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Communication strategy of a Cuban entity in the agricultural sector

Table of contents:


The work includes the communication strategy that the National Center for Plant Health intends to assume, which identifies and defines the main concepts, priorities of the population to which it should be directed, the guidelines and objectives, as well as the forms and style of work with the public identifying a structure with its internal and external functions and relationships, the levels of responsibility and participation of the members of the State Plant Health System and a short and medium-term action plan that includes monitoring and evaluating its implementation, which will be updated annually.

Key words: Structure, information, communication, media, training.



We share the opinion of Dr. Vicente González Castro, a Cuban specialist in Social Communication, when he expresses when defining the concept of communication: “Communication can be understood as exchange, interrelation, dialogue, as life of society, all inextricably related to the needs social of man and cannot exist without language. Communication is shared thought, it is mutual knowledge and there can be no thought without words ”.

The National Plant Health Center (CNSV) belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture, is the entity in charge of the phytosanitary protection of the country with a favorable environmental impact and the use of varieties and seeds with the required quality. All living plant species and their parts are subject to phytosanitary control; seeds of cultivated or wild plants; all food products of vegetable, natural or semi-processed origin; feed and fodder; Forest products; containers and packaging of any type that may be carriers of pests; soil and soil; Organic fertilizers; plant-based raw material; raw tobacco; organisms or microorganisms that offer danger to agriculture; any agent that can be a carrier of diseases or pests.It also dictates the regulations for the import and export of plants and their parts.

This center together with the Plant Health Research Institute, 15 Provincial Directorates, 14 Provincial Laboratories, 73 Territorial Plant Protection Stations, 41 Entry Points, 1 Mountain Phytosanitary Reference Center, 4 Biopesticide Plants and 190 Reproduction Centers of Entomophages and Entomopathogens, constitute the State Plant Health System.

The computerization and communication actions in the center are assumed by the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG), which work as determined by the agency.

Based on these elements and on the precise guidelines issued by the Political Bureau of the Party's Central Committee to increase the informative effectiveness of the country's mass media, in strict compliance with the Central State Administration Bodies (OACEs) (Carlos Lage, February 15, 2007, RS: 1403 and RSB 232.12 / 02/2007), proposes the implementation of this document which, as a strategy, aims to efficiently assume the communication of MINAG and identifies and defines the main concepts, the priorities of the population to which it should be directed, the guidelines and objectives, as well as the ways and style of working with the public, identifying a structure with its functions and internal and external relations,the levels of responsibility and participation of the members of the Ministry system and a short - medium term action plan, which includes the monitoring and evaluation of its implementation, which will be updated annually, during the last quarter.

Conceptual framework.

For the development of communication in the center, the integrating elements of communication are assumed, which are described below:

  • Source (CNSV): Where the information originates, which can be a person or an institution. Issuer: The one who prepares the message, whether natural or legal person. Message: Stimulus, idea that the sender transmits to the receiver or receiver. Messages can be verbal symbols (the word) that are transmitted in different forms, from oral to written language and non-verbal signals (gestures and body movements) and must have equal meanings both for the person who transmits it and for the one who transmits it. receives it. Channel: The medium through which the message travels from the source to the receiver. It is the way through which the message is physically transmitted and can be classified into:
    • Media or interpersonal channels (a face-to-face exchange is assumed). Mass media channels (newspapers, books, magazines, brochures, newsletters, radio, television, Internet and Intranet).
    Feedback or Feedback: Response of the recipients to the message, which according to how they appear, allows the source and / or the issuer to reinforce or modify both the information and the message, as appropriate.

In this Strategy, the internal public is defined as the one represented by all the workers of the agrarian system and the external public is identified as the one that is part of the external environment of the center, which affects and / or is affected by it to a lesser or greater degree., based on the achievement of common objectives, represented in this case by the population and by the mass media.


