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Crossroads of the world regarding global warming


This is a complex issue due to the difficulty in data collection, but it is incumbent on every human being on this planet. Let's think about the negative changes that are taking place, with respect to global warming, the infernal heats we are experiencing it in the flesh.

I remember that many years ago, the peasant, the farmer and the rancher, among others, had as their bedside consultation the Almanac Bristol, to find out about the weather, the changes of the moon for the cutting of wood, the rains, etc. In our region we no longer see those years ago as before! The green savannahs and mountains, the water holes, pipes and ravines are gradually running out. In the rural part everything is fenced, the banks of the rivers do not maintain the wealth of fauna and flora, precisely because of the deforestation that leads to sediment. Thus it happens in this country and in all the countries of the world.

In recent times, the world's climate change has been worse than expected, which is why experts and scientists from around the world presented a document in Paris, on the scientific evidence of global warming and the forecast on the increase in planet temperatures in the coming years. This results in warming at sea level, increased rainfall causing catastrophic flooding in many cities in the developing world, and more extreme weather events, such as the rapid retreat of glaciers in tropical regions, progressive decrease in surface of polar ice, and as an effect, an increase in the level of the sea water.

The origin of all this is the progressive increase in the atmospheric concentration of gases that create a curious phenomenon called the "greenhouse effect". The phenomenon of children also occurs in wide areas of the planet every certain number of years, with marked droughts and floods in specific regions. These climatic changes generate harmful effects on the health of people and animals. As we can see, all of this not only affects a continent or certain countries, but has repercussions throughout the entire planet.

The deterioration of the environment has made citizens of all countries aware of the importance of its conservation. We have exterminated more species in the second half of the 20th century than throughout the entire history of humanity. With each passing day, a portion of the earth's forests disappear, which are true lungs (the Amazon is home to the greatest diversity of ecosystems, species and resources), also erosion and the desert are gaining ground.

So we are at a crossroads where a crossroads occurs. When you reach it, you have to decide which path to take, at that historical moment we are.

We can think on the path of disaster, believe ourselves to be gods, be in solidarity with the rest of humanity, think that the planet is going to endure everything that is thrown at it, not strive for peace, etc.

But we can also choose the path of survival, humbly thinking that we are human and mortal, created by a supreme being who is God, who gives us things, but who can also take them from us. That is why we must leave our descendants a better world, thinking about the good of humanity, taking care of our beautiful planet, thinking that everything fails if man fails.

This is the option that we must follow, that we must take. The human species is a social species, with great capacity for communication with itself, so it must choose survival.

The United Nations recognizes that humanity is at a crossroads, that is why they have held a series of international meetings, to address the problem of environmental and climate deterioration, committing themselves to sustainable development, assuming a collective responsibility to advance and strengthen it.

We have seen causes and effects generated by global warming. Now, let's analyze what are the possible solutions, taking into account the indications of Manuel Vásquez Romero (Consequence of climate change on the health of the world population):

  • Social awareness: without social awareness, everything else is of little use. We must promote the dissemination and explanation of the problem, through the different media, the political class, scientists, teachers, universities, international organizations, intellectuals, etc. Make a necessary debate on nuclear energy. Apply measures to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Apply measures to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Promote knowledge of the problem in all health sectors. Greater international coordination in the management and treatment of climatic catastrophes. Information and prevention of sun damage. Improvements in food production and preservation systems, debate on transgenic foods.

Finally, the C Magazine of the Weather of February 10/07, states the following: "It is a time to take the initiative and support the protection of our environment, which in turn will represent a benefit for the country and for the planet, whose deterioration does not wait. Let's join the droplets of our efforts to generate real waves of benefits. ”

We need to seriously reflect and think that we are facing a series of historical crossroads. The responsibility to face it concerns us all equally: scientists, political leaders, economists, journalists, businessmen, government, etc. Each one must play an important role in this world, to seek means of solution and minimize this crossroads of global warming.

Crossroads of the world regarding global warming