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Essay and opinion on the 7 habits of highly effective people

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The 7 habits of highly effective people: a tool to obtain personal and financial freedom

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a managerial instrument capable of providing the necessary tools to learn how to lead life effectively, through a process of personal and interpersonal growth and development, where the first three are oriented towards personal success, and the next three on public victory or achievement with the environment, and the last habit on the ability and need for continuous improvement.

When speaking of habits, it is necessary to mention the terms knowledge, ability and desire, since these conjugates lead to the achievement of the former. Well, becoming highly effective means doing different things, changing paradigms, theories, characters, attitudes and, above all, developing principles that allow us to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in daily activities.

The first of the habits refers to proactivity, which is nothing more than the ability to have initiative to undertake projects and carry out tasks, as well as being responsible for our actions and decisions, whether they are good or bad. Or in other words, to recognize our responsibility to do and stop doing, and / or to do our best to make things happen.

It is important to highlight that, the 7 habits of highly effective people does not include changing the lives of people and organizations in days or weeks, but rather to change from the inside out, in the long term and with the great difference that is for lifetime.

A second Habit is to Start with an End in Mind, this reflects that when starting a purpose you must know the end you want to achieve, it means knowing clearly the mission, vision, goals, philosophy, knowing how far they are and how much lack to be achieved. Only in this way would the correct steps be taken towards definitive growth and development.

It is here where chores of daily life are identified, such as the case in which we have projects, we first think about them and then very few execute. Well, in this habit similar happens, it is oriented to understand that things are created twice, first mentally and then executing it, highlighting the principles of doing and doing, disposition, planning, organization, leadership, and discarding the fear of not being successful, which allows to clearly identify where you are stopped, and if you are on the right path, and if necessary, redirect or give feedback quickly.

The third habit, is the result of being proactive and starting with the end in mind, is called Putting First Things First, and guides the tasks, attitudes, are organized identifying them by degree of importance, and executing them in that same direction. This is where the transition to adopting principles begins, to converting effectiveness, to opening up self-discovery and to taking common sense in an organized way. Well, practices and techniques change with technology and innovation, but the principles do not change.

By putting into practice the habits described above, it can be said that there was a transition from dependence to the ability to do my own thing, from not needing another to achieve what you want, to freedom, to what Dr. Covey called it "the attitude of the self."

A fourth habit refers to Thinking Winning - Winning, which is oriented towards mutual benefit, knowledge sharing, full abundance and the capacity for mutual cooperation. In this way, everything that is done is enriching for the parties involved, which avoids the waste of time and found differences. This is modern management and recognition capacity of the one who thinks differently, which is an indispensable element that must be included in the Venezuelan Social Model.

It is in this paradigm where character is the great base, emotional relationships are preserved, mutual agreements are managed, all supported by systems, that is; the training, planning, communications, budgeting, informational, rewards and any other system are based on this win-win habit.

Next, a fifth habit called seek first to understand then to be understood. Here begins the path to effective interpersonal communication, to empathic communication, where you must learn before teaching. Listening means letting yourself be influenced correctly, but it is the starting point of influencing others.

It is in this habit that one learns to treat everyone equally, but each one in a particular way since all people are different, therefore; they differ in their ideas, opinions, behaviors, and other points of view.

A following habit called Synergize, oriented towards creative cooperation, respectful communication, where the parties assume on the basis of winning - winning an even better idea, in which the result is greater than the sum of both, in addition to learning, improving in knowledge and take advantage of differences to create a willingness to generate solutions to problems better than the previous time.

Synergy is nothing more than opening the mind and heart to new ideas and options, transferring from old paradigms to new discoveries that generate added value, recognizing that people do not see situations as they are, but rather as they are.

Finally, the seventh habit, defined as sharpening the saw, refers to the ability to renew with balance, to review the previous six habits and to constantly correct, innovate and improve. Said improvement must be preceded by the fulfillment of the four dimensions, which are: physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.

Renewal is the principle and process that allows us to ascend in growth and change, of continuous improvement, of optimal thinking.

Once the 7 habits are fulfilled, it can be said that the great leap from Independence to Interdependence, to the attitude of the us, has been made, which is achieved with personal effort and the help and cooperation of other people, always and when they have clear principles, ideas and objectives..

Finally, it is appropriate to indicate that those people who have not read the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, have missed knowing the necessary tools to self-evaluate and undertake a new model of personal and organizational life, forgetting about that paradigm of having infinities of projects without risking executing at least one. It is necessary to make mistakes to learn, you have to dare to grow, have the ability to look for and see different ideas, to see beyond where all other people see, that is what makes the difference, it is precisely what Fayol, Taylor did. Einstein, Newton, Da Vinci, Darwin, Archimedes, among others, what they achieved therefore was only the result of the effort.

Essay and opinion on the 7 habits of highly effective people