For the development of the Communication Strategy the following guidelines are taken into account:

  • The administrative and political cadres of the CNSV must demand strict compliance with the communication strategy of the center. The administrative and political cadres of the CNSV must be prepared to provide information in a responsible manner and express their opinions truthfully to show the people the state of the work without addressing the classified information that they possess.The administrative and political cadres of the CNSV, when providing statistical information of a national nature, must comply with the official bulletin of the ONE, to avoid errors.The measures that correspond to each level of the CNSV must be adopted, in any case of interference in the work that the press must do and in the management of the director to decide what is published.An active training plan for journalists serving the agrarian sector in the knowledge of the system and work developed by the CNSV should be developed, in a way that contributes to eliminating errors and the lack of arguments in communicating information related to the center..The use of the different media (flat press, radio, television, Internet and Web page) must be promoted in a balanced and convenient way, in order to achieve effective information on the CNSV system. Information must be objective and updated, so as to contribute to achieving the credibility of the information source (CNSV) to the public. The systematic information must be maintained,taking into account the impacts of messages already issued in the different media for the establishment of new communication actions. All information, whether economic, scientific-technical, productive, or other, has an ideological message that should correspond to the ideology of the Cuban Revolution. and contribute to the Battle of Ideas and the strengthening of Cuban identity and sovereignty. A critical attitude must be developed at all times in the face of the press and complaints of the press and the population and prompt and effective responses must be issued, as appropriate. facilitate the management of the press in the publication of the corresponding activity information, identifying the country's efforts and the results of the CNSV to increase food production and the quality of life of the population.

Overall objective

Contribute with effective and timely information from the CNSV to meet the information needs of the population, through the mass media.

Specific objectives

  • Guarantee the rapid access of journalists to the information sources of the CNSV and MINAG. Strengthen the CNSV's interrelation with the mass media. Guarantee the appropriate response that satisfies the complaints and disagreements of the population. Refine in the CNSV system a functional structure for the efficient attention to communication. Guarantee the training of cadres, specialists and journalists based on communication in the CNSV.

Ways and style for working with the public at the CNSV

The general forms and style to be developed in working with the public for the implementation of the Communication Strategy are described below.

Relations with the Mass Media.

The CNSV, through the press, will transmit the objectivity and legitimacy of the agrarian system, keeping the population up-to-date, especially the work and productive results of the sector, providing the necessary information that contributes to the formation of agrarian culture and the critical analysis of the problems that arise during the production process related to food production.

The CNSV, as a way or means to provide personalized attention through the MINAG to the public (internal and external), will rely on international protocol and ceremonial standards that govern the development of events, conferences and seminars, among other activities, providing the information required to guarantee the objectives proposed therein.

The CNSV will support the MINAG in the promotion and participation of the Mass Media in the different events held in the country, both national and international, to provide the public with adequate information on the activities carried out and the results of the organization..

The CNSV, through MINAG, will establish close communication in a systematic way with the mass media and journalists who attend to agricultural activities, whether for the flat, digital, radio or television press, which allows the continuity of information on the issues and their opportunity.

To guarantee work with the press, the CNSV will rely on the Register of Mass Media that the organization serves (Annex 1), as well as on the relationship of CNSV Officials identified with the work towards the mass media (Appendix 2). On the other hand, it will prioritize meetings for the training with the journalists who attend the agrarian activity and the personnel in general who attend the communication in the CNSV; as well as other officials, as the case may be, to provide the necessary information that contributes to updating knowledge about agricultural activities and maintaining the population with the appropriate levels of information (Annex 3).

Instruments and means for communication

Among the instruments and means that will continue to be used in communication, not only will the word be found as a direct form, but the use of texts (books, magazines, brochures, bulletins, folding documents and others), photographs, supports, will also play an important role. audiovisual, radio, radio bases, television, tele centers and digital media (Internet, Web Page), among others, which must be updated, improved and increased to meet the demands of internal and external audiences.

In order to strengthen the communication activity and achieve the efficiency indicated to the center, the system will improve its structure and operation, as well as its management, information and communication channels that will allow it to maintain the necessary articulation and achieve the agility that work with the public requires.

