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Smart companies


An intelligent Company is fundamentally built with the quality of its human resources.

This requires that some employees assume the role of being transformative leaders, becoming people capable of not only training their subordinates, but also that they are able to delegate certain activities to them, always orienting the results according to the Company's objectives., learning to work as a team through effective communication, and assuming that this learning is a continuous and creative activity of all the human components of the company, and that it must be continually transformed as a response to the needs of the very individuals who comprise it. and also from the same company or organizations and other individuals with whom it is related.



Currently it is essential to have an open learning capacity, which refers to an attitude and conduct of the human being to know, exercise or practice what is learned, for a better use of the vital capacities in the environment in which one lives. Thus, we are facing the emergence of intelligent organization, whose most important capital is the ability to generate knowledge and technology, to invent and learn, to create new ways and systems to compete in a world in continuous progress. Specialization and continuous learning will be the new cover letters and the only form of promotion. What counts, now, is the accumulation of talents that can permanently create and reinvent the organization, its processes, its products and services. (Siliceo, Casares, Martínez; 2004: 30).

This is how the term smart company comes about, which is an organization that has the skills to create, acquire and transfer knowledge. She also has the ability to modify her behavior, her way of doing things, as a result of having acquired new knowledge and points of view. Based on the above, and interested in the application of this topic in the entity, we have given ourselves the task of describing the operation of an intelligent company based on the existing literature, in addition to conducting field research, which It will yield data on the current state that companies keep in relation to the characteristics of a smart company.


A smart company is that company:

“In which each one of its employees, at all levels, has a clear definition of their VISION and MISSION and, through them, is able to maintain itself over time.” 5 “That adapts to the changes they demand the modifications of the circumstances and that it obtains from the people that constitute it a permanent desire for improvement, because it makes continuous learning its way of being, generating new knowledge ”.


"The new era of organizations"

" In the world of organizations, things are changing dramatically, but in Mexico as a whole, the greatest drama is the fact that very few institutions are doing something really effective to adapt to the new reality. ”

Nothing stops her, she is everywhere; it is useless to close the doors and windows, their progress is total; the one who tries to ignore it, only delays her agony… it is the REVOLUTION OF KNOWLEDGE.

Those who think that we are witnessing a simple change in the economic model are doing wrong, when in fact we are being invited from the front row, to one of the most amazing revolutions that humanity has ever known: the revolution of the total man. We are leading the stage of exhaustion of atomic models, to make way for intellectual models.1

The destiny that awaits us is inexorable: finally the intellect and the spirit of the company worker explode and emerge with gigantic centrifugal force towards the four corners of the universe (north, south, east and west), inevitably reducing the importance of physical part at work and bringing the strength of human thought and art to unthinkable levels.

There is no way back; whether we like it or not, knowledge finally flourishes as the central axis of the generation of wealth; This new reality will transform from north to south and from east to west, the forms of social organization and organizational structures in this new macrocosm, where information, technology and Human Capital, gradually position themselves as the pillars basic operational processes, work activities, management and the development of generative leadership.

The client of this millennium has launched its battle cry: it wants new value and it will be greater, to the extent that organizations incorporate more knowledge, innovation, opportunity and speed into their life processes. Four detonators from which the development of companies and society itself is totally generated.

The vagaries of historical evolution have placed us in a difficult situation: we are a “bridge” generation, with one foot in the old organization that is going out and the other in the new organization that does not finish drawing itself. The foregoing explains the great resistance that some leaders have to change; same that is understood, but is not justified.

Thus, the correct question to this situation should be:… If the PYRAMIDAL organization constituted the prototype of the Industrial Age that is leaving: What will be the prototype of the new organization, in the Age of Knowledge?

The answer must be forceful if we want to be leaders of the new paradigm: THE INTELLIGENT COMPANY.

We use the expressions smart company and learning organization as synonyms. "An organization learns when it translates lessons learned from its past into norms that guide its behavior" (Barbara Levit and James G. March, Organizational Learning, American review of Sociology, 1988).


Reflecting on what is happening in our nation, the problem of parking with respect to development, in which we find ourselves, must be analyzed from different perspectives than those that have been raised so far:

First. More than an economic stagnation, we must speak of a business parking lot.

Second. The causes of such parking must be analyzed from an endogenous perspective - towards the company - not exclusively to the macro analyzes that have already been done in abundance, but in a complementary way.

