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Administration schools, a synthesis

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The most representative theories at different moments in the modern history of administration are known as schools of administration. These theories have been formulated by the most outstanding authors who marked an era, who dedicated their studies to the development of administrative science and who, through their contributions, enriched it and charted the path for a greater boom and growth of the business environment.


Man through time has developed various forms of adaptation to his environment with different work techniques, since the time of slavery there was a certain form of command that allowed him to develop the great works of antiquity such as the pyramids or large buildings with the slave labor force, after that, feudalism was a social organization where large capitals accumulated and the acquisition of territories through wars, but a social structure also arose with the guilds that influenced in a certain way to maintain social and economic control of the time, which disappeared when the printing press made known the predominant trades of the time,After this, capitalism arose in 1776 when new ways of working with machinery began to appear, which allowed the production of surpluses and the expansion of local markets to more remote places, and the importance of man was subject to being a complementary part of the production process, and it is until the second industrial revolution in 1884 when work methods such as online production were developed and the staff began to be economically incentivized with excellent results, in the 1920s, the sociologist Elton Mayo determined through studies that man not only goes for a salary to the organization but also considers the environment in which he operates and that makes it attractive for the worker to remain within the organization,This study generated the concern to study more its organizational behavior, giving rise to the birth of different management schools.


Next, emphasis is made on the various theories described to date in which the temporal space and the particular characteristics of each organization in history must be considered since the emergence of professional management, but which gave rise to studies for encourage and make the company more competitive with an efficient administrator who seeks to achieve effective results, through knowledge of their environment and knowledge of humanistic theories, which help promote creativity and innovation of the members of the organization and produce with quality products or services that allow them to remain in the market, since customers want and seek low prices with immediate delivery,Below is a schematic presentation of the administration schools that have emerged from studies related to human behavior and various work methods developed with which the production process and the quality of the products were perfected (see Table 1)..

Table 1: Administration schools

Administration schools

Scientific management

Frederick Taylor

He is known as the father of scientific administration, his purpose was to increase the production of companies with improvements in the efficiency of work activities, he increased the salaries of employees based on the application of scientific procedures, he made contributions to the formation of lines of production to make them more effective, established economic incentives recognizing the activities of workers in the performance of their work, developed different methods of production, applied time and movement studies to take better advantage of productive resources and reduce worker fatigue by achieving In order to increase productivity, Henry Ford applied his system and developed his method that was later called “Fordism” (maximum division, lower costs and specialization of work),laying the foundations of the mass production system.

Frank and Lilian Gilbreth

Frank and Lilian Gilbreth are credited with studies of micro-movements in production activities to make better use of time and productive spaces, made humanistic contributions to work processes, studying the perception and characteristics of the workforce, as well as their requirements for improve the competitiveness, production and performance of workers.

Henry L. Gantt

Engineer in the mechanical area by profession and disciple of Taylor with whom he collaborated fourteen years in the performance of jobs in the industry. Its activities established the control and planning of the processes by means of graphs known as the Gantt diagram and applied bonus systems for tasks based on the development and motivation of the workers (González, 2009).

Harrington Emerson

An engineer by profession and a pioneer in research on the selection and training of industrial operators, he contributed with contributions on the subject of performance principles to increase productivity; which gave way to goal-based administration.

Henri Fayol

He is recognized as the father of modern administrative theory, he classified activities in the industrial area into six sections, established the functions of planning, organization and control as elements of administration and the importance of the administrator's expertise as a fundamental part of labor relations. In addition, it disclosed fourteen administrative principles such as the division of labor, authority and responsibility, discipline, unity of command, subordination of the private interest to the general interest, remuneration, centralization, order, equity, stability of personnel, initiative, teamwork, hierarchy and unity of direction.

Vilfredo Pareto

Engineer of Italian origin, his main contribution is the "Pareto principles", from which demonstrations related to the impact generated by the application and use of twenty percent of variables used in production processes were the cause of the success of the eighties Remaining percent in the positive effects and results of operations normally carried out. He made contributions based on psychology and sociology to improve and achieve efficiency in personnel management.