Organization and operation of the Communication in the CNSV:

To achieve the objectives proposed in the activity, the following structures and operations are proposed (Figs. 1 and 2), in which the Press Service directly subordinate to the CNSV is designed, which will be responsible for the implementation, control, monitoring and evaluation of the Communication strategy of the center. Likewise, she will act as coordinator between the different components of the CNSV system for both internal and external relations and will be the specific coordinator for the actions of the press that derive from the Directorate, Sub-directorates, Departments, Provincial Directorates and the Productive Base. The Press Service will ensure compliance with the internal regulations of the center related to communication (Annex 4).

  • Structure and Internal Functioning of the CNSV Communication.

The following figure identifies the structure and internal functioning, as well as the hierarchical level of Communication assigned to the center, showing the internal work relationships through the arrows.

  • Structure and External Functioning of the CNSV's Communication with the Press.

The structure and operation that the CNSV proposes to develop in order to achieve the proposed objectives of effectiveness in communication with the public is shown in the following figure, in which relations with the press are identified. In the case of relations with the Directorate, Sub-directorates, Departments and Provincial Directorates of Plant Health will be carried out through direct coordination with the Press Service by the center, prior coordination with the Institutional Communication Office of the Central Level of the Ministry.

Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Strategy

In order to carry out the monitoring and evaluation functions of the implementation of the Strategy, it is proposed to incorporate a Press Department, a person in charge of the same who, in addition to the functions described above, will be a facilitator for the development of the different communication activities foreseen in the action plan in the CNSV system.

Action Plan for the implementation of the CNSV Communication Strategy.

In Annex 5 the main actions for the implementation of the Strategy are presented, identifying those responsible, participants and compliance dates.

VII. Bibliography consulted.

  1. ----- Logos. Public Relations Manual 2003.----- Support material for communication consultancies. Compilation. AGRINFOR 2003.Bello, Z. Y Casales, J. (2002). General Psychology and Social Psychology… Calviño, M. (1999). Psychology and Marketing. Faculty of Psychology, Martínez, M. and Vázquez, M. (2004). Organizational Psychology I and II. Selection of readings..MINAG 2007. Strategic Plan to 2009. Havana, Cuba.Muchinsk, P. (1994). Psychology applied to work. Volume I and II… Piniella, M. (2007). The role of Public Relations in MINAG. Master's degree option thesis. University of Havana, Faculty of Communication, Rodríguez Castellón, S. (2003). Considerations on the transformations of the Cuban Agrarian Sector in the nineties. 8th Annual Cuban Economy Seminar. Presentations. Cuban Economics Studies Center.February 2003. Havana. Cuba.Rojos, M. (1995). Investigation methodology. Faculty of Psychology.
  1. Trelles, I. (2001). Organizational Communication. Compilation.Trelles, I. (2002). Theoretical-methodological bases for a proposal for a communication management model in organizations. Thesis in option to the degree of Doctor of Communication Sciences. Havana,

Record of the mass media serving the organization.

one. National AIN
two. ANAP
3. Granma International
Four. National Granma
5. Rebel Youth
6. Technical Youth / Portal Cuba Yes
7. Business in Cuba
8. NTV
9. Latin Press
10. Radio Habana Cuba
eleven. Radio Progreso
12. Rebel Radio
13. Radio clock
14. Radio Taíno
fifteen. Bohemian Magazine
16. Weekly Options
17. Workers


Officials identified with the work towards the mass media in the CNSV.


one director
two Deputy Director Quarantine and Plant Protection
3 Deputy Director Seed Inspection and Certification System
4 J´ Department of Internal Quarantine
5 Deputy Director Development and Technical Services


Training plan for journalists serving the CNSV's agricultural sector
Not. Action Date Responsable Participants
one Ø Update on the Organizational Structure, Mission, Vision, Functions, Strategic Objectives and other general aspects of the CNSV System January director


Technical assistant director.

