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Continuous quality improvement teams



  • Something that is measured, numbered and followed Ability to identify and meet agreed or communicated customer needs Do things right the first time Measure to improve Fitness for use Compliance with standards and specifications Do well (effectiveness) what is done; at a reasonable cost (efficiency) and customer satisfaction.

Continuous improvement

  • Dozens of small process improvements No big changes (never come)

Deming cycle.


  • Sequence of tasks to achieve a specific purpose We provide service through processes Different groups participate Has a manager (owner)

Process under control

  • It is understood

Usefulness of the process. Basic description of it

Who are your clients. Who are your suppliers

Who is the owner

What produces the process; what performance is being obtained

  • Documented

There is a diagram of the process including interrelations with others

There are performance measures of the different phases of it

The name of the owner and the process management team are known

  • Measured

Process performance is measured and monitored

Few but very representative aspects of their health are measured.

Support employee ideas

  • Everyone has ideas on how to improve the processes they are involved in. They want to do it. The closer to the process, the more and better ideas. Sometimes creativity and knowledge are wasted. "Bosses" do not have solutions for everything.

Data-driven decisions

  • Data vs. "… I think that…" Data vs. "… It was always done like this,…" Data vs. passionate opinions Data to measure

Do I do it right, wrong or regular?

To what extent do I do it well, badly or regularly?

  • Data to decide * comparing

Seeing trends

Anticipating events

Customer orientation


To work

To be


Improvement teams.em

  • Small temporary teams Of volunteers From different units They elaborate improvement proposals for a process Achievable and visible in the short term Following a rigorous methodology

Em: goals

  • Propose at least 6 improvements to the process

That shorten times

Let errors decrease

Make it easier

With more information

Make better use of existing resources

Em: how they work

  • Meetings every 1 to 2 weeks Little discussed. Everything is displayed Never more than 2 hours / meeting Within 13 weeks they present:

6 improvements (at least)

Action plan to implement them

  • Minutes are always made

Em: operating rules

  • ConsensusListeningPrepare meetingsPunctuality: start and endAll participate CreativityBe open to new ideas Make minutes and file them

Em: minutes of each meeting

  • 2 pages maximum. Attached documents can be attached Content

Date, duration and phase



Conclusions and agreements

Next actions. Who makes them

Date, time and place of the next meeting

  • What is done with the minutes

Sent to participants

Sent to the head of the service

This refers it to the quality committee

The person in charge of the file

Em: support systems

  • The trainingThe tutorsThe quality committee

Em: constitution

  • Up to 5 people who:

Know the process and / or

They want to improve it as a team

  • Inclusion of clients in improvement teams A member of the team is the

Coordinator / manager

Improvement teams

Work method

Phase 1: initial report. Data Collect

  • Objective Photograph the starting situation Technique Search and collect quantitative data Provide expert estimates Write synthetically Products to obtain in this phase Report 3-4 pages maximum

Phase 2: customer interviews. Data Collect

  • Objective: To get feedback from users. To collect ideas. To collect and visualize qualitative data. Technique. To interview users: maximum 20. To ask clearly what needs to be improved:

Total or part time

Number of errors, precision, security

Easy to use

User information

Reuse of resources

  • Clearly ask what factors

Process (t, e, f, i, r) are more important

Phase 2: customer interviews. Data collection. (Cont)

  • Products to be obtained in this phase Two bar charts (pareto)

What factor of the process should be improved

How important is that factor

  • List of ideas contributed by users List of defects of the process, contributed by users

Phase 3: draw the process

  • ObjectiveGraphically view the processTechniqueUse standard symbolsUse different columnsUse “zoom” when necessary Include information on relative times Products to be obtained in this phase The process drawn: diagram

Time data

Phases that produce marked errors

Phase 3: draw the process. (cont.)

  • The diagram is a means not an end With pencil and rubber come out great The important thing is to make the process visible

Phase 4: development of solutions

  • Objective Distill at least 6 improvements Technique View all available data

The data from the interviews: importance, assessment, ideas and list of defects of the users

Process drawing

Bar diagrams

Data from the interviews. Trends

  • Think about how to attack the causes for:

Decrease times / deadlines

Decrease errors

Make the process easier

Inform more and / or better

Reuse resources

Phase 4: Solution Development (cont.)

  • Technique (cont.) Using common sense


Be creative

  • Products to obtain in this phase Table of 6 improvements (at least)


Short description

Benefits (tefir)

Impact: high, medium, low

Cost: high, medium, low

  • New drawing of the process

Phase 5: compare with leaders

  • ObjectiveSee how the process is carried out in sites with recognized prestigeTechniqueIdentify site to visitContact.explain.set dateSend list of topics to see 7 days in advanceAsk clearly, write down, collect,… Products to obtain in this phase 3-4 page report similar to the initial one

How to solve uc3m problems

4 visit ideas to use at uc3m

Phase 6: final report

  • Objective Compile the result of the work Write the proposed solutions Technique / product to obtain Write a document with this index:

1.- results of the interviews and data collection

2.- drawings of the process: previous and proposed 3.- ideas obtained in the benchmarking visits

4.- proposed solutions:

Brief explanation of them

Tefir benefits that are expected

5.- indicators: at least 2 6.- implementation calendar:

Who does what and when



  • Very important elements in the improvement of a process They will help us to know:

If the process has improved (or worsened)

How much

In what direction

  • It will encourage us to keep improving You can encourage others to improve their processes

Recommended indicators

  • Of time

Average duration of the process (total and partial)

Maximum and minimum times. Bar chart. Dev. Typical

The shorter the time, the higher the quality

  • Of mistakes

No. of errors. Failures or incidents in% per unit of time

Types: pareto diagram

The fewer the errors, the higher the quality

  • General ease of the process

User surveys or "informal" questions

Continuous improvement: principles

1.- periodic review of all processes

2.- lead by example

3.- data vs opinions

4.- two-way communication

5.- reduction of times

6.- compare with others

7.- concept of internal customer

8.- teamwork

9.- recognition of efforts

10.- continuous improvement is part of everyday life

What quality do i offer?

  • Who is my client what do you expect from me ? What service do I offer him? What I offer, is what he expects? How do I know that I do it well? How do I communicate with him? How does he know that I want to improve?


  • Parents of quality

Deming: out of crisis. Quality and productivity s-658.5.dem

Juran: analysis and quality planning. S-658.56 jur

Crosby: quality free. Quality doesn't cost (sold out)

Ishikawa: introduction to quality control. S-658,562 ish

Other authors

  • Ha Perez fdez: process management. D-658.561.perJ.roure: process management. Iese library. Edi. FolioShiba: tqm advanced developments d-658.561.2 shiGalgano: the 7 instruments of total quality. S-658.561.2 gal online





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Continuous quality improvement teams