Hugo Münsterberg

He made contributions to the administration from the execution of psychology in the industrial and administrative areas.

Walter Dill Scott

During the year of 1911, he carried out research and contributions to psychology to promote and promote commercial advertising and personal motivation.

Humanistic School of Administration

It emphasizes a lot in people within the administration, fundamentally in the motivation, needs and expectations of man, originating the theory of Human Relations, where people should be the most important thing for the organization, this school begins with the study portals carried out by sociologists and psychologists, which gave rise to industrial and organizational psychology, since it studies group behavior within organizations, techniques were used to recruit, select, guide, train, the physiology of work, study techniques and methods To prevent accidents and avoid fatigue, involving the worker, bosses and managers, its main exponents are:

Ordway tead

He demonstrated that the organization streamlines work, and that there are aspects that companies should be concerned with, such as the ambitions and fears of operators, Tead affirmed that managing becomes an art and whoever manages must know human nature to achieve more collaboration commitment of workers to allow the organization to survive in a more competitive day-to-day market, suggests that each boss must be a leader, a moral agent and a symbol of democracy to achieve more participation from all its members without exercising authority.

Mary Parker Follet

He describes that business administration is the most dynamic activity of any society, his approach was based on psychology since according to it it should serve to reconcile individuals with the organization in their natural conflicts that exist in a normal working relationship and wrote about:

  1. Principles of direct contact: a company can achieve better coordination through direct relationships between the people who make up the work group through good communication. Principle of reciprocal relationships where work constitutes a part of the work of other workers. Principle of the Law of the situation: one person should not give orders to another, but both should agree to find a way to solve the problem or to execute what needs to be done. Control principle: as the work process is perfected, control becomes less personal and more focused on results.

George Elton Mayo

His main objective of study had as his main objective to determine the relationship that existed between physical work facilities and the intensity of lighting in workers with their work, he applied an experiment in which the importance of the human and social relationships that they develop workers within the organization, setting aside the assumption that workers only work for wages and not for a healthy work and social environment.

Chester Barnard

He made the following contributions:

  1. Human beings do not act in isolation but through interactions with other human beings and their social relationships. Human interaction arises from the need that each one has to overcome their own limitations; These are biological, physical, psychological and social. The limitations of human beings require associating and forming social groups. Social groups seek to establish and meet common objectives, desire for cooperation and interaction between the parties.

Structuralist School of Administration

James Burnham

The background of the structuralist school is found with this professor from New York University, who in 1941 published the work, The Managerial Revolution, where he maintains that the new ruling class of the world is made up of administrators or a manager, since they are the head of an organization and responsible for the success or failure of the company. To direct an organization, it is required to know its structure, operation and how it interacts with its environment since the organization is a set of parts ordered for a given purpose where individuals or groups that pursue certain goals and objectives participate, which aim to achieve organizational efficiency with norms and principles, this belief is based on the fact that organizations of any nature and magnitude,they have common elements such as people, objectives, ordered functional structure, environmental context and an administrative system.

Max Weber

German sociologist, argues that the rationalization of human work is a factor that gives rise to a bureaucratic organizational structure, all public and private employees make up the public and private bureaucracy, which are integrated into a society governed by written norms that works on the basis of To the division of labor, hierarchies and efficiency with technical standards, specialization and professionalization, this Structuralist School gave rise to a methodology for the study of the organization according to the particular purposes of each one, where an administrator establishes the bases, objectives, plans, divides the work, structure the authority and classifies the positions.

Organizational development

The organization evolves and is influenced by external forces, which must be identified, analyzed and controlled since they have various stages since its creation in which the founders or entrepreneurs manage and control procedures such as the following:

  1. Standardization stage: due to growth, precise regulation is necessary for the operation and coordination. Bureaucracy stage: by increasing the staff, by the growth of more operations and specializing, the tasks require greater systematization, and rules that guide the actions and behavior of individuals, establishing procedures, prioritizing authority and describing charges. Stage of criticism and self-analysis: in which the innovative elements and the confrontation with competition and the environment, added to people's expectations, require organizational adaptations and structural changes.