Affected officials

Agrarian Journalists Circle

two Ø Plant health system, efficacy and sustainability of phytosanitary surveillance and integrated pest management in Cuba. March director



Affected officials

Agrarian Journalists Circle

3 Ø Update on training topics

Ø Strategy on protected and semi-protected crops as priority programs of MINAG

June director


Plant Protection Deputy Director

Officials affected.

Agrarian Journalists Circle

4 Ø Program to face drought.

Ø Climatic changes, affectations in Plant Health. Actions to counter it.

Sept.. director


Plant Protection Deputy Director

Affected officials

Agrarian Journalists Circle

5 Ø Seed production and its quality Nov. director


Seed Certification Deputy Director

Affected officials

Agrarian Journalists Circle

Annex 4

CNSV internal regulations related to communication.

  • The different sources for information to the press according to the different levels of the CNSV organization, will be designated by the Director of the entity, specific activity as appropriate, according to the levels of access, complexity of the information in question, the which will be declared in Annex 2 of this Strategy. The information that cannot be shared with the press at all levels will be:
    • Classified information included in the center's Internal List. Results in process not achieved in the development of the center's Priority Programs. Restricted information on pests, exotic diseases, and / or their effects on crops with an impact on agriculture. Information susceptible to patent regulated by the Cuban Industrial Property Office (OCPI) for these purposes.


Action plan for the implementation of the CNSV Communication Strategy

Not. Action Date Responsable Participants
one Presentation and approval of the Proposal of Strategy and Communication Structure in the Board of Directors of the CNSV 2007 CNSV Director Members and guests of the CNSV Board of Directors
two Implement the Strategy in the CNSV System

Ø Annual update.

2007 CNSV Director

Affected officials

3 Prepare files of the cadres and officials directly related to the communication activity in the CNSV 2007 CNSV Director

Affected officials

4 Prepare and update the Training Program and the journalists who attend the agrarian activity. Monthly CNSV Director

Esp. Training

5 Organize preparation activities with the designated specialists of the CNSV 2007 CNSV Director

CNSV training

6 Develop activities that promote the exchange of information with journalists who serve the agricultural sector, whether for the written press, radio or television, identifying the lines, topics and interests of journalists and the agricultural sector to communicate. Monthly CNSV Director

Deputy Directors

Affected officials

7 Prepare and control compliance with the Annual Work Plan with journalists who attend to agricultural activity. Monthly CNSV Director

Affected officials

8 Monitor and evaluate the actions planned in the implementation of the Strategy. Monthly CNSV Director Affected officials
9 Celebrate significant dates of both sectors that facilitate their full identification and connection. October Humberto Vázquez Affected officials
10 Registration and systematic analysis of the published works and the complaints of the population about the sector to keep MINAG's top management level updated and improve communication management with the public. Monthly CNSV Director Affected officials


CNSV work plan with journalists who attend to agricultural activity.

2007 - 2008

Not Press Conference and Interviews Date Responsable Participants
  • Information on the balance of the year and the objectives for the next year.
monthly CNSV Director CNSV

Journalists who attend agricultural activity

  • March of the different Priority Programs of the Ministry to increase the production of food destined for the population and for social consumption. State of economic indicators.
monthly CNSV Director CNSV

Journalists who attend agricultural activity

  • March of the tobacco campaign, current situation and perspective. Results of the potato campaign.
monthly CNSV Director CNSV

Journalists who attend agricultural activity

  • Preparation of Agriculture to face climatic adversities such as hurricanes and drought,
monthly CNSV Director CNSV

Journalists who attend agricultural activity

  • Current and future situation of urban agriculture. Participation of urban agriculture in the agricultural production of the country, areas dedicated to crops, personnel working in the sphere and prospects for development. Main results of urban agriculture in the country. Organic products and crops protected and semi protected
monthly CNSV Director CNSV

Journalists who attend agricultural activity

  • March of the specialized rice program. Movement of popular rice production. Current level of satisfaction of needs. Perspectives of self-sufficiency.Situation of plant health in this crop, particularly with the mite.
monthly CNSV Director CNSV

Journalists who attend agricultural activity

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Communication strategy of a Cuban entity in the agricultural sector