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Digital age and its impact on companies

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Today, most people have a relationship with the world of technology either through the use of a computer, a Smartphone, the use of social networks, electronic commerce, television or music services via streamingAll these aforementioned aspects are becoming unavoidable every day, and it is that the technological world is becoming so involved in our lives that it is difficult for us to live without it.

All these aspects mentioned above can be included in one of the most studied aspects today, the so-called information technologies. All these information technologies since approximately the 90s have been seen as the means of communication of the future and that is why most business and government organizations around the globe have found it convenient in many respects to move the pencil and paper by the use of a computer or a Smartphone in order to make the exchange of information with other organizations or with clients more efficient.

This is how we can say that the use of new technologies to unite science has been able to produce great changes in our way of perceiving life. Through the use of new technologies, it has been possible to know more and more aspects of the world around us, we have also been able to get to know each other in a better way and to have a better knowledge of the organizations that human beings have seen fit to create.

The so-called digital revolution is an aspect which is basically the constitution of many technologies which have applications in many aspects of communications between societies. This is how it can be said that the union of technology with the media and information can provide a new economic, productive and social model with which it can encourage the emergence and creation of new industries, professional profiles and economic models which until recently were considered unknown.

That is why the value that can be given to digitization is not only influenced by the new organization of products and content, but also the ways in which it works within organizations and the company are highly involved. way in which they are structured.

The use of information has been increasingly changing, since previously the management of information was somewhat more expensive and complicated, in addition to being somewhat heavy to transport with things in a physical state, now being able to transmit information putting the following aspect as an example, from Mexico City to Tokyo a few years ago it was extremely complicated and time consuming, since in order to transport it previously it had to be sent by mail and such information had to make an extensive journey throughout the world in a great time, however today this information can come instantly thanks to information technologies and digital culture, in addition to the fact that the cost of being able to carry out these activities is much lower than in previous times.


The web 1.0

Web 1.0 “refers to a state of the World Wide Web, and any web page designed in an earlier style than the Web 2.0 phenomenon. It is generally a term used to describe the web before the impact of the fever -.com-, in 2001, which is seen by many as the moment when the internet took a turn ”(O´Reilly, 2005)

If we had to give a starting point from where the digital era in which we find ourselves was born and as organizations have seen fit to establish this new factor to carry out their functions, we should go back to the year 1980, since it was in that year the first home computer was created which was the Altair 8080, which had benefits that today we could consider mediocre and that not even a Smartphone has them, the technical characteristics that this Altair 808 had were a RAM of just 256 bits and the cost of this computer equipment was around the $ 400.

It was not until 1981 when the use of personal computers saw an extremely accelerated growth, this was thanks to IBM made sales of his Commodore 64s computer for about 17 million units, thus boosting the digital age, which began to form part of a business environment that until then no one had exploited, and so companies began to adopt technologies digital for their daily activities and see a benefit to everything that digitization implied, thus generating that it becomes necessary for people and organizations to have computer knowledge due to the business needs of the time.

“The appearance of the World Wide Webin 1992 and the internet in 1996 was an awareness for many businesses of the importance and possibilities of networks. And microelectronics finished closing the circle: it brought the digital world to the palm of the hand, with different teams that spoke the same language of zeros and ones. In the mid-90s, 45 million people were on the internet, we could find 250,000 websites, which, the vast majority of them belonged to companies. ” (Matias Roca, 2013)

In these years, the things that could be done in the web system were somewhat limited since it could only be limited to reading the content in general aspects, in the same way the users who were on the web were a both scarce. The content that could be found on the web was generally information generated by the companies dedicated to generating this type of content.

10 years later…

10 years later, the figures have obviously changed, since currently the number of active users on the web has increased extremely rapidly, currently being more than a billion users, as opposed to the 250,000 that existed in the year of nineteen ninety six.

The websites that exist today exceed the enormous amount of 80 million, so the information that can be obtained from the web information systems is very wide and interesting.

In the same way we can determine that of those 80 million websites, content is created by users like you and me and not by companies as it was in the beginning of the digital age, this means that web users already they are not limited only to the activity of reading the content, but they now have the ability to participate with their own ideas.

Web users can be cataloged in two ways which are the following:

  • Digital natives. Digital natives are all the new generations of web users that are emerging, digital immigrants. They are all those people who were born before the creation of the web, that is to say that although these users already have some experience and use of the websites, they are still classified as immigrants because they were not born in the digital age but were seen in the need to learn it.

Currently it is said that we are at the stage of web 2.0 but what does this mean? “Web 2.0 is a concept that was coined in 2003 and that refers to the social phenomenon that emerged from the development of various applications on the internet. The term establishes a distinction between the first era of the web (where the user was basically a taxable person who received or published information, without there being too many possibilities for interaction to be generated) and the revolution that led to the rise of blogs, social media and other related tools. ” (www.definición.de, SF)

It is said that now all the techniques that are implanted by the new digital age constitute numerous technologies which have applications that present a wide focus of possibilities with which humanity can communicate. These new technologies are marking the new production and communication processes that are being used in our times, which is used worldwide.


In order to have a better notion of what can be seen in the advantages obtained from digitization, it is necessary to take into account in a correct way what is the difference between bits and atoms.

First we will see how each of the aforementioned terms is defined.