Theory Z

This theory arises in Japan having as a reference to teamwork, Wlliam G. Ouchi is the author of this Theory, his proposal is based on the fact that each organization is managed according to its needs based on teamwork, where the criteria and common sense are indispensable.

Behavioral school

This school affirms that, in a human group linked by work relationships, a behavior or conduct manifests itself, influenced by two main factors: the cultural level of the people who make up the group and the style of management they receive, since, at a higher cultural level, the demands of people are greater, that is, complex, new and more refined needs are created.

Abraham H. Maslow

He postulated a scale of needs which he classified into 5 stages, physiological, security, self-esteem, social recognition and self-realization, discovering that for the members of the upper classes, purely physiological needs are less important than social needs, which acquire greater hierarchy and Priority in their social role, affirms that men act and induce the group to fight for the satisfaction of the needs that they consider most important, this is important for the administrator, to know what motivates people at work.

Douglas McGregor

He affirms that organizations have different styles of management and highlights the two most common as the traditional style and the innovative style of administration. To analyze the first, he presented the theory known as Theory X and to analyze the second, he proposed Theory Y. In Theory X, the administrative effort is focused on achieving the objectives of the organization, with the following premise: man moves by purely economic incentives, in theory And there is a human tendency to innovate, to develop talent, to seek new achievements and to assume greater responsibilities and higher levels of performance, this style is distinguished in the decentralization and delegation of functions, positions are enriched with new modalities and methods,Participation in decision-making and there is an opportunity to self-evaluate performance.

School of decision theory

It is also called a rational school and it says that man is not something that can be manipulated, but rather that he is an entity capable of adapting and evaluating different groups of circumstances; economic, social or technical factors greatly influence man's behavior and productivity. Considering the organization as a decision-making unit, this approach is often limited to the economic reasoning of utility and uncertainties, the decision-making process as the essence of administrative technique.

School of systems

A system is a set of ordered parts that contribute to achieving a certain end and are classified as follows:

  1. Due to their dynamism: in static they are those systems that do not react or change with the influence of their environment and dynamic are those that constantly evolve due to internal and external factors. Homeostats: they are the systems that contain themselves and They have the capacity for self-regulation. Because of their dependence, they are classified as independent and dependent. Dependent systems work depending on others and do not have the capacity to operate by themselves. In order to decide, interdependent systems depend on each other. Systems because of their ability to communicate and interact with the outside are classified as open and closed,the open ones receive information and interact with other systems and the closed ones have a reduced capacity to receive information and to interact with their environment. From a conceptual and empirical point of view: the greatest difficulty in understanding systems theory is not distinguishing when it is spoken of a system from the conceptual point of view and when it is spoken of it, from the empirical point of view. The systems by reason of their nature are classified as natural and social, the natural ones exist without the intervention of man to form them Social are systems formed with the intervention of man.The greatest difficulty in understanding systems theory is not distinguishing when one speaks of a system from the conceptual point of view and when one speaks of it, from the empirical point of view. Systems, due to their nature, are classified as natural. and social, the natural ones exist without the intervention of man to form them and the social ones are systems formed with the intervention of man.The greatest difficulty in understanding systems theory is not distinguishing when one speaks of a system from the conceptual point of view and when one speaks of it, from the empirical point of view. Systems, due to their nature, are classified as natural. and social, the natural ones exist without the intervention of man to form them and the social ones are systems formed with the intervention of man.

Systems theory and administration

The theory of administration is a system where theory and practice are combined, it is an entity where constituent elements are identified with organized parts, it is a governing body or center and the functions of each part are carried out in an interrelated way with determined purposes (Wiclane, 2011). For this theory, scale models are established with simulations of real objects in a lower or higher proportion, analog models are representations with which the structure and operation of the represented object are simulated, mathematical models represent functions and equations that must be performed to solve a Problem and physical models are used to represent geometric functions.

