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Entrepreneurial spirit. 5 tips to be extraordinary in an ordinary world

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Have you ever dreamed of doing something out of the ordinary and succeeding in it? It is his entrepreneurial spirit that is urging him to get out of the crowd to do extraordinary things! Each human being owns it, because each human being is unique. Neither is a copy of the other. We all have talents and abilities that set us apart from others. However, the vast majority of people comfortably camouflage themselves in a world where "being different" comes at a price.

Find out why the vast majority of people lose their entrepreneurial spirit and how it can rekindle yours.

The human being is an innate entrepreneur. From the moment he is born, he has the curiosity to explore new horizons. It's a matter of watching a crawling baby. Tirelessly he investigates his surroundings.

As the child develops, he reaches the famous age of "why?" who so exasperates her parents. They want to know everything and learn everything. His curiosity knows no bounds and neither does his creativity.

Ideally, the child should maintain this inquisitive attitude until adulthood, but this is not always the case.

On the contrary! The entrepreneurial spirit, which is so natural to us, is usually placated as we grow. Life instills in us thought patterns and fears that limit the proper development of our entrepreneurial spirit.

This process continues throughout our lives. In traditional education each child becomes part of a group of 30 to 45 children. In this context it is not possible to promote curiosity and individual exploration. The learning must necessarily be done together and according to what another person chose as the topic of study.

At that time the child learns several important lessons that will ultimately harm his innate entrepreneurial spirit:

  • If I do the minimum required, I will be fine. Learning means doing what the authority figure demands. Learning is boring and unattractive. Entertaining is when you don't have to learn. To be a good student I have to study someone else's interests. learning, I prefer to entertain myself My own interests are not important, I have to pursue them in my free time. No learning activity is important enough to deepen it, since the lesson of the campaign is: save the notebooks, now it's time to study another subject!

Since the vast majority of us have been educated in a school context, we have learned these same lessons to a greater or lesser degree. We have learned to follow directions, to please an authority figure with our returns, and to live our lives according to what the system dictates.

And our entrepreneurial spirit is relegated to some free time activity or buried forever in the trunk of memories, along with our individual aspirations and dreams.

What can we do to revive our entrepreneurial spirit and thus be able to excel in a world that educated us to be from the crowd?

Here are 5 steps you can take to re- develop your entrepreneurial spirit and reach the goals you have in your heart:

1. Get out of the herd mentality

One of the greatest enemies of the entrepreneurial spirit is the herd mentality. The human being is a gregarious being. We like to belong to a group and be able to identify with it. For this we do what the group does and we think as the group thinks.

The problem is that many times the group, together with giving us a comforting feeling of belonging, limits us as to what we can achieve as an individual. If you want to revive your entrepreneurial spirit, you are going to have to be willing to swim against the current. The history of humanity is full of entrepreneurs who were blamed "crazy" by their peers.

2. You must understand that freedom has its price

You have to fight to be free. When a person understands that he is unique, that he has gifts and talents that distinguish him from others, the desire to be that "I" that God put in each of us is born. That individuality comes at a price.

Many times it means questioning paradigms and thought patterns typical of our culture and our education and taking steps of faith when exploring new terrain that we do not know.

3. Don't hesitate

Start with determination. A person who makes the decision to set out on a certain course one day and suddenly hesitates and takes another path the next day is not going to get very far.

4. Look for positive information

In order to be successful in what you set out to do, you will need to invest time, money and effort in re-educating yourself. Keep in mind that negative information is always free. On the other hand, the positive information that will help him to get ahead, he will have to look for as if it were a hidden treasure.

5. Don't stray from your goal

If you want to fail in your endeavor, simply distract yourself with other things. The key to success is staying focused on what you want to achieve. In this way you will always maintain a fervent entrepreneurial spirit.

Entrepreneurial spirit. 5 tips to be extraordinary in an ordinary world