Bit. "Unit of measure of quantity of information, equivalent to the choice between two equally probable possibilities." (RAE, 2014)

Atom. "Particle indivisible by chemical methods, formed by a nucleus surrounded by electrons; amount of matter of an element whose mass expressed in grams coincides numerically with its atomic weight ”(RAE, 2014)

Once we have seen the terms of bit and atom, we can say that today we are currently living in an information age in which, with the new trends that are being experienced throughout the world, we seek to stop the media from reaching us in presentations of atoms which as is well known has a weight and is somewhat more complex to be able to transport and use them. Thus, it can be said that the economies of nations are based on information, however for the moment "we evaluate commercial operations and make the balances thinking of atoms." (Negroponte, 1995)

However, you should see the benefits that digitization of information can bring, since by using digitization we can save a lot of time by sharing information with other people and organizations across the globe, doing it faster, thanks to the roads through which information circulates, its transportation is done at the speed of light; in the same way, the information becomes somewhat more manageable since the weight of the digitized information is removed, something that cannot be done with the information in physical form or seen from the aspect of the atom.

That is why most companies worldwide have opted to establish their future in the digital world, thanks to the advantages that this entails, so you can have better information management, have some data of interest in a more fast and make the exchange of information in a faster and cheaper way, in the same way through new technologies you can have a backup of that information through information services in the cloud such as Dropbox, icloud, skydrive, among others.


The emergence of the new digital age is bringing with it that different technologies come together and can coexist with each other, which not only determines new technological advances, but also allows new technological advances to evolve. Through the implementation and use of new digital systems, the use of rudimentary means of communication has been reduced, a clear example of this is the cell phone that fewer and fewer people use to make voice calls, in exchange for it the cell phone is being used to send messages through different applications and social networks in which they can communicate in ways that were not previously thought of,Another clear example of this is journalism with which previously people used to buy newspapers to stay informed; however, today, many people prefer to resort to news on this aspect through internet sites, so they no longer spend and do not have to be charging information that interests you in physical.

This emergence of new technologies will always be linked to aspects related to social progress, with which it is expected that societies will open doors to previously unexplored horizons with which it can be guaranteed that society matures intellectually speaking.


The way in which technology has been transforming organizations will come from the point of view of one of the members of the Boston Consulting Group, Philip Evans, who studied at the University of Cambridge, consequently obtained a scholarship at Harvard and he completed his doctorate studies at the Harvard Business School, once knowing who Philip Evans is, we will be able to approach what he thinks about the transformations of companies through technology.

Philip Evans confidently affirms that today we are experiencing a kind of re-acceleration of technological changes, this is happening despite the fact that a recession is being witnessed across the globe. One of the most important aspects to consider is big data (big data) which is influencing business reconfiguration in a very important way, they have also been transforming organizations from within and also have modified the architecture so ingrained that companies had. In the same way, Evans affirms that there are two engines of information technology that are modifying the internal environment of organizations, which are:

  • Business strategies. This engine refers to value chains, which perform the work of decomposing vertically integrated businesses, this is done as standards and interoperability replace managed interfaces. Business structures. This aspect refers to the “polarization of mass economies, which means that, in certain sectors, economies of scale and experience are disappearing, while in others they are intensifying. He doesn't think big data is an isolated or unique phenomenon, but an example of a set of broader and deeper trends that are reshaping the business world. ” (BBVA, 2014)

This is how Evans states that the logic of deconstruction and scale polarization can be applied in a very specific way to big data cases and companies in general.


As it could be noted, the need for companies to be able to exchange information has been a very important part and through the use of technology it has been possible to optimize information manipulation in this way, in addition to digitizing It has been able to obtain benefits for doing business online and in the same way to be able to have advertising, since the number of active users on the web is increasing and gives companies the opportunity to get to know more people.


  • (2014). Reinvent the company in the digital age. OpenMind.Matias Roca, M. (2013). Digital marketing in the company. Catalonia: International University of Catalonia.
  • Negroponte, N. (1995). The digital world. Barcelona: Ediciones B, SAO´Reilly, T. (2005). oreilly.com. Retrieved on March 12, 2016, from http://www.oreilly.com/pub/a//web2/archive/what-is-web-20.html(2014). dle.rae.es. Retrieved on March 12, 2016, from http://dle.rae.es/?id=5cPrUzM(2014). dle.rae.es. Retrieved on March 12, 2016, from http://dle.rae.es/?id=4HgKI2Sdefinicion.de. (SF). definition of. Retrieved on March 12, 2016, from

It is a type of mobile phone built on a mobile computing platform, with a greater capacity to store data and carry out activities, similar to that of a minicomputer, and with greater connectivity than a conventional mobile phone.

it is the digital distribution of multimedia through a computer network, so that the user consumes the product (generally video or audio file) in parallel while it is downloaded.

The Altair 8800 from MITS was a microcomputer designed in 1975, based on the Intel 8080 CPU.

International Business Machines Corp. (IBM) (NYSE: IBM) is a well-known American multinational technology and consulting company based in Armonk, New York. IBM manufactures and markets computer hardware and software, and offers infrastructure, internet hosting, and consulting services in a wide range of computing-related areas, from mainframe computers to nanotechnology.

It is an 8-bit home computer developed by Commodore International in August 1982 at a starting price of $ 595.

The World Wide Web (WWW) or global computer network 1 is a system for distributing hypertext or hypermedia documents interconnected and accessible via the Internet.

A website is a collection of Internet pages related and common to an Internet domain or subdomain on the World Wide Web on the Internet.

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Digital age and its impact on companies