Mercado Libre, among many others. In this work we will analyze the business model of Mercado Libre.


MercadoLibre.com is one of the main e-commerce and auction sites in Latin America, founded in 1999, being a company in which its business model is based on WEB 2.0. Self-defining as "the largest Internet sales and purchasing platform in Latin America". (MercadoLibre.com)

Standing out from its beginnings for being focused on end users, allowing them to interact with each other. Assuming not only purchase and sale transactions, but also implements a rating system between buyers and sellers in order to establish their reputation and thereby provide greater certainty to transactions.

MercadoLibre.com mentions that "buyers and sellers meet to exchange information and carry out e-commerce transactions with a wide range of products and services, at a fixed price or at auction." And in the same way, "it allows sellers to publish vehicles, properties and services in an exclusive section of classified ads online."

I consider that MercadoLibre.com can and should be considered as a 2.0 company. Given the:

  • According to the exposed thing by Van Der Henst, it is a series of web applications focused on the end user. "It is formed by platforms for the publication of contents". (McAfee, SA 2010).

MercadoLibre.com is considered a multi-model company since the transactions that take place are:

  • B2B (Business to Business) B2C (Business to Consumer) C2C (Consumer to Consumer)

Being its main services:

Buying and selling platform.

Allowing interaction between buyers and sellers.

Classified platform.

Allowing those interested to publish their ads in a preferred list.

Advertising sale.

Allows users to publish Banners.

Online payment platform.

It facilitates transactions for users by having a reliable payment platform, which helps users not expose their sensitive data to sellers.

Prepaid platform.

It makes it easier for users to have transactions by having an on-demand payment platform, through the purchase of prepaid cards.

Application platform for electronic commerce.

It makes available to sellers a series of tools to promote the promotion and sale of their products. By mass mailing.

Search engine optimization.

It makes available to sellers a series of tools to promote the promotion and sale of their products. Through search engine management and positioning.


The way in which human beings communicate and have interacted in recent years has changed dramatically in recent years, with the emergence of applications and platforms that facilitate the interaction and distribution of information being responsible for this radical transformation. fast and efficient.

All these platforms and applications were based on WEB, it is what we know today as WEB 2.0.

The user is no longer a mere spectator, becoming the engine or creator of them.

Thanks to this type of applications, distances have been shortened and waiting times are reduced, nowadays it is no longer necessary to step into a store to buy a product.

And we can understand that the principles of WEB 2.0 are of great importance for the development and success of 21st century organizations.


  • Bradley, J. (2008) Web 2.0 Heroes: Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers. Wiley, NJ, USA. Retrieved on January 23 from http: //0-site.ebrary.com.millenium.itesm.mx Editorial El Informador (2010). Only 17% of companies use information technologies wisely. Retrieved on January 22 from http://www.informador.com.mx/economiaJiménez Pérez, Guillermo (2013) Video of week 2: "Philosophy and software development process". Retrieved on January 23, from http://apps05.ruv.itesm.mx/portal/uvtv/video/video.jsp?folio=5397McAfee, SA (2010) Web 2.0: A difficult balance; The first worldwide study on the use of Web 2.0, its risks and good practices. Retrieved on January 26 from Van Der Henst, Christian. (2005). What is web 2.0? Masters of the Web. Retrieved on January 24 from
Web 2.0 based company