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In sales, perception plays a decisive role in attracting customers


The very hackneyed phrase that perception is everything applies to perfection especially when it comes to offering services online: sales, coaching, marketing, etc.

Depending on who is chosen as a potential customer (prospect) is the way to offer it, that is, before offering the service it is important to define what type of people are the target of the campaign (market). This is what is called pre-classifying customers, filtering them, attacking the niche, etc.

Once the objective is defined, the first thing is to play with the moral perception, that is, to achieve the merit of being read. If the objective is people with limited resources, who dream of getting ahead of so much economic limitation, then the one who offers the service will have to be someone who was also limited - or at least make it look like that - and count all the misfortunes that happened to him. to live. If the objective is people who do not have much economic limitation but dream of not sacrificing so much to achieve the same or more, then the life of the person offering the service should not be limited, they must say that they suffered a lot and that it cost them too much time, money and effort to achieve some knowledge to earn money in a simple and cheap way (within everyone's reach) and that can shorten the LEARNING CURVE, that is, that the client will know the same in a few minutes without studying or spending (INVEST) so much.If the objective is a company, it is different, all possible academic titles of those in charge of providing the service must be shown, as well as their previous jobs - usually in very important companies and with high positions - and studies abroad so that the potential customer is willing to see the service being offered.

Simply with these details that I have mentioned, define the type of people who could approach and the merits that the service provider must have. It is curious that nobody buys from failures, but neither from people who obtained something without making an effort, in other words: without deserving it. The most paradoxical thing is that most of us look for quick solutions, without effort on our part, but if the one who offers it did not make an effort, we are not interested, therefore, this point is vital to attract people and, above all, to have the merit to be read.

Continuing with the game of perception, the other very important aspect is the image that is projected. When the service is personal, it must be someone who is successful in how he is now, since he released all the atrocities of his past, now it is only sweetness, not failures, not problems, "pure happiness" and is usually accompanied by a photo that has to take too much care of the image: jovial, good-looking, cool, informal, etc. In the case of a company, it is a salesman model in a suit and tie, good-looking, clean, neat, permanent smile, dynamic, etc. In other words, when talking about the past that is only about problems and difficulties and when talking about the present and future, everything is perfect and everything is going as it should; something similar to before and after. What is most cared for is congruence,it's like going to an obese nutritionist or a family counseling psychologist with four divorces in tow.

Once the one offering the service has earned the merit (ATTENTION) of being read, now the reader must perceive that their problems are perfectly known, that they know what they are going through, that is, that they have the necessary competence to understand the problems. The potential client will perceive that he is understood perfectly - of course if he is like me, he will think -, and phrases directed in a personal way are used, as if he were speaking directly with him, phrases such as:

"… What you earn is not enough for you at the end of the month…."

"… You pay and pay your credit card and the debt does not go down…"

"… Your vendors do not achieve the proposed fee…"

This way of expressing oneself plays with perception in two ways: on the one hand, you gain credibility in that you are able to talk about it and, on the other, that you understand the problem perfectly.

To finish consolidating the speaker's competence, a solution or a “tip” is offered to solve the problem:

"… To make money, the best thing to do is to start an Internet business that works for you…"

"… Transfer your debt to a credit card that charges less interest…"

"… It is necessary to develop a sales plan that has been proven with measurable in the short, medium and long term… "

The more skill you have for this, it may happen that the reader sounds like a revelation and at this point the INTEREST on your part has been achieved.

When it comes to DESIRE in the sales process, this is where the perception of the value of the product is about increasing by emphasizing the benefits using the so-called words that sell. In other words, what is really offered when it comes to personal services are three basic aspects:

1) Earn easy money (GUARANTEED).

2) Earn money Fast (with PROVEN METHODS, PROVEN TECHNIQUES, etc.)

3) Earn money Abundantly (for FINANCIAL FREEDOM, better QUALITY OF LIFE, etc.)

And if it is about companies, what is offered is

1) Train Sales Managers (LEADERSHIP).

2) Train Professional Sellers (SALES TECHNIQUES)

3) Build a Team of Sellers (SALES FORCE, SALES STRATEGIES, etc.)

Another important aspect of the perception of the product offered is that it is reliable, that it works, that there is someone who has used it and it has worked wonderfully and this is achieved with testimonials that meet two objectives:

1) Show that what is offered works and there are those who have BENEFITED.

2) If the product is bought (INVESTED) and it does not work, it is because something was done wrong, since others have obtained results.

The call to ACTION is the last part of the sales process and this is where perception plays one of the most important roles since it is where they are going to request that they buy, call, subscribe, etc. The scarcity principle is very important at this point and that is why it is always said that the product is the last thing left, limited time, the first ten, only three places left, etc. And nobody, but nobody gives the direct price or it is a discount or it is a promotion or they give an estimated value if it were bought elsewhere and the perception must remain that something was achieved at a very good price and also, if that were not enough, an extra discount.

There are more points such as the title of the page, guaranteeing what is offered, continuously sending information and advertising by mail, etc. All in such a way that there is the perception that there is no risk and that all the advantages are for the buyer. And for the seller, in addition to insistently offering the products, he also has the perception that the customer arrived and did not look for him.

Well, there is a point that although everyone mentions it, it is not given due importance and, in my personal opinion, it is the core and most critical point and that point is the PRODUCT.

The main aspects of the product are requested:

- That it is UNIQUE (that there is no other equal)

- That it does not have COMPETITION (that nobody else offers it)

- That it is easy to IMPLEMENT (that it easily solves the problem)

If this is achieved, then all the previous points would not be so critical since a product with these characteristics requires little explanation, it is more critical that they see it explain everything it does, that is, that the more competition the product has, the more it will have to be DIFFERENTIATED from others. It will take more presentation, more explanation, show more benefits and mention what it is about until the last, before the price (THE INVESTMENT).

To finish, I will mention an example to illustrate everything previously said, it is the story of a toymaker who makes a wire bicycle together with a cyclist of the same material and integrates a little motor so that it can walk alone. When she arrives in the morning, all she does is put her place where she shows the bicycles and on the floor she uses one that she has as a sample; She turns it on and soon after people start to come closer and after a while they buy from her. On the other hand, two streets down another man who also sells toys, but these are very commercial and without grace, he resells them and when he arrives he has to put the position in a very attractive way with large signs of offers and promotions and he with a loudspeaker, dressed as a clown, walking all over the street to make people come closer.Here the question is what is the difference between these two toy makers?

In sales, perception plays a decisive role in attracting customers