Until today, everything has gravitated to one theme: generating employment. Of course, this issue is fundamental, but it seems that we are increasingly forgetting that employment is an effect and not a cause of the problem.

In reality, more than generating employment, the main focus of a community should be to improve the quality of life of its members. The wrong vision of the problem has made us become a country of EMPLOYEES, potential and accident protagonists of national economic activity. Of course, the country needs jobs and people who work in companies; But their search must be reoriented to achieve the most important thing: the entrepreneurs who forge said companies.

Today, the destination of our economic development seems to be thousands of kilometers away, where it is decided whether or not to invest in Mexico. Investment and foreign capital are of course welcome, but what we ask ourselves is: Where are the Mexican entrepreneurs and businessmen?…

It is not a secret that the current company is giving statistical answers to the dynamic problems posed by the new reality.

Today, when the customer is on everyone's lips, but in the hands of no one, a deep reflection must be made on the quantity and quality of the activities that people are carrying out in the company. This, because it is there and not in another place, where the genesis of one of the main problems of Mexico lies: the poor competitiveness that we have. If we say that we are working with a customer orientation in organizations, then:

Why do people keep doing the same job as they did 15 years ago or more, if the client has moved dramatically?

Why do you keep working for the boss and not for the client?

Why does nobody know anything about the customer?

Why does nobody know anything about the organization's processes?

Why does nobody know whether or not you are adding value with the activities you do?

Why in such a dynamic and unstable world is work done so monotonously and terribly boring?

Why is hardly anyone concerned with systematic value creation?

Why has life escaped from business?

The answer to these questions is simple: because we continue to work in an organization system, which no longer respond to the new reality that the modern world poses.

That is why our proposal: an intelligent, dynamic, VIVA organization that moves towards the client and in which entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs are systematically trained; an organization that stops being a container of problems, to become a generator of solutions…, all this through working the Intelligent Company System.

When systematic improvement is embedded in the normal life of the company, progress occurs quasi-automatically, both at the level of people and teams, giving rise to the intelligent company.


“Business is synonymous with problem;

Whoever seeks business seeks to solve problems;

therefore, whoever wants to do business in the new era, you must look for what are the problems of today and tomorrow

the business is in solving them… ”

One hundred and fifty years later, a new ghost travels the world, it is no longer the ghost of communism, but that of the knowledge revolution. In organizations things are changing dramatically and the greatest drama is the fact that in Mexico as a whole, very few institutions are doing something really effective to adapt to the new reality.

The rules of the game have changed: from a market dominated by sellers, we have traumatically moved to a market where buyers set the pace; things are no longer the same as before, we are in the eye of the storm that leaves the industrial revolution behind to open wide the doors to the knowledge revolution, with the sad disadvantage for us, as a country, of not having enjoyed the full honeys of the industrial age that is leaving, and without being prepared for what is to come.

The change is on everyone's lips and apparently, the new concepts that it brings with it, are being understood reasonably well by a handful of leaders in our country; who have been able to see it as an opportunity. However, most of them are not yet ready protectionism, in their daily work, reflecting in their notorious inability to respond to the lively client of today.

The success or failure of business is not the result of great or egregious decisions made by a certain person in a moment of inspiration. Rather, it is successful or fails thanks to the sum of small successes or mistakes, which tip the balance to one side or the other. The current problem with the successful status of a company today is that such success has an ever shorter life; We have seen businesses that suddenly have to interrupt their bonanza feasts, thanks to new threats and blows from global competition, which finally reached their doors.

The so-called technical immobility, consisting of the scarce leadership work presented by some cutting-edge companies, suffocated by excess administration and an exaggerated analysis; it is currently becoming the main cause of their exhaustion as pointers. Success in our day is no longer a “stable” heritage for anyone, it increasingly becomes a relative variable, the reality of which is ephemeral and is inconsistent over time; whereby we can only lead to success with highly dynamic business thinking.

Faced with such a situation, it is comforting to see businessmen who are interested in learning how to face the challenges of the new business age, attending conferences, fairs and talks and devouring books and magazines, which help them provide answers to the distressing situation that their organizations are going through.. However, this can be a double-edged sword, because when you lack a personal and business vision, you can get lost in the sea of ​​"QUES" that exist in the market, without raising the "COMOS".

Even so, it is still praiseworthy that company leaders worry about putting together new strategies, dedicating themselves first to knowing what is happening in their environment, seeking to lay the foundations to develop business thinking according to the new circumstances posed by the current environment. of business.

