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Erp and crm: competitive advantage for business decision making

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Complex systems, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM): A competitive advantage for business decision making.

Complex systems, the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM): A competitive advantage for business decision-making.


In the context of the irruption of new approaches and complex systems in business scenarios, on the eve of the overwhelming influence that computerization and automation of organizational processes have in greater depth, such as this overwhelming step between the era of industrialization and mechanization forged at the dawn of the 20th century, such as those mechanisms that, with the requirement of market-consumer relations, imprint substantial changes in the ways of doing business and of being in the unceasing search for strategies of a nature, in this case technological to integrate the different elements that make up the company into modules in order to have a broader and more precise vision of the internal activities that affect the commercialization of products and services.

It is of great interest to reflect on the questions that this essay raises regarding what reasons motivated the development of more complex systems such as ERP and CRM?

How do ERP and CRM systems help decision makers to do their work? Well, these questions exceed the expectations of this PhD student, beyond making the theoretical and practical evaluations that the subject requires, it was therefore about collect in it the influence that complex systems contribute to management and the urgent need to apply all these high-cost tools for companies, but which bring with them real solutions to the problems that are present in today's markets with a deeply prospective vision.

Part I. The Development of More Complex Systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Firstly, with regard to the systems that plan business resources, these were fundamentally motivated by locating quick mechanisms to articulate and coordinate all the neuralgic activities of the company's business, which undoubtedly involve the process selection and contracting of suppliers of materials and supplies to generate the products and services that the market demands, and that consumers-clients seek.

Thus, starting from the conceptualization of Chyan 2009's timely Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (cited by Lazo 2010), as a software architecture that facilitates the flow of information between the manufacturing, logistics, finance and human resources functions of the company. In other words, this PhD student in order to build valid knowledge for the transformation, is an innovative and volatile component for the processing, analysis, management and exchange of data that is forging inside the company and that impacts its environment, which represents a transcendental apex to change the status quo at a specific moment in time.

For its part, the handling of this information should not be exclusive to the generators of it, that is, the operational level of the company, it goes much further, the intermediate or middle management level and the strategic, institutional or managerial level; Its epicenter lies in providing online tools to employees and customers in order to contribute to an intelligent organization.

It is pertinent to highlight that the development of these management information systems are high in acquisition costs due to the opening of the various modules that are required within the company to globally attend to all its needs, therefore, it is extremely It is important for management to express its willingness to invest in technology, specialized intellectual capital and knowledge in order to have a leading organization in full development of the 21st century.

Now, in regards to Customer Relationship Management (CRM), their motivation is that all companies are constantly applying business strategies to improve customer relationships, through information systems that provide effective responses to consumer demand, where business orientation focuses on the market (customers) to offer products and services with high quality standards, emphasizing the organization's processes, minimizing costs and reducing the advantages of potential competitors.

It is then about rigorously studying the products, services, the market and the competitors to develop defensive actions against the other companies that are in the field, in such a way that the CRM offer greater knowledge of the client, centralizing the information in one, to avoid dissipating it and making mistakes in the data, which will allow having a comprehensive profile of the different clients, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty and consequently for the company, sales are significantly increased.

Finally, for the business sectors the motivation for the development of these complex systems were: obtain more information from customers, improve the segmentation of consumer types, manage more data with personalized user service, improve processes for modernization, more loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Part II Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems help Decision Makers do their jobs.

Let us begin this dissertation by affirming that within the business sectors complex systems represent an erupting volcano of the information flows generated from the natural activities of organizations, whether they are administrative, operational, production and marketing; for they, in the middle of the atomic development of new management approaches and communications technology, are the agents of change called complex systems, which constitute those tools that contribute to decision-making.

These systems do contribute to decision-making, but for top corporate management, developing these projects in a competitive environment requires relational and intellectual capital to assume that the process has high levels of complexity and risk, not only due to the amount of financial resources. that you have to invest "patent, development, software, hardware and others", in the future these systems of integration and information management will represent a gain in quantitative terms for the organization, in such a way that it is necessary to break with orthodox paradigms and make way for it to the modernization of the administrative, operational and production structure to achieve the ends.


For the purposes of establishing some reflections on complex management information systems, they are a tool in the 21st century for the transformation of companies, beyond the significant advances that computing has promoted in these sectors, it is therefore a matter of making of the intellectual and relational capital an invaluable knowledge to reach the maximization of the production and the profitability of the businesses with a view to sustainability and business-organizational sustainability.

Investment in these systems must be encouraged, even when acquisition, development and maintenance costs are high; However, managers have to have a vision of the future, the new relationships for the commercialization of products and services increasingly become a banner to achieve the positioning and segmentation of the business in the markets.

Without wishing to be retrograde in the behavior of management in the Venezuelan context, for this business sector in the country, it is essential that in the process of the imminent application of management information systems (GIS), it becomes imperative to create a culture of I work in the active labor force that starts from the principles opportunely described by the Father of the Scientific Administration "Frederick Winslow Taylor", Classical "Henry Fayol" and Humanist "George Elton Mayo", when they referred to productivity in its various forms of reach it.

I express this, because it is essential that the Venezuelan workforce comply with principles of responsibility, relevance and commitment to achieve real levels of productivity that are currently scarce, not only concerns the economic crisis that the South American nation is going through, but also to the behavior of the agents that converge in the national productive system, where the unions are more concerned with the overprotection of the workers, without worrying or worrying about the levels of operation and productivity of the company, which represents the scenario par excellence to develop the employee's career.

Likewise, if we use Taylor's time and movement studies at the beginning of the 20th century in the strategic business and industrial sectors in Venezuela, we would automatically enter a conjunctural crisis in labor relations with employers and unions due to partial compliance, for example of effective male hours of work.

In short, we extrapolate this approach to state-owned companies of a strategic nature, we observe more pronounced situations of apathy and non-compliance with effective working hours; This situation affects all the management information systems that contribute to the production systems, impacting business and industrial performance of the relevant actors in the country.


  • Lazo, S. (2010). Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning on Companies. 360 Magazine, Number 5. Inter-American University of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, Renart, L. (2004). CRM Three Success Strategies. Edition Gemma Tonijuan. Yacambú University, Vice-Rector's Office for Research and Postgraduate (2007). Norms for the Preparation and presentation of the Special Works of Degree, Works of Degree and Doctoral Theses of the UNY. Barquisimeto.
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Erp and crm: competitive advantage for business decision making