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Management leadership styles


Over the past 40 years, together with the development of our society and its new paradigms, the word “leadership” has been incorporated into our everyday language, which does not mean anything other than driving.

Now driving what is an interesting question to develop. Whoever succeeds in having others follow him is undoubtedly a leader, who imposes his authority and his decisions as well, in the same way he who sets social goals and achieves them.

So far we find two peculiarities: on the one hand the distribution of influence and power; and on the other, the relationship with complementary roles.

We must remember that in any system, any change affects the whole. Therefore, it is inescapable and unavoidable to bear in mind that inequality is not necessarily imbalance, since roles - based on communication - always tend to balance and this generates paradoxical leadership situations.

As the term indicates, every organization has an organizational chart (implicit or explicit) that indicates who depends on whom and therefore who leads and who is led. Different reactions of people can be detected depending on the attitudes of the interlocutors on duty, which may be adequate or inappropriate depending on whether or not they favor the achievement of the objectives and / or produce well-being or discomfort in the medium or long term, it is It is important to bear in mind that the context and the situation are parameters that should not be neglected since there are areas in which, due to their characteristics, the flexibility of styles is not possible. Below you can see the following classification of types of reactions or leadership styles in their appropriate and inappropriate versions:

  • a. EL SALVADOR: (La versión negativa de la protección: la sobreprotección). Ud. está en esta actitud cuando quita límites adecuados, cuando no puede pedir u ordenar en forma directa y genera una respuesta dependiente del otro.b. EL PROTECTOR: La única forma efectiva de protección es brindar el apoyo necesario que sirva de respaldo y estímulo. Esto es dar reconocimiento, respaldo, confianza, etc., con palabras de aliento para seguir adelante ante las dificultades.c. EL AUTORITARIO: (La versión negativa del orden y la disciplina). Si la actitud es prohibir indiscriminada y arbitrariamente, señalando errores de modo peyorativo, poniendo límites en forma agresiva y autoritaria, seguramente se va a impedir un normal desarrollo de la comunicación. Lo que se logra es generar temor, confusión, o una oposición tan combativa que ponga en peligro los objetivos del grupo en circunstancias extremas.d. EL CONDUCTOR: Las personas además de apoyo necesitan límites, como los resultantes de una comunicación clara y directa, de manera tal que se pueda saber sin confusión que es lo que se espera de él y de su desempeño.

The attitude must be fair but firm at the same time. The limits in communication generate an order model that gives protection and security to the person for a correct performance in any stratum of the organization. Give clearly stated orders, monitor performance and discipline.

  • and. THE STRUCTURED: (the negative version of the organization) An inadequate use of rational parameters generates a distortion of communication in two ways, on the one hand when acting correctly is not correct and on the other when adjusting to reason is not reasonable.F. EL RACIONAL: It is essential - in addition - to transmit (especially through the behavior model) the importance of evaluating situations rationally and objectively before making decisions; speak in an adult way, without prejudice or preconceptions, giving the possibility of dissenting "peacefully" in case of disagreement. Analyze the decisions to be made taking into account viable alternatives and suggestions. G. THE ANARCHIC: (the negative version of freedom) This style represents in itself a non-driving, allows to do,delegate irrationally without "submitting" to the goals of the group or organization. You become familiar with the old concept of "laissez faire", although it is broader. THE CREATIVE: This style is the one that is most related to the concept of empathy and that generates a charismatic communication, through which the interlocutor is influenced in a fluid way and promotes action in a soft way in which he occupies a place humor is important. It is the quintessential style of motivation in work teams, its main tool is seductionby means of which the interlocutor is influenced in a fluid way and promotes action in a smooth way in which humor occupies an important place. It is the quintessential style of motivation in work teams, its main tool is seductionby means of which the interlocutor is influenced in a fluid way and promotes action in a smooth way in which humor occupies an important place. It is the quintessential style of motivation in work teams, its main tool is seduction
Management leadership styles