Empirical school

The administrative tasks were considered, through uses, customs or traditions to lead the organizations, their main representatives are Peter F. Drucker, Ernest Dale and Lawence Appley who carried out studies based on daily practical experiences, managing through success and error. on certain causes, their principles were empirical or experiential with little effort to explore new things or try something different.

Management School by Objectives

Peter F. Drucker, pointed out that the administration by objectives is a method by means of which the manager, assistant managers and all the heads of an organization determine what objectives they want to achieve, each one in his field and in a certain time, that is, they must be set goals that serve as a guide for its actions, this school is also known as administration by results, by projects, by participation and administration by motivation, in every company there are critical or key areas that deserve attention from executives such as the policies of the company, management area, financial area, human resources, technological development, production, advertising, sales, internal and external relations,Management by objectives is a method used by company managers to structure their action plan for a certain period.

Administration Mathematical School

The results of an administrative action can be measured or quantified by using mathematics, based on known data. Mathematical logic and calculation are used in the planning and scheduling of activities and are the basis for decision-making, it is made up of Herbert A. Simon, Igor H, Ansoff, Leonard Arnoff, West Churchman and Kenneth Boulding, the most prominent it is the application of mathematics is operations research since they represent models whose construction and analysis is done through the operational research method since they undergo a mathematical quantification and an analytical process through which a result can be known in advance, starting of known premises and strategies, it has three main uses such as knowing the behavior of administrative processes,serve as a basis for decision-making and help to apply control methods. The operations most used in operational research are in storage, distribution, materials handling, transportation organization, organizational changes, industrial facilities, productivity, machine efficiency, market research, function distribution and delegation. These applications refer to real situations or simulations through models that try to approach in a simplified way a reality of the company such as administrative econometrics, market research or marketing for its quantification and mathematical analysis, this programming considers problems of time, resources, costs, transportation,aspects that must be analyzed interrelatedly to establish more appropriate strategies.

  • Queuing theory: refers to the analysis of waiting points in processes or delays at critical moments. The graphs or graphs: they are diagrams that show a sequence of operations by means of bars and arrows. The times in which the operations must be performed can be represented, after having carried out the necessary mathematical calculations, the best known are the Gantt Chart, Graph PERT and the CPM Charts Game theory is a simulation technique of operations in which there can be several individuals who assume a role, simulating a real situation in a company or business, the probabilities are estimates that are made based on known data and experience.

    Mega administrative trendsTotal Quality Culture (CCT) is an administrative philosophy that is based on the concept of continuous improvement whose purpose is to satisfy the internal and external customers of any company. Reengineering (RI) is a reordering in the dynamic business process such as structure, technology, management systems or business values, to achieve improvements in the performance of companies reducing costs, increasing quality, opportunity and service through continuous review and adaptation to the changes in the processes that are generated day by day in the world.

The main objectives pursued when implementing a reengineering process is to modernize the company for the benefit of owners, shareholders, suppliers, customers and consumers, reducing time in production or service processes, changing if necessary some patterns of culture. organization to establish a work environment that allows organizational growth and those who integrate it, technify the personnel selection and evaluation processes, constantly designing training programs that allow a better adaptation to changes through developing in workers the necessary skill to produce with quality, in addition to improving internal and external communication mechanisms,committing from the top to the lowest operational level with the corporate philosophy, and avoid or reduce resistance to change in workers through continuous training and improvement that allows the organization to remain in the market.

Administrative megatrends

Original text

  1. Vázquez D. & Rodríguez M. & Gutiérrez D. (2018). Congress. The New Approaches to Administration in the XXI century.Villagrasa (2012). Peter Drucker: Administration in the XXI Century. Recovered from http://www.koala-soft.com/la-administracion-en-el-siglo-xxiWiclane (2011). Systems theory or mathematics. Recovered from wiclane.blogspot.com/2009/11/teoria-de-sistemas-y-matematicas.html
Administration schools, a synthesis