Here are some points for the business leader to consider regarding their environment, to better capture different situations and place their company on the path of transformation towards a world-class organization:

1. Ideas displace atoms. The main ingredients in today's production systems are the expedited collection and transmission of information, the generation, structuring and dissemination of knowledge and the constant renewal of people's working reality, via technological innovation. The businessman who wants to be in the fight, needs to reflect on this matter and find a way to gather these elements, because without them he would only float in the rough sea of ​​current business.

2. The indisputable triumph of the "free enterprise" economy. It is evident that the world economies will remain market-oriented, even with the effort made by some ideologies overcome by recent history and that inexplicably still occupy large spaces in the national and international media.1

3. Speed: a distinctive sign of the new economy. The entrepreneur must bear in mind that in terms of processes, he is immersed in a true race against time. Today, the best customers are keeping those businesses that can solve their problems quickly, and they are abandoning without the least mercy the companies that make them wait to solve their needs.

4. Opportunity factor. Traditional wealth-generating elements based on “hard” assets are rapidly being displaced by different ones - speed, opportunity and business skills. The need to propose an adequate organization emerges, that is to say, supported by people who systematically learn from each experience (success or failure) to improve continuously. This is absolutely necessary to be able to give a timely response to the demands of

background (mainly time) and form of the client of the new Era, who no longer wants to be attended by an absent employee who does not solve anything; but by an active intrapreneur (internal entrepreneur) who solves his problems as any entrepreneur worried about not losing his client would.

5. The operational structure as a complement to the functional one. The great mobility that the markets of the new millennium present on their route to the Knowledge Age demands a clear premise: if the client changes, the processes must change; therefore, the activities that comprise them must also do so.

This leads us to the urgent need to design flexible organizations that can move (from the operational point of view) to where the customer is moving; if you do not want to become obsolete, and out of the competitive race very soon, as is happening with those rigid and stagnant entities, due to their arrogance or ignorance.

With the new reality, the economies of scale presented by large companies are left behind and a wide range of possibilities opens up for small companies, through reach-opportunity economies. Large companies, for their part, only have the alternative of restructuring into small entities interconnected in a business network, where former employees become clients and suppliers among themselves, in the construction of value for the end customer.

6. Distance is no longer a problem thanks to technology. It is healthy for the entrepreneur to consider his strategy in order to consider that technology has erased the distances. Commercial transactions and investments no longer find an obstacle in this factor, now successful transactions depend on the speed with which they are carried out.

7. Product is now a container of value. The product or service contains the tangible values ​​that represent the many or few human values ​​of the members of the company. The business leaders of the new era will have to leave behind the primitive thought of "training" people, to seek to develop them in an integral way, beginning with strengthening universal values, since these will finally be translated into actions. that make up people's activities; same that constitute the processes, which result in the products and / or services that the company offers to its client.

8. People, always people. The human "resource" is no longer conceived as a resource and returns to its human value. The new reality requires that people are not viewed as just another company resource: but as the only source of value. The person rises above his position of "usufructuary" of the resources or inputs of the business, and becomes the administrator and capitalizer of them. We call this transfer RESCUE of the person, since we want the company to be made up of people again, not of workers, employees or laborers.

9. The mission, values ​​and corporate culture. Henceforth, it will be impossible to remain in a competitive environment, if the cohesion and development of the company is not

they support a mission that focuses on a common destiny; in values ​​that provide it with an intrinsic identity and a business culture that embodies a firm position in its environment.

10. The philosophy of work is redefined at its core. The success of the worker will depend on the new value that it generates, structures and disseminates so that the organization develops towards its Mission-Vision. Very close are the times when the successful business process leaves out the apathetic and arrogant workers, keeping them out of the creation of new value and condemning them to do the "hard" work of companies. In the new approach to work, the icy positions become warm positions of support for the fulfillment of the company's goals, which together were defined.

11. Work based on values. There is no doubt that an "ethical revolution" is taking place in our country and the rest of the world; Little by little, the entrepreneur realizes that human values, regardless of religious or moral positions, constitute one of the best investments that organizations can make.

Little by little, customers are staying with those providers who share their values; Every day we see more and more consumers who prefer to pay a higher price for a product generated by a company that works according to its values; They prefer to have a supplier with whom they have this type of affinity, in search of more lasting business relationships.

In these basic points, we present the main elements of the change that must be taken into account by the entrepreneur who wishes to anticipate the imminent future that is being scrapped over us, and who will soon accurately separate, those who took into account these warnings that history gives us. contemporary, from those who ignored it.


"A serious mistake is made when measuring the health of the company solely by its finances, since they show the effects, not the causes, of its vital signs…"

In past years, in our country exaggerated inflation rates were presented. The great weaknesses of the companies remained hidden under the wave of uncertainty. On the other hand, in these days, when inflationary levels have decreased considerably, the strengths and weaknesses of businesses and those who run them have been revealed.

As time passes, we see how the difference in business administrative models becomes more palpable; On the one hand, we have business leaders, who firmly believe that the problems faced by their businesses are due to causes external to the organization and that it is only a matter of the “bad streak” passing to relive those years, when pure talent could succeed in the company.

On the other hand, there are the business captains who believe that a change of posture regarding the future of their economic entity is necessary, since at present, another type of philosophy and attitude is required to face art, which is increasingly difficult, to do business.

Currently, there is a dichotomy between the business leader who looks at the past and who is in charge of static companies, who give the impression of being designed for mere survival, and the leader who looks at the future, who is in charge of dynamic companies, designed for constant growth and success.

Those leaders who are concerned about the future of the organizations they lead are true "chick peas a pound", as they are all pre-occupied by the present, by the "hard indicators" of the company; but very few are concerned with making a place for their organizations in the future.

These managers, who are looking for a future for their companies, usually suffer from the misunderstanding of other leaders who, by blindly “managing” the company, seeking to fulfill “what the bosses want”, become fierce critics of those who sacrifice the area. comfort to take risks, so that the company can survive in its future.

We can conclude these points with the following information:

Reflecting on what is indicated in the table above, it is evident that it is what we must do to direct our business towards the path of development in all aspects. It is good to remember that the good leader is not the one who makes many decisions, but the one who teaches the strategic guidelines so that everyone makes their own decisions.

A good leader is one who works with and for other people; one who assumes responsibilities; one who reconciles interests; one who detects problems and formulates solution strategies; one who persuades and convinces; one who makes relevant decisions, one who directs people towards their development and where they want to go, one who sets goals and sets priorities…


“Everything that becomes obsolete in the company has a remedy; assets, methods, policies, etc; the only thing that has no remedy is when obsolescence comes to the entrepreneur's mind… there, there is nothing to do… "

That once victorious retailer, desperately watched as his small business inexorably languished in the total absence of customers; Then he asked his successful neighbor, Why am I failing if I work more than before? What am I doing wrong?… “You are not doing anything wrong,” replied the successful merchant, “what happens is that you are doing things that, good or bad, currently don't make sense… ”

Reflections like these help us, in the midst of a paradigm shift, to locate three types of entrepreneurs:

- Those who know that things have changed and also know how to adapt their companies to this change;

- Those who know about change but do not know how to land it inside their economic units and, finally, - Those who still do not know that things have changed and logically, do not have the remotest idea of ​​how to permeate such changes within their companies.

Currently, many business leaders are deconcentrated; Despite the fact that they work more and more, they motivate their staff better, they open earlier and close their operations later, but financially they are doing worse. This is due to a very simple thing; They are doing things that, in the new economic arena, no longer make sense; They do not understand that what you have to do is redesign, that is, reinvent your business according to the current rules of the game.

It is sad to see businessmen clinging, wanting to stretch yesterday's success, where there is simply no business; pretending to continue working according to the old conditions of competition, in the midst of a stormy current market that sends sluggish businesses to the canvas, and that changes at the speed of light.

The first thing that anyone who wants to do business in the new way must understand is to accept that we currently operate in a buyers 'market and not in a sellers' market, as we were used to.

In the future that is already upon us, sustained advantage and permanent results will revolve around the entrepreneurial ability to rise above current changes and possess simple and universal principles, which unite all the secrets of success in the direction of business.

The great secret of business today and of all time, is something very simple, and it consists of: keeping customers, employees and partners of the company happy. Everything else that is done or is not done in the company, gravitates around this principle.

All the businesses that have gone bankrupt in the world have done so because they have been unable or unwilling to attend to this universal principle.

To become a "citizen of the world", in this new economic macrocosm, we must learn the new key concepts of the new globalizing reality. Unfortunately, we see that many entrepreneurs are offended when they are told that they need to learn how to make successful decisions, however, the results we see in their economic units indicate that they continue to make extremely costly mistakes due to the lack of knowledge of such simple concepts - seen in light of the new paradigm-, but totally invisible under the optics of the old schemes that refuse to abandon.

The basis of the new way to do successful business lies in the leader's mind; Today, the most profitable mega-asset of the modern company. It should be noted that the business leader IS NOT profitable working, but thinking.

The change that everyone talks about but few understand is not a simple change in the administrative model; in reality we are talking about the bases for a total redefinition in the being and work of organizations, whose premises are already beginning to be known in their "QUES", but not in their "COMOS".

The business perspective to get to understand this change is precisely to redirect business structures to this new era; but, in order for this to reach its final consequences, it is necessary to refocus the sense of work, because the dynamism and responsiveness that this new historical stage demands cannot be achieved, with employees who are less than robots, whose capital sin is precisely think and act as employees, when the new reality requires that all members of the organization think and act as entrepreneurs.1

Today, the organization must be a company of entrepreneurs, not employees. But the problem begins with the same company leader, who refuses to think like a true businessman; The reality is that many of them are used to thinking as employees of themselves (if the company is small), or of a blind system, if it is a large company.

To verify the above, it is enough to review the activities that the leader executes every day, since we find that time is running out in fulfilling operational functions that anyone could do if trained; the above, makes him completely forget about vital activities, which only he can carry out and, since he does not execute them, it simply happens that the company is adrift, at the mercy of good or bad times, so that it goes well or badly.

The new way of doing business requires having business leaders with a great self-critical capacity, to act as some institutions affirm: "according to time and eternal to the spirit…"; that is, with highly dynamic leadership, where the substance of this thinking lies in the fact of considering knowledge as an asset of the company.

There is no doubt that the speed with which the human team of organizations learns will become, in the immediate future, not only a strong competitive advantage, but THE competitive advantage of the company.

We are talking about what will be its deep competitive advantage, since, as we move forward in this new era, the products and services that the company offers to the market have an increasingly ephemeral life, therefore, it is extremely dangerous to break the competitive advantage of the organization in one of them. In the current circumstance, using this "advantage" will only give supremacy to the business for a few months, this, while the competition copies or improves the product or service.

For this reason, the new business strategy rests on the development of people in a systematic way, so that they can competitively solve customer problems and, as a result, contribute to the continuous growth of the company's stakeholders.

Productivity no longer has to be looked for, it is substantially exhausted, pes: What else can we get from people from the psycho-motor point of view, as has been done so far? These productivity schemes based on the "bulk" of the people no longer make sense in a macrocosm that changes every day; Today, the strategy has to be sweeping and not patching. In the new way of doing business, systematizing the new knowledge generated by the Human Team will be the factor that determines the market leadership of the companies that seek it.

The full and continuous satisfaction of the client in the coming years will depend, in substance, on four factors: INNOVATION, KNOWLEDGE, RAPIDITY AND OPPORTUNITY. The previous key factors of the generation of wealth that were: WORK, LAND AND CAPITAL will have to go to the trunk of memories.

These are some of the foundations of the new entrepreneurial, alpha and omega vision of successful businesses in the coming years.

The IPADE Pan-American Institute for Senior Management of Companies proposes 5 activities carried out by intelligent companies, each of these activities also requires a mental attitude, own tools and a model of conduct.

1. “Systematic” solution of problems. There is more emphasis on "data" and "facts" than on assumptions, as well as help with very simple statistical tools.

2. Experimentation with new approaches. This involves the systematic search for new knowledge, motivated by the opportunity to expand horizons. Through continuous programs and experimentation projects.

to. Continuous programs: the aim is to ensure a constant flow of ideas, with an incentive system that favors taking risks, when the benefits outweigh the costs. Attempting to enable or train managers and employees to conduct and evaluate experiments.

b. Experimentation projects: implies the implementation of policies and guides for future projects, precedents are established. For a good development of projects and experimentation, we must seek multifunctional teams especially if commitment is sought.

3. Learning from your own experience and your past history. Indeed, the knowledge gained from mistakes is essential to achieve subsequent successes, because, simply put, failure is an excellent teacher.

4. Learning from others, from other people's experiences and from what they do well. Learning from others, Benchmarking, is a continuous research and learning experience which ensures that the best practices in the sector are being observed, analyzed and adopted and implemented.

5. Transfer of knowledge quickly and effectively throughout the organization. They are recommended from simple reports - oral, visual, written -, visits and "tours", to staff turnover strategies, intense training and education programs and even standardization programs.

To achieve an intelligent company it is essential to be a company with the capacity to learn or who wants to learn. Companies sometimes learn, as we commonly call it by beating, since it is essential in today's environment to make the most of all their resources, making their human capital stand out; therefore an appropriate address is required.

Thus, companies understand that one of the keys to success is found in the human capital management system. For which it is necessary to provide, within a culture of collaboration, learning and a sense of responsibility, the organization and people with:

- Good leadership

- Communication

- Motivation

- Strategic vision

- Coordination

Other essential elements within smart companies are the development of creativity and innovation, both institutionally and individually, that is, achieving that their employees at any level produce knowledge of their areas.

Creativity is understood as the ability to combine ideas in an original way or establish unusual associations between them. For example, the Casio company, by integrating a clock with a calculator and an agenda, now has watches with a camera. The company that encourages creativity develops new approaches to things or unique solutions to problems.

Innovation is understood as a process of converting a creative idea into a solution to a problem or need. A business that designs a delivery service for a product that normally has to go to a store and is done at home, for example.

How to build an Organization with an authentic learning capacity.

Peter M. Senge in his book The Fifth Discipline, proposes five component technologies, to achieve organizations that have the purpose of learning and apply learning within it:

Systemic Thought.- It is a conceptual framework, a body of knowledge and tools that have been developed in the last fifty years, so that the total patterns are clearer, and to help them modify them.

Personal Mastery.- It is the discipline that allows us to continually clarify and deepen our personal vision, concentrate energies, develop patience and see reality objectively. Above all, the connections between personal learning and organizational learning, the reciprocal commitments between individual and organization, the special spirit of a company made up of people capable of learning are of interest.

Mental Models.- They are deeply rooted assumptions, generalizations and images that influence our way of understanding the world and acting. The discipline of working with mental models begins by turning the mirror inward: learning to exhume our internal images of the world, to bring them to the surface and subject them to rigorous scrutiny. It also includes the ability to engage in open conversations where inquiry (questioning attitude) is balanced with persuasion, where people voice their thoughts to expose them to the influence of others.

Construction of a shared vision.- It is the ability to share an image of the future that we are trying to create. It is difficult to conceive of an organization that has achieved a certain greatness without goals, values ​​and missions that are deeply shared within the organization.

Team learning.- It begins with dialogue, the ability of team members to suspend assumptions and enter into authentic joint thinking.

The importance of knowledge management.

Knowledge management can be understood as capturing, storing and disposing of the basic data that form the core of a company's knowledge. Something that is achieved by combining people, processes and technologies to share information and gain competitiveness. Starting from the idea, in this increasingly competitive world, of the fundamental thing that is to take advantage of any knowledge that a company may possess.

It is necessary to establish priorities for the selection of adequate information, which comes from three sources: employees, the company itself and external elements (customers, competitors, etc.). Previously mentioned the need for smart companies to create a culture of collaboration, that is why the importance of convincing people (employees, bosses, directors, etc.) that they should share information. With the intention of forming information systems that facilitate the generation of knowledge and also the decision-making of the company.

As a business strategy, it is necessary to implement a knowledge management system, considering that databases or other types of information repositories are required, easily accessible for those who require it, as well as building efficient forms of communication. The continuous process through which learning companies develop plans, implement them, reflect on them, and thus correct and adjust plans as necessary, is reflected within the learning cycle.

Nonaka and Takeuchi, analyze in depth the problems related to the creation of knowledge in organizations. For them, the creation of organizational knowledge is the key to ensure the evolution of the organization. The continuous creation of knowledge is what guarantees, precisely, that the organization changes and evolves.

The mission of the company of the future will have to assume this double challenge of responsibility: to be a great engine of human relations (and therefore of culture) and to transcend the narrow institutional framework in which it passed through the 20th century (some of them with spectacular successes), to project and rebuild in a scenario of sustainable future. (Siliceo, Casares, Martínez; 2004: 100).

We can conclude that to achieve success with technology, it is necessary to have an information culture. Without the existence of people prepared to take advantage of the infrastructure, it is useless. So it requires a good treatment of the human factor, an adaptation of the company and its processes.

To start and achieve the transformation process, four routes are opened.

