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Skepticism and its use in establishing the mission of companies



Knowing that we cannot be governed by paradigms nor do we possess absolute truth, we will address a topic about what many have read and many others identify with this thought, skepticism, this current of thought makes us think and analyze what we think we know. and to reevaluate that belief, on the other hand, the establishment of the mission and the objectives in the organization is had as part of the strategic planning, therefore the content of this knowledge is reassessed by reason from the point of this current of thought.


It is the current of thought that considers that knowledge is impossible and therefore renounces to pronounce judgments. It is characterized by:

a) Openly oppose dogmatism

b) Consider that the knowing subject is UNABLE to apprehend the object and therefore know it.

c) Doubting all knowledge.

d) Refrain from any affirmation or Denial.


a) Denies the logical laws of thought by affirming that "Nothing can be explained".

b) It contradicts itself because it is dogmatic to affirm that "Nothing can be explained" and therefore its affirmation is meaningless. Representatives: In ancient times, Pirrón de Ellis.

The protagonist, in this case, is Pirrón de Ellis, Greek philosopher born approximately in the year 359. In the first moments, he accompanied the great Alexander the Great to India, being appointed upon returning by his fellow citizens as Ellis' chief priest, his place originally.

He came from a humble family, and it is recorded that his knowledge was obtained, perhaps, thanks to the trips that he carried out year after year in his youth.

He founded a new school that, despite its importance, had a short duration; but it was important because, as a whole, it created a current of thought that will find its extension in another school (the Platonic Academy), and in some independent thinkers and philosophers: skepticism.

Although it is true that, as some scholars already indicate, we can find certain aspects considered skeptical in Megara's school or some sophists, Pirrón was the first to adopt skepticism itself as a definitive position, as a single and prominent current within of many others.

It supposed in a certain sense a reaction against that determined dogmatism that some schools defended, indicating that, if the philosophy started from an attitude of search, the philosopher considered as “dogmatic”, maintains that he has already found the truth. However, the "skeptical" philosopher will question it; that is, he will remain in the search and later affirm that it is possible to find the definitive truth.

For this school, all our perceptions have only a relative value, while, in any case, all our opinions would be based on tradition.

Pirrón would derive, therefore, in an ethics that does not disturb, since we know nothing with certainty about the things of the world, and no vain perception should disturb our life, our thinking and, finally, our spirit.

Establishment of the mission and determined objectives of the strategy

One of the most important and often one of the most difficult aspects in the strategic planning process is the development of the mission statement, that is, a brief and clear statement of the reasons that justify the existence of the company, the Purposes and functions that consumers want to satisfy their main base and the fundamental methods through which it intends to fulfill its purposes. The mission statement provides the context for formulating the specific lines of business and strategies with which it will operate, establishes the field in which it will compete, and determines how it will allocate resources and what will be the overall growth and direction model for the future (GOODTEING / ET-AL, 1998).

The fundamental purpose of having the mission statement is to give clarity of focus to the members of the organization, to make them understand how what they do is related to a greater purpose. Therefore, the focus of the mission must be internal to the organization, not external to other interest groups.

The fundamental and priority commitment of the leaders of the organization is to enunciate the mission to the members of the organization at all levels, therefore it must be clear and justify the existence of the company, the objectives to be met, as well as the market to which the products are directed. For all of the above, this mission must be based on credibility for the organization, since the human being is a thinking being who makes his own decisions, and if this mission does not generate confidence, an idea of ​​what the organization wants could be generated. of them, there will be incredulous people, but for that the leaders are there to report truthfully and in a timely manner on the activities and objectives to be met since within the organization there will be many skeptics (suspicious) about whether they get involved or not about the company's plans.


There is no doubt that Pirrón de Ellis's current of thought has endured over time, since man is cautious and tends not to take for granted the true knowledge and learning acquired throughout his existence, tends to seek answers to questions that are believed to have already been answered and in this endless search, more questions are generated and not taking for granted what has already been established; It seems like a play on words, but the great discoveries have been made by that constant search to resolve doubts. The organization, on the other hand, has to involve and partner all its members so that they formulate among all that mission that must be consistent with your reason for being, that meets everyone's expectations, that is clear,do not leave gaps in knowledge and integrate these suspicious staff and make it part of it, for it is quite true what this philosopher, the creator of this current of thought, said in this essay, not all are absolute truths, the truth is relative, seeing from different angles and whoever has to analyze it or make it their own. For what is good for some is negative for others.

Skepticism and its use in establishing the mission of companies