1. The internal regulations of the company must commit it to developing, maintaining, facilitating and employing the essential human capacities of all those linked to the company, to the extent possible.

2. Through training and education, expand essential human capacities that include the skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes to understand the needs of others and to be able to network with them.

3. Using training and development, form a whole with all the aforementioned resources so that they become useful skills for the company and for its competitiveness. 4. Develop new principles and in-depth analysis in order to put all of the above into practice in a more productive and humane way.

Peter Senge, author of the book "The Fifth Discipline", claims that an intelligent enterprise is one that is organized consistently with human nature. This author indicates that five types of competencies should be developed:

1. Quality of judgment. Think of organizations and their environments as systems in which there are connections so that an action in one part affects the system as a whole. It allows us to have a long-term vision and see everyone and not parts.

2. Personal domain. It is the competence to clarify and deepen the personal vision, grasping reality more clearly, to see relationships rather than isolated resources and guidelines or structure rather than isolated events.

3. Manage mental models. Bring out our inner worldviews, how it works to, once on the surface, subject them to scrutiny. It requires the practice of conversation that balances the investigation of the positions of others and the defense of ours, that is, to expose our thoughts and be open to the others.

4. Harmonize personal visions. It is the leadership ability to build a vision shared by the entire company. The visions are always personal and that is why they have to be harmonized by those who lead, not through "command and control" but because the entire company wants it.

5. Team learning. Smart teams are made up of smart people. Group work cannot and should not crush the individual.

Although to develop and implement all of the above, the company may need the help of a consultant, he must be a mere facilitator of the processes so that they are subsequently assumed by the company itself.


This research presents the faithful purpose of unmasking the characteristics considered essential for the proper functioning of a company, or what in its context mandates, for a company to be intelligent.

This description is made in order to conceptualize a reference point for further research that alludes to the subject in the near future.

In addition to the above, we became the premises of a local company, which we consulted to compare the operation of a local company with that of a smart company.


Local tuxtlecas companies fully comply with the requirements established to be smart companies.



1st. Line of research

The present investigation will count with the participation of 4 researchers, belonging to the sixth grade “unique” group of the Business Management Engineering degree from the Technological Institute of Tuxtla Gutiérrez.

Name of the researchers:

Cruz López Carlos Cristian

From the Jamangape Tower Rafael Antonio

Gómez Navarro Astrid

Trejo Tóala Miguel Ángel

2nd. Line of research

Formed by the accountant doctor Octavio Rolando Lara Martínez professor of Organizational Design, who contributed his knowledge for the instruction of each segment of this study, advising and explaining all those confusing aspects, at the same time giving them revision and correction to its content.


In order to carry out the study, a considerable number of physical aspects were required, which in the absence of them required the purchase:

Procedure (methodological design)

This research will be carried out under a mixed-inductive approach, using a non-experimental-transversal design. It will be under a mixed approach since by collecting data through a survey and the analysis of the results produced by it, the hypothesis was verified. Furthermore, the research is descriptive in scope because it only seeks to determine the characteristics of a smart company and the application of these to local companies. In addition, it will be carried out through a non-experimental-cross-sectional design, since there is no deliberate manipulation of any variable, but only observation and cross-sectional since the data collection that allows its description will be carried out in a single moment.


We are established in the facilities of the company called “TACO´N MADRE”, located at: Av. Central and 1ª Ote. s / n in Del. Terán, in which we apply the measurement instrument to the managers of the company represented by José Luis Nolasco García General administrator of the company, and according to what was obtained and respecting the order established in the instrument of Measurement the following results are presented:

1. The managers of the company DO NOT know the term of intelligent company, therefore, they do not know the characteristics of it, even so, they apply some of these.

2. Being a new creation, the company has a young mission, which does not mean that the idea is not clear, that is, that it is known to the workers.

3. Like the mission, the vision is young and meets the characteristics mentioned in the mission.

4. Despite being a company that has 3 months to live, the employee turnover has been considerable, which is why when moving from them, and initially, in the absence of mission and vision, most workers ignored these. Currently, with the application of a mission and vision, and with more stable workers, they already know and are clear about the mission and vision of the company.

5. The company has short, medium and long-term objectives. One of the investors commented on being a Bachelor of Administration, and it was she who presented the idea of ​​the same and the method to follow to be able to use them.

6. The opinion of the workers is not accepted to contribute possible solutions to the problems of the company. The administrator was clear, the problems are solved by investors in conjunction with the administration and nothing else.

7. The participation of workers in company decisions is accepted. Unlike the non-acceptance in the contribution of ideas in the problems, to make decisions regarding the modifications and launches, the workers are considered and consulted, taking them as a reference for future modifications.

8. Teamwork is encouraged. Being a fast food / dining company, teamwork is essential, since the streamlining of the process is one of the factors that guide the company towards success.

9. The company tries not to interfere in the problems of the workers. Despite the fact that the company policy mandates that problems should be left out of the company before starting work, workers are occasionally consulted regarding their personal lives and are supported when it is within their reach. of the company.

10. Dealing with workers is dynamic. Result of the promotion of teamwork, the contact with the workers is constant and they usually talk to them when they have the opportunity.

11. You learn from mistakes. It is human and business to err, but it is leaders to fall and know how to get up, far from hiding and then justifying problems, they are taken as experience and seek to learn from them so as not to fall into them again.

12. The presence of conflicts allows the support of the work team. Although the conflicts between the members of the company are not frequent, as these exist, the contribution of ideas to solve them by the workers is allowed.

13. Feedback is limited.

14. The relationship with the workers has not been good. The administrator argues that in the beginning, things were not easy and the support from the workers was nil, and that over time, the workers have been more honest and dedicated in their work. Attempts are being made to foster friendship to strengthen ties with workers, even though it was not initially the case.

15. The work team is responsible and committed. As already mentioned, at the beginning the workers did not have the responsibility or the commitment that would meet the expectations of the managers, but currently there are responsible and committed workers since they have a well-defined mission and vision.

16. Training for workers is carried out. Understanding that it is part of the success of a company, managers spend time on training for workers even though it is minimal.

17. The origin of the company's problems are both internal and external. The directors comment that there has been a lack of initiative to develop advertising, that many of their consumers arrive arguing that they did not know the premises and that when they passed by there they decided to stop to "try" what they had to offer, in addition to the above, the return A classes has been part of the "slump" that the managers comment.

18. The research is empirical. Lacking the necessary resources, managers argue that diners are surveyed (without a predefined questionnaire) about what they think about the company and its products. Similarly, for the launch of products, they are only guided in that their products are innovative and are not found anywhere else in the market.

19. Innovation is part of the company. As mentioned in the predecessor point, innovation is the core basis for the launch of products, even though research work is lacking.

20. Value added is known and applied. The investor, already mentioned repeatedly, commented that she knows and what she knows about the term added value, correctly arguing about its definition and application. The products have added value, since both the service and the ingredients used in the elaboration of these are of quality, in addition to having different products from the products, they are given as part of the purchase bonus.

21. The company is profitable. Lastly, the executives commented that the company has been profitable since the beginning, since the profits received since its opening have been greater than the expectations set before its launch, in addition to being comfortable with what was achieved and They have fun managing it.


Based on the above, we have concluded that the company is smart. Although it does not have capital dedicated to research or 100% participation of workers in decision-making, we are aware that these factors are the cause of the company's youth. From what we were able to observe regarding the enthusiasm of the managers, we can also conclude that they are very aware of making this a successful company.

Although the characteristics of a smart company exist in this newly-run company, those characteristics must be reinforced, since empiricism is not a method to be followed within smart companies.

In the application of the measurement instrument, managers commented that they are sure of what they do, but that despite this, they are willing to receive advice in relation to the management of human capital, the application of value to products and the promotion of the investigation.

In relation to the advice or advice to present to the company, we limit ourselves to arguing that the presentation of the same will depend on a meticulous-constant study within the company. Observing the specific dynamic variables that unfold within it to reach specific conclusions, which is why, in this work, we limit ourselves to presenting only what was observed in this research process.


1. Basurto Amparano Aníbal, Intelligent Company System, Basurto Amparano Aníbal, 687 pages.

2. Grandia Dopico Antonio, 2005, Human capital as a source of competitive advantages: some reflections and experiences, Netbiblo, 181 pages.

3. Mariana Zerón Félix (April 2008), SMART BUSINESSES: FASHION OR NEED. September 7, 2011, from


4. New economy, internet and technology. September 2011, from



This questionnaire is not intended to harm or criticize any person in any way, since its sole purpose is to know the application of the characteristics of an intelligent company within local Tuxtlecan companies